essential; important; crucial; vital; main
(not) in any way; in no way; at all; terribly; awfully; hopelessly
regrettable; disappointing; precious; dear; too good for; deserving better
sponsorship (i.e. conducting under one's auspices); promotion; organizing; organising; hosting; staging
preceptor or high priest (esp. in Zen or Pure Land Buddhism); preceptor or high priest (in Tendai or Kegon Buddhism); preceptor or high priest (in Shingon, Hosso, Ritsu or Shin Buddhism); second highest priestly rank in Buddhism; monk (esp. the head monk of a temple); master (of one's art, trade, etc.)
bonze; monk; monk's dwelling; boy; son; I; me
(someone else's) daughter
hospitalization; hospitalisation
to spoil; to ruin; to destroy; to make a mess of
filling (up) a hole; filling in (for a gap, vacancy, etc.); stopgap; making up (for a loss, damage, etc.); covering (a deficit); cloze deletion (test format)
settlement for a dispute (esp. one caused by an affront or blunder); money paid to settle a dispute
postbox; mailbox; post; position; post (e.g. goalpost); post- (e.g. post-Cold War)
et cetera; etc.; and the like; and so forth
(your) business; (your) concern; (customer's) order; official business (of the government, Imperial Court, etc.); arrest; capture
desperately; for one's dear life
plain; plateau; tableland
(somebody else's) parents; both parents
grandfather; male senior-citizen
address (e.g. of house); residence; domicile
to that extent; to that degree; so much; so
forcibly; against one's will
superficial; half-hearted; shallow
everyone; everybody; all; everything; all
grateful; thankful; welcome; appreciated; evoking gratitude
heavy; weighty; heavy (feeling); depressed; slow; sluggish; important (position, responsibility, etc.)
to disappear (of people or animals); to go (away); to leave; to no longer exist
previous time; last time; previous installment; previous instalment; previous session
to make amends; to compensate for; to make up for
departed spirit; soul of the dead; ghost; apparition
branch; bough; limb; twig; sprig; spray
reserve; spare; treasured; valued; (ace) up one's sleeve; trump
to bring; to take (something) along; to fetch; to get
to say something is all right; to give the all-clear (e.g. to do something)
stop bullshitting me; you're fucking kidding me; you're full of shit
thoroughly; completely; severely; harshly; (arch.) scattered; (arch.) disconnected
tail (animal); tail end; tip
exhausted; tired; withered; worn out; boiling until shapeless or mushy; tediously
central; main; just (done); freshly (baked); counter for consecutive losses
by sheer strength; by brute force
last; final; closing; last train (bus, flight, etc.; of the day)
by all rights; properly speaking; legally speaking
to draw the line (between two situations); to make a clear distinction; to make it clear where one stands; to take clear responsibility for (mistakes, etc.)