FrequencyTop 1000-1100
Kyōiku (2nd grade) 
KankenLevel 9
Composed of
both hands
Used in vocabulary (455 in total)
calculation; reckoning; count; forecast
estimate (of costs); budget
trying to think of a way (to); devising means (to); working out (how to do); contriving (to raise money); managing
prospects of victory; chances of success
calculation; self-interest; selfishness
settlement (financial); squaring accounts; liquidation; ending (a relationship); breaking up (with)
operation; calculation
conversion (e.g. yen to dollars); change; exchange; translation (numerical)
addition; adding; supplement
rough estimate; rough calculation; expectation; anticipation; plan
exact calculation; squaring of accounts; adjustment
calculation; computation
counting backwards; calculating backwards; inverse operation; reverse operation
not factored in; not included in calculations; unaccounted for; unplanned for
total; sum; aggregate
divining sticks; counting; calculation
to factor in; to take into account; to include in one's considerations
calculating; mercenary; selfish; self-interested
trial calculation; preliminary calculation; estimation
probability; likelihood
formula; equation; method of calculation; calculus
settlement of accounts; closing accounts; financial results; reporting (of accounts)
abacus; soroban; calculation (esp. of profit and loss); reckoning
calculator; computer
starting afresh; going back to square one; abandoning (e.g. a plan); clearing an abacus
mental arithmetic
approximation; rough estimate; ballpark figure
calculated; premeditated; considered
intention; plan; purpose; belief; assumption; thought
according to (one's) calculations; for the purpose of calculation
over-optimistic calculation; counting one's chickens before they're hatched
hope of success; prospects of success
Budget Committee (of the Upper and Lower Houses of the Diet); budget committee
calculation; estimation; computation
revised budget; supplementary budget
recalculation; recalculate
complete financial statement; summing up; concluding
low budget; low-budget
inscrutable stratagem; ingenious scheme
adding up; totalling; totaling
starting afresh; going back to square one; abandoning (e.g. a plan); clearing an abacus
to be profitable; to pay
calculated; premeditated; considered
budget compilation (by the Cabinet)
making a rough estimate in one's head; expectation; anticipation
to count on the abacus; to calculate cost-benefit; to calculate profitability; to be guided by self-interest
four arithmetic operations; basic arithmetic operations
financial statement; statement of accounts
supplementary budget
to count; to enumerate
calculating on paper; writing and arithmetic
fraudulent accounting; window-dressing settlement of accounts; creative accounting
calorie counting; calorie calculation
sticks used for calculations; divining rods
verification of accounts; checking figures; arithmetic check
counting one's chickens before they've hatched; (lit.) counting raccoon dog skins before they have been caught
mathematical formula; numerical expression
to curtail a budget
to be profitable; to pay
counting one's chickens before they've hatched; (lit.) counting raccoon dog skins before they have been caught
Japanese mathematics; mathematics developed in Japan
computation; calculation
estimation; rough calculation
arithmetic; algorithm
accounting period
statement of account
geometric progression; proliferation; multiplying like rats
to count on the abacus; to calculate cost-benefit; to calculate profitability; to be guided by self-interest
addition; adding up; integration; estimate; quantity survey
geometric progression; proliferation; multiplying like rats
calculation on an abacus
computational; tallying
calculation form; tally sheet
functional unit (e.g. in analog computing)
geometric progression; proliferation; multiplying like rats
electronic computer
complete budget
calculator; computer
counting on the abacus; cost-benefit calculation; profit calculation
request for budgetary appropriations
calculated; premeditated; considered
scraping together (a sum of money); raising (a sum of money) by straining one's credit
unprofitable department; loss-making division; loss-making segment
computational complexity
initial budget; original budget
reckoning from some position (e.g. point, date, etc.)
