state of mind
FrequencyTop 100
Kyōiku (1st grade) 
Shinjitai ?
KankenLevel 10
Old form
Composed of

If you inhale a lot of nasty vapors you'll collapse to the floor, your eyes will turn into crosses like in a cartoon (X_X) and you'll lose your current state of mind.

Used in vocabulary (1859 in total)
feeling; sensation; preparedness; readiness; thought; sentiment
spirit; mind; nature; disposition; motivation; intention
lively; full of spirit; energetic; healthy; well; fit
to feel (as if); to have a feeling (that); to have a hunch (that); to feel like doing; to want to do
to notice; to recognize; to recognise; to become aware of; to perceive; to realize
to weigh on one's mind; to bother one; to be interested (in); to be curious (about); to feel like (doing); to feel inclined to
air; atmosphere; mood; situation; someone with no presence; someone who doesn't stand out at all
feeling; mood
to mind (negative nuance); to care about; to worry; to pay undue (amount of) attention to (something)
seriousness; earnestness; truth; sanctity
atmosphere; mood; a certain air; presence; (Earth's) atmosphere
(I) think (that); (I) have a feeling (that); (I) fancy (that)
in one go; in one gulp; in one breath; immediately; instantly; right away
coolness; calmness; composure; all right; fine; OK
to like; to be pleased with; to be delighted with; to take a liking to; to suit one's fancy
to be careful; to pay attention; to take care
seeming; giving the appearance of; giving one the feeling of
illness (usu. excluding minor ailments, e.g. common cold); disease; bad habit; bad behaviour; crazy; insane
popularity; public favor; condition (e.g. market); tone; character
to notice; to recognize; to recognise; to become aware of; to perceive; to realize
indication; sign; hint; tone (of the market)
to notice; to become aware; to be scrupulous; to be attentive; to recover consciousness; to come to oneself
courage; bravery; valour; valor; nerve; boldness
willingness (e.g. to do something); eagerness; motivation; inspiration; determination; high aspirations
not caring; not giving a damn
sensation; feeling; tendency; propensity
good feeling; feeling good
good feeling; feeling good
bad feeling; feeling bad; disagreeable; unpleasant; revolting; gross
to notice; to become aware; to be scrupulous; to be attentive; to recover consciousness; to come to oneself
in one's imagination
unpleasant; awkward; embarrassing; uneasy
weird; ominous; eerie; uncanny; ghastly
to be careful; to pay attention; to take care
not feeling like doing ...; having no mind to ...; being in no mood for ...; having no intention of ...
electricity; (electric) light
innocent; simple-minded
faint; swoon
to worry about (someone's welfare or comfort); to feel anxious about; to have apprehensions of
carefree; comfortable; at ease; easygoing; happy-go-lucky
impertinent; saucy; cheeky; impudent; audacious; cocky
to pay attention to another's needs; to attend to; to fuss about; to take into consideration
willpower; energy; vitality
favorite; favourite; pet (e.g. teacher's pet); bookmark (in web browser)
consideration; concern; fear; worry; solicitude
don't worry about it; forget about it
extramarital sex; affair; fooling around; infidelity; wantonness; unfaithfulness
weather; the elements; fair weather; fine weather
casual; unconcerned; nonchalant
never mind!; don't worry about it
sanity; consciousness; soberness
carefree; buoyant; lighthearted; ease
to lose consciousness; to faint; to black out
thirst for blood; bloodlust; determination to kill
steam; vapour; vapor
pitiful; unfortunate; poor; unpardonable; regrettable
(fighting) spirit; motivation; shout (for getting in the right mood to deal with something, etc.); cheer; kiai; short shout when performing an attacking move
madness; insanity
cheerful; jovial; weather; season; spirit of yang
to feel like it; to get to think that way; to become so minded
whim; caprice; whimsy; fickle; moody; uneven temper
to weigh on one's mind; to trouble one's heart; to be concerned about; to worry about
to be affected; to put on airs; to act like (something one isn't); to pretend to be
to lose focus; to let one's mind wander; to relax one's attention
to be satisfied; to find peace of mind; to feel good
colouring; coloring; sex appeal (esp. of women); sexiness; interest in the opposite sex; sexual feelings; charm
sleepiness; drowsiness
atmosphere; air; magnanimity; generosity
embarrassed; feeling ashamed; feeling awkward
to pay attention to another's needs; to attend to; to fuss about; to take into consideration
to pull oneself together; to collect oneself (after a failure); to regain control (of oneself)