trial balance sheet
scholar of Japanese mathematics; expert of Japanese maths
numeric operation; numeric calculation
a self-supporting accounting system
settlement day; day of reckoning
factoring in; including
consolidated balance sheet
budgetary provision
structural calculation; structural analysis; seismic analysis; structural computation
adder (written); adding machine
votive tablet depicting a math puzzle given in devotion to a shrine or temple by a wasan mathematician
fare adjustment office
mathematical operation; calculation
logic operation; logical operation
monadic operator; unary operator
writing and arithmetic
relational operator; relation
multiplier (written)
omoiyari yosan; appreciation payment; financial support towards welfare benefits and allowances of U.S. forces stationed in Japan
Budget Committee of the lower house of the Diet
the three Rs; reading, writing and arithmetic
fare adjustment machine; ticket adjustment machine
computer (person who makes calculations)
heavy additional tax(ation)
automatic fare adjustment machine
starting afresh; going back to square one; abandoning (e.g. a plan); clearing an abacus
dropping below break-even point; (selling at) below cost
checking (e.g. result of calculation)
counting one's chickens before they've hatched; (lit.) counting raccoon dog skins before they have been caught
addition; adding up
obtaining the respective numbers of cranes and tortoises from the total of their heads and legs; calculating the values of two unknown quantities from their unit total and the total of one of their attributes
the Emperor's age
statement of accounts; bill
outside the budget
Western arithmetic
profitable basis; paying basis; economic basis
Budget Committee (of the Diet)
data processing system; computer system; computing system
operational precision
managing to find a way (to raise money, make ends meet, etc.); contriving
adjusting one's fare for riding past one's destination
non-electronic computer (i.e. person carrying out computation)
address computation
healthy profit; positive earnings
arithmetic expression
mercenary; calculative; greedy; commercial-minded; venal
counting one's chickens before they've hatched; (lit.) counting raccoon dog skins before they have been caught
Budget Committee of the upper house of the Diet
counting one's chickens before they've hatched; (lit.) counting raccoon dog skins before they have been caught
Budget Committee of the lower house of the Diet
inscrutable stratagem; ingenious scheme
rapid calculation
managing to find a way (to raise money, make ends meet, etc.); contriving
study of calculation (ritsuryo period); the way of calculation
computational chemistry (i.e. computer simulation of chemical phenomena); computer chemistry
calculating; miserly
method of learning through repetition which involves multiplying and other calculations carried out on a 10-by-10 grid of numbers
logic unit; arithmetic and logic unit; ALU
open account; running account; current account; mutual account
rough estimate; mental arithmetic
mercenary; calculative; greedy; commercial-minded; venal
computer program
assignment operator; substitution operator
calculated; premeditated; considered
counting one's chickens before they've hatched; (lit.) counting raccoon dog skins before they have been caught
counting one's chickens before they've hatched; (lit.) counting raccoon dog skins before they have been caught
counting one's chickens before they've hatched; (lit.) counting raccoon dog skins before they have been caught
verification of accounts; checking figures; arithmetic check
calculation on an abacus
to calculate; to divine
adder (written); adding machine
omoiyari yosan; appreciation payment; financial support towards welfare benefits and allowances of U.S. forces stationed in Japan
divination with rods; divining rods
managing to find a way (to raise money, make ends meet, etc.); contriving
mercenary; calculative; greedy; commercial-minded; venal
mercenary; calculative; greedy; commercial-minded; venal
adjusting one's fare for riding past one's destination
the figures add up; the calculation comes out right; to be profitable; to pay
method of learning through repetition which involves multiplying and other calculations carried out on a 10-by-10 grid of numbers
multiplier (spoken)
inside the computer
high-speed arithmetic unit (computer)
(computer) object
(computer) process
unconsolidated balance sheet; single-company balance sheet
outstanding (account)
percentage calculation
adjustor; liquidator
open account transaction
liquidation statement or account
rough or approximate calculation
Emperor's age
electronic calculator combined with a soroban
budget of padded (empty) figures
having the figures read aloud by another person; calculation by abacus
cumulative temperature
arithmetical computation; (performing) an arithmetical operation
liquidator (e.g. of a corporation)
foreign currency translation
budgetary request guidelines; ceiling for budget requests
ternary operator; conditional operator
austerity (belt-tightening) budget
Budget Committee of the upper house of the Diet
kanji "kettle lid" radical (radical 8)
longevity celebration (on one's 40th, 50th, 60th, etc. birthday)
sticks used for counting
divination (esp. one carried out with divination rods or sticks); diviner
binary arithmetic operation
pocket calculator; hand-held calculator
Boolean operation
pocket calculator; hand-held calculator
compute mode; operate mode
Arithmetic and Logic Unit; ALU
calculator with postfix notation logic; calculator with suffix notation logic; calculator with reverse-Polish notation logic
machine word; computer word
arithmetic unit; arithmetic logic unit; ALU
arithmetic statement
arithmetic instruction; arithmetic statement
iterative operation; automatic sequential operation
real-time operation (e.g. in analog computing)
complementary operation
monadic operation; unary operation
equivalence operation; IF-AND-ONLY-IF operation; IFF
destructive addition
exclusion; NOT-IF-THEN operation
non-equivalence operation; EXCLUSIVE-OR operation
reflectance calculation
iterative operation; automatic sequential operation
non-equivalence operation; EXCLUSIVE-OR operation
complementary operation
no operation instruction; no op
significant digit arithmetic
corporation in liquidation
binary operation; dyadic operation
verbal arithmetic; alphametic; cryptarithmetic; cryptarithm; word addition
additional tax charged for not filing one's return on time
secure computation; secure computing
Examples (63 in total)
I have gone astray somewhere in my calculations.
Can you compute the distance of the moon from the earth?
I beg to point out that your calculation is wrong.