chill; the shivers; shivering fit; cold; coldness; cold air
air temperature
what one has a mind to do; what one feels like (doing); being so minded; (with) that in mind
heat; hot air; enthusiasm; excitement; fever
confident; assured; self-assured; bullish (e.g. market)
timid; weak-kneed; fainthearted; bearish (e.g. market)
before I knew it; next thing you know; when I came to
true character; true heart; true spirit
relaxed; familiar; easy to access; friendly
to have one's attention attracted (caught); to be preoccupied with
energy; vigour; vigor; liveliness; spirit; life
feel sick; feel unwell
ill will; malice; evil intent
interest; eagerness; enthusiasm
to have an interest (in something); to feel inclined (toward doing something)
to fall ill; to be taken ill
business conditions; the market; good (economic) times; prosperity; liveliness; energy
feeling; sensation; preparedness; readiness; thought; sentiment
good feeling; feeling good
(fighting) spirit; motivation; shout (for getting in the right mood to deal with something, etc.); cheer; kiai; short shout when performing an attacking move
cold; chill; cold weather; cold wave; cold air
admirable; commendable; praiseworthy; laudable; brave; heroic
nausea; sickness in the stomach
life; vitality; verve; vigor; vigour; animation
to be overawed; to be overpowered; to lose the mental battle
worry; anxiety; concern
morale (of troops, team, etc.); esprit de corps
not feeling like doing ...; having no mind to ...; being in no mood for ...; indifferent; half-hearted; dispirited
to feel awkward; to feel ashamed; to feel inferior; to feel shy (about doing something)
(stand to) attention!; standing at attention
change of pace; change of mood; (mental) break (e.g. going for a walk); refreshment
blood (in one's face, cheeks, etc.); colour; color; hot-bloodedness; hotheadedness; impulsive temperament
popular person; favorite; favourite
flushing (of one's cheeks); dizziness; rush of blood to the head
disposition; temperament; nature; mentality; spirit; character
cold; short; curt; blunt
carefree; optimistic; careless; reckless; heedless; happy-go-lucky
spirit; heart; disposition
to go pale; to grow pale; to lose color; to turn white
to brace oneself; to focus one's energies; to focus one's mind
to summon courage; to be brave
to like; to prefer; to be pleased by
to read the situation; to sense the mood
to get along (with someone); to be like-minded; to be congenial
to pay attention; to be watchful
to fire oneself up; to give it one's all; to get psyched; to fire someone up (with scolding, corporal punishment, etc.); to rouse
sublime; noble; high-minded
friendly; openhearted; sociable; amiable; good-humored; good-humoured
fine weather; fair weather
unable to stomach; sticking in one's throat; displeased with
stout-hearted; firm; courageous; brave; tough
to weigh on one's mind; to be worried about (something)
spirit; soul; drive; vigor; vigour
to make a serious effort
to be sensible; to be smart; to be tasteful; to be thoughtful; to be tactful; to be sensitive
spirit; drive; vigour; ambition; aspiration
anger; wrath
very popular; highly favoured
to change one's mind
feeling good; feeling at ease; feeling easy
unpleasant; uncomfortable; creepy; spooky
to be taken aback; to be astonished; to be dumbfounded
to be enthusiastic about; to be eager; to be keen
to fire oneself up; to give it one's all; to get psyched; to fire someone up (with scolding, corporal punishment, etc.); to rouse
to lose heart; to lose interest; to lose motivation; to become stale (i.e. of a carbonated beverage); to go flat; to lose flavor
triumphant; exultant; in high and proud spirits
steam; vapour; vapor; steamboat; steam locomotive
to be taken aback; to be astonished; to be dumbfounded
to worry (about); to fret (over); to be anxious
timid; fainthearted
miasma; noxious form of "bad air" formerly believed to cause diseases
creepy (feeling); uneasy (feeling); bad (feeling); giving one the creeps; hideous; scaring
to feel like; to feel inclined to do
gloomy; dismal; miserable; spirit of yin
disposition; temperament; temper; nature
not at all; don't worry about it; forget about it
patience; perseverance; persistence; tenacity; energy
sensible; clever; smart; decent; tasteful
affectation; pretension
constraint; reserve; feeling hesitant; being afraid of troubling someone
elegance; refinement; grace; aroma
to faint; to lose consciousness; to feel overwhelmed; to be astounded
awareness; realization
unsatisfying; disappointing; abrupt; not enough; too quick; too short
strong spirit; mettle; backbone; guts; fighting spirit
creepy (feeling); uneasy (feeling); bad (feeling); giving one the creeps; hideous; scaring
wearisome; insipid; dull; irksome; wretched; vain
showing no signs of; there being no hint of; (arch.) unthinkable
to take seriously; to believe in; to fall for
indifferent; half-hearted; dispirited; listless
to attract someone's attention; to arouse someone's interest; to sound someone out; to try to find out someone's true feelings; to (discreetly) probe someone's thoughts
moisture; humidity; dampness
ardor; enthusiasm
to drink in one gulp
to take offense (at); to take offence (at); to feel hurt (by)
to steel oneself to; to brace oneself
weather; temper; mood
to be inclined to do; to be willing to do
insipid; flat; dull; lifeless; listless
to be self-complacent; to be conceited; to flatter oneself; to be full of oneself
depressed; bummed out; down; heavy-hearted; heavy-spirited; feeling reluctant (to do)
to get worked up; to be eager (enthusiastic); to rouse oneself
languid; listless
being somewhat excited (agitated)
before I knew it; next thing you know; when I came to
brimming with health (vigor, vigour); full of vitality; full of health
to use tact; to exercise discretion; to be tactful; to be thoughtful; to have the sense (to do); to take a hint
laid-back; carefree; easygoing; thoughtless; happy-go-lucky
to go mad; to go crazy; to go insane
to hurt one's feelings; to rub someone the wrong way
maliciousness; ill will; noxious gas; (arch.) (vengeful) ghost; (arch.) specter
easygoing; optimistic; conceited
recreation; diversion; relaxation
diffidence; losing one's nerve; feeling awkward; feeling timid; being daunted
mere consolation; temporary peace of mind
to be bloodcurdling; to be ghastly
sign of life; human presence; humanity; humaneness
to feel nauseous
strong-willed; strong of heart
to let one's guard down
to have a certain mood or feeling; to have a hunch
water content; moisture; water vapor (vapour); steam; dropsy; edema
hard to please; moody; crusty; fastidious
tone; manner of speaking
I am sorry (to hear, to say, etc.); a pity
spirit; disposition
to feel uplifted; to be cheered up; to hearten; to be inspired; to be energized
languid; listless
discouraged; dispirited; despondent
short-tempered; quick-tempered; hasty
bad-feeling; disagreeable; unpleasant; revolting; gross; disgusting
short temper; quick temper; hot temper; impatience; irritability
weird; eerie; uncanny
casual; doing something without taking it too seriously
to like; to be pleased with; to be delighted with; to take a liking to; to suit one's fancy
carefree; optimistic; careless; reckless; heedless; happy-go-lucky
weird; disgusting; sickening
totally willing; fully motivated
to pep up; to cheer up
inadvertently; for no special reason; truthfully; unexpectedly; after realizing; without knowing
hit it off with (a person); find a kindred spirit in (a person); sympathy; mutual understanding
(stand to) attention!; standing at attention
all out; like hell; like crazy; desperately; (lit.) expecting to die
weather forecast; weather report
to be satisfied; to find peace of mind; to feel good
willful; wilful; selfish; carefree; do-as-you-please; freewheeling
care; attentiveness; attention; consideration (for others); solicitude
to feel depressed; to be down
showing no sign (of)
feel good (pleasant)
to (keep in) mind; to give heed to; to pay attention to
water vapour; water vapor; steam
to be seething (with anger); to be frenzied; to be menacing; to be murderous
bad smell; stink
strong-willed; strong of heart
to relax one's mind; to feel relaxed; to become remiss; to cease paying careful attention
to strain or exert oneself; to go all out
nonchalant; unconcerned; in a casual manner
to lose one's mind; to go crazy; to lose one's senses; to lose consciousness
to encourage; to cheer
unable to stomach; sticking in one's throat; displeased with
apathy; lassitude; lethargy; languor
it serves you (him) right; it's what you (he) deserves
fear; dread; fright; willies
interest (in something); enthusiasm
to weigh on one's mind; to trouble one's heart; to be concerned about; to worry about
timid; faint of heart
shy; bashful; timid; reserved
patient; unhurried; leisurely
depressed in spirits; dispirited; disheartened; rejection
to be seized with fear; to be intimidated; to lose one's nerve; to be frightened; to get cold feet; to chicken out
to read too much into things; to get wrong ideas by letting one's imagination run wild; to have a groundless suspicion
to get distracted; to jump off the track
to pay attention to another's needs; to attend to; to fuss about; to take into consideration
keep up your strength; chin up!
eagerness; enthusiasm; fervor; excitement; fighting spirit; fighting mood
delusion; trick of the imagination
exhaled air; exhalation; expiration
courageous; brave; bold; valiant
night air; stillness of night; cool evening
fighting spirit
atmospheric pressure
poisonous air; poisonous gas; poisonous ingredient; poisonous nature; malice; spite
putting on a brave face; put-on cheeriness; pretending one is fine; show of courage; bravado; Dutch courage
to be attentive to small details; to be attentive to others (or others' concerns); to have one's mind turn groundlessly to something negative
to be tired of; to be sick of; to get fed up with
laid-back; carefree; easygoing; thoughtless; happy-go-lucky
proud; elated
to be seized with fear; to be intimidated; to lose one's nerve; to be frightened; to get cold feet; to chicken out
fervour; fervor; vigour; vigor; ardour; ardor
economic slump; hard times; poor (business); dull; gloomy; cheerless
(mind and) spirit; life energy; vitality; essence
delightful; satisfying; gratifying; brisk; piquant
anxiously; with anxious looks; with anxiety
to relax one's efforts; to let up; to let one's guard down
ghostly air; weird air; unearthly atmosphere
to be taken aback; to be dumbfounded
to be wrought up; to be on edge; to get irritated; to get excited (about); to be unsettled
weather; climate; disposition; temperament
feel good (pleasant)
to have (the) courage (to); to be courageous
worry; care; anxiety; mental exhaustion
not feeling like doing ...; having no mind to ...; being in no mood for ...; having no intention of ...
don't feel like doing; can't bring oneself to do; can't face
to become popular; to grow in popularity; to catch on
to be discouraged; to be disheartened
plain; unaffected; natural; unpretentious; frank; candid
to feel nauseated; to feel sick
to get encouraged; to become heightened in spirits; to recover one's strength
awareness; realization
to lose composure; to be upset; to be flurried; to lose one's head (through shock)
unpleasant feeling
to be tired of; to be sick of; to get fed up with
atmospheric current; air current; airflow
coward; sissy; weakling; loser; milquetoast; good-for-nothing
to feel refreshed; to feel more cheerful; to feel better
sign; indication
timid; faint of heart
feeling uneasy; very worried; very anxious; on tenterhooks; on pins and needles
feel uneasy; on tenterhooks; in suspense; on pins and needles
gas; vapour; vapor; gaseous body
mental fatigue; worry; boredom
pride; haughtiness
atmosphere (esp. of a place or person); mood; vibe; ambience
to worry about (someone's welfare or comfort); to feel anxious about; to have apprehensions of
to worry; to fret; to get anxious
temper; disposition
putting on a brave face; put-on cheeriness; pretending one is fine; show of courage; bravado; Dutch courage
to pay no heed to; to not care about; to take no notice of
feeling uneasy; very worried; very anxious; on tenterhooks; on pins and needles
to restore one's energy; to restore one's spirits; to recharge one's batteries
chugging (a glassful of) a drink in one go
harmonious; peaceful; congenial; friendly; happy
character; traits; ethos
self-respect; self-confidence; guts; backbone; pride; drive
to erase all trace of something
passionate; hot-blooded; full of vitality
cheerful; buoyant; lighthearted
to raise one's voice; to lift one's voice; to speak emphatically
free; unfettered; according to one's own whims; doing as one likes
feel good (pleasant)
for peace of mind
to be pleased; to be in a good mood
honest; respectable; respectable occupation (i.e. not yakuza, prostitute, etc.); person in a respectable occupation
to become animated; to liven up; to become active
to contract a disease
whim; caprice; whimsy; fickle; moody; uneven temper
determined spirit; unyielding spirit; will
irritating; annoying; tedious (work, person, etc.); boring; depressing; dark (e.g. story)
to feel sorry (for, that); to regret (that); to feel pity; to sympathize
earth (color, colour); ashen; deathly pale
static electricity
(I) think (that); (I) have a feeling (that); (I) fancy (that)
determined spirit; unyielding spirit; will
to be distracted from feelings of depression, boredom, tension, etc.
consideration; concern; fear; worry; solicitude
unintentionally; inadvertently; calmly; casually; nonchalantly; innocently
(air) bubble (esp. in a liquid)
vague; faint; dim; indistinct; hazy; blurry
short-tempered; quick-tempered; hasty
putting life into; animating; cheering up
impudence; cheekiness; impertinence
immature; childish
paying no heed to; not caring about; taking no notice of
to grow angry; to display one's anger
adulterous partner (in a relationship); adulterous lover
(Japanese) Meteorological Agency; JMA
chivalrous spirit; chivalry
qi; mysterious life force that makes up everything; spirits; mind; divine atmosphere; mysterious presence
one breath; chug!; drink!
with gusto; with wild abandon; enthusiastically; energetically
irritating; annoying; tedious (work, person, etc.); boring; depressing; dark (e.g. story)
vigor; vigour; ardor; ardour; high spirits
to be pleased; to be in a good mood
to come around to do; to become inclined to do; to get excited about; to take an interest
mysterious presence; mysterious atmosphere; aura of mystery
respiratory tract; air duct
hard to please; moody; crusty; fastidious
affectation; showiness; pretence
-like; -looking; -looked; tending to ...
bosom (buddy); trusted (friend)
youthful indiscretion; youthful enthusiasm; youthful excess
not care; not caring
ghastly; dreadful
speaking fondly about one's sweetheart (spouse, girlfriend, etc.); going on about one's love affairs
to weigh on one's mind; to be worried about (something)
fine weather; fair weather
balloon; blimp
disposition; nature
affected; smug; pompous; conceited; snobby; pretentious
harmonious; peaceful; congenial; friendly; happy
weird; disgusting; sickening
seriously; in earnest; for real; all out; really; with a will
unable to read the situation; unable to pick up on the mood (e.g. of a conversation)
generously; liberally; magnanimously
to consider others' feelings; to sympathize with somebody's feelings
my sympathies; that's too bad; my condolences
weird; ominous; eerie; uncanny; ghastly
worry; anxiety; concern
to feel under pressure; to feel impatient; to be in a hurry
to (keep in) mind; to give heed to; to pay attention to
carefree; optimistic; careless; reckless; heedless; happy-go-lucky
pleasant feeling; good feeling
cheater; unfaithful person; adulterer
proud; boastful; bragging; conceited
quick-tempered; having little patience; impatient
according to (depending on) the mood of the moment; as one's fancy dictates
to be seething (with anger); to be frenzied; to be menacing; to be murderous
cheerfully; spiritedly; vigorously; lively
fate; fortune
delightful; satisfying; gratifying; brisk; piquant
ventilation fan; extractor fan
vaporization; vaporisation; evaporation
readiness; preparedness; attitude; kanji "vapor" radical
young and energetic; up-and-coming
unable to read the situation; unable to pick up on the mood of a conversation
to pep up; to cheer up
dissatisfied-looking; looking discontented
keeping oneself awake; fighting off drowsiness; method for keeping oneself awake
care of (e.g. address on letter); c/o; encouragement; bringing around; stimulant; tonic
to go on about (one's love affairs); to speak proudly of (one's spouse, girlfriend, etc.); to speak fondly of
amiable; affable
crazy deed; unbelievable deed; the height of madness; act of sheer madness
exhaust; emission (of gas from an engine); expulsion (of air); ventilation
delightful; satisfying; gratifying; brisk; piquant
sentiment; feeling
brimming with health (vigor, vigour); full of vitality; full of health
to be elegant; to be graceful; to be refined
to go mad; to go crazy; to lose one's mind
electric utility expense
to worry; to fret; to get anxious
(moral) backbone; spirit; soul; grit
slight cold; bit of a cold; touch of a cold; lingering cold
to become sexually aware; to awaken to sex
low (atmospheric) pressure; low-pressure system; depression; bad temper; foul mood; tense situation
feeling restless; feeling nervous; fidgety; distracted
self-willed; (doing or saying things) to suit one's own convenience; oblivious to the convenience of others
not feeling like doing ...; having no mind to ...; being in no mood for ...; indifferent; half-hearted; dispirited
exhaust fumes
generous; big-hearted
finishing writing, work, etc. at a stroke (stretch); knocking something off without a break
madness; madman; enthusiast; freak; junkie
ascending air current; updraft; upward trend; rise in popularity, influence, etc.
to go crazy; to lose one's mind
exhaust sound; exhaust note
to feel guilty; to suffer from a guilty conscience; to feel uneasy; to have qualms about; to have scruples about; to feel regret
to induce sleep; to cause drowsiness
sign of life; human presence; humanity; humaneness
to suspect; to sense
to distract
being taken aback; state of shock; dumbfoundedness
attentive; scrupulous; tactful; tasteful; smart
seeming sad
to feel awkward; to feel ashamed; to feel inferior; to feel shy (about doing something)
to be sensible; to be smart; to be tasteful; to be thoughtful; to be tactful; to be sensitive
constrained; uncomfortable; awkward
sensible; clever; smart; decent; tasteful
to get damp; to get moist; to get soggy; to become humid
to pay no heed to; to not care about; to take no notice of
lavish; profuse
being on the ropes; losing ground
easygoing; optimistic; conceited
lighten up!; cheer up!
proneness to being ill; being sick a lot; proneness to disease
spineless; backboneless; timid; cowardly; weak-kneed
don't do anything rash!; keep composed!
timid; faint-hearted; wimpish
to distract a person's attention
(degree of) seriousness; level of commitment
source of fire; sign of fire; warmth of fire; heat
elegant; graceful; refined
unable to stomach; sticking in one's throat; displeased with
cheerfully; spiritedly; vigorously; lively
constraint; reserve; feeling hesitant; being afraid of troubling someone
cold; short; curt; blunt
patient; having a long fuse
spirit; soul; drive; vigor; vigour
dislike; disgust; disinclination; tired of
good times; boom; (wave of) prosperity
great; grand; (arch.) obstinate; (arch.) stubborn
childishness; naivete
electric appliance store; electrician
to pull oneself together; to focus one's mind; to brace oneself; to gird up one's loins
trend; tendency; momentum
lavish; profuse
liquor smell; tipsiness
to strain every nerve; to feel nervous
pale; bloodless
female presence
spirit of a true artisan; (a craftsman's) pride in one's work
quick-tempered; impatient
breathing; breath
to have (the) courage (to); to be courageous
maximum temperature; highest temperature; (today's) high
air-permeability; breathability
madness; madman; enthusiast; freak; junkie
paying no heed to; not caring about; taking no notice of
prone to adultery; flirtatious
single-minded (esp. personality or person); one-track mind
steamship; steamboat; steamer
to hurt one's feelings; to rub someone the wrong way
unable to understand (reason, motive, etc.)
bid for popularity; publicity stunt
summer heat; hot weather; (arch.) heatstroke
pleasant feeling; good feeling
to becalm one's feelings; to compose oneself
unintentionally; inadvertently; calmly; casually; nonchalantly; innocently
breathing exercise; breath control; spirit cultivation; chi kung; qigong
to encourage; to cheer
one's frame of mind; way one looks at things
to encourage someone to expect something; to raise someone's hopes
fickle; capricious; inconstant; changeable; whimsical
care of (e.g. address on letter); c/o; encouragement; bringing around; stimulant; tonic
unpleasant; uncomfortable; creepy; spooky
mentality; mood; sentiment; fretfulness; tedium; irritation
cool; cool-looking; refreshing to look at
seeming lonely
boastful talk about one's love life; speaking fondly about one's sweetheart; going on about one's love affairs
to be affected; to put on airs; to act like (something one isn't); to pretend to be
to feel gloomy; to feel blue; to feel melancholy
boisterous merrymaking; racket; spree
to relax; to take it easy
take care; take good care of yourself
festive mood; holiday mood; festive atmosphere
to use tact; to exercise discretion; to be tactful; to be thoughtful; to have the sense (to do); to take a hint
anxiously; with anxious looks; with anxiety
young and sweet; adorable; cute; pitiful; touching; pathetic
fire; trace of fire; heat of fire; force of a fire
diffidence; losing one's nerve; feeling awkward; feeling timid; being daunted
in one's senses; sane
vent; ventilation opening
somewhat reserved (diffident); shyly; timidly; retiringly; in a retiring (reserved) manner
(air) turbulence; turbulent air
in one's imagination
to use tact; to exercise discretion; to be tactful; to be thoughtful; to have the sense (to do); to take a hint
gloom; mental depression
to hurt one's feelings; to rub someone the wrong way
desk lamp; floor lamp; standard lamp
in high spirits; elated
to contract a disease
sickness and health start with the mind
bronchial tube
electric water boiler; thermo pot; hot water dispenser
inhalation (of air); inhaled air; intake (e.g. of air)
to get damp; to get moist; to get soggy; to become humid
at one's fancy (whim)
great wisdom; excellent disposition; strength (to face something); willpower; vigor
sign; indication; trace; somehow; for some reason; seeming to be
meteorological observatory
celebrating recovery from illness
warmth; warm weather
timid; faint-hearted; wimpish
feeling great (refreshed)
dispiritedness; dejection; languor; becoming flat (e.g. beer, carbonated drinks); becoming stale
mental illness; emotional disorder
showing no signs of; there being no hint of; (arch.) unthinkable
to pay attention; to be watchful
restless; fidgety; fussy
to diminish (dampen) the spirit
to pull oneself together; to collect oneself (after a failure); to regain control (of oneself)
not in one's right mind; insane
to go mad; to go crazy; to lose one's mind
to become conscious; to recover one's senses; to snap out of it
pitiful; unfortunate; poor; unpardonable; regrettable
courage; ardour; high spirits
to attract someone's attention; to arouse someone's interest; to sound someone out; to try to find out someone's true feelings; to (discreetly) probe someone's thoughts
to go into labor; to go into labour
disfavor; disfavour; disinheritance
high spirits; boastful talk
high spirits; boastful talk
constrained; uncomfortable; awkward
to do in earnest; to concentrate on; to apply one's mind to
indifferent; half-hearted; dispirited; listless
to brace oneself; to keep one's spirits up; to keep one's composure; to pull oneself together; to stay strong
affected (appearance, attitude); stuck up; pompous; self-loving
to feel guilty; to suffer from a guilty conscience; to feel uneasy; to have qualms about; to have scruples about; to feel regret
mixture; impurities
pale; bloodless
electric car; electric vehicle
to be mad; to go mad; to go insane
to make a good showing
to be distracted
air vent (hole)
high (atmospheric) pressure; high-pressure system; anticyclone
ventilation; airflow
to be overawed; to be overpowered; to lose the mental battle
cold; short; curt; blunt
to be seized with fear; to be intimidated; to lose one's nerve; to be frightened; to get cold feet; to chicken out
putting life into; animating; cheering up
old-fashioned way of thinking; old-fashioned spirit; old-fashioned
to be distracted from feelings of depression, boredom, tension, etc.
disposition; nature
light-hearted; carefree
to feel depressed; to be down
to be engrossed; to be enthralled
youthful impetuosity; youthful vitality
nose for profit; commercial spirit; flair for making money through business
to become animated; to liven up; to become active
with gusto; with wild abandon; enthusiastically; energetically
bad-tempered; aggressive; quarrelsome
to say things to ease one's mind
tending to anemia; being somewhat anemic
small token of one's sentiments; just slightly; only a bit
plump; rather overweight
air pressure (of tires)
to be dispirited; to be dejected; to be disheartened; to lose heart
chivalrous spirit; chivalry
bad-tempered; aggressive; quarrelsome
being good at thoughtfulness for others; thoughtful and considerate person
air pump; bicycle pump
willful; wilful; selfish; carefree; do-as-you-please; freewheeling
aiki (principle that allows a conditioned practitioner to negate or redirect an opponent's power)
popular spot; popular place; popular location
air gun; air rifle
to get along (with someone); to be like-minded; to be congenial
outside Earth's atmosphere; outer space; exoatmosphere; exo-atmosphere
harmonious atmosphere
to be horrified; to be filled with trepidation; to shake with fright; to yield to terror
to fire oneself up; to give it one's all; to get psyched; to fire someone up (with scolding, corporal punishment, etc.); to rouse
reluctant to; not inclined to; disinclined; unwilling
determination; esprit de corps
tacit understanding; connection (of thoughts); collusion; blood vessel
euphoric mood; exuberant mood
fickle; inconstant; capricious; having many romantic interests
occupations dependent on public favor (favour)
to aerate; to air
to fire oneself up; to give it one's all; to get psyched; to fire someone up (with scolding, corporal punishment, etc.); to rouse
to relax one's efforts; to let up; to let one's guard down
total fire ban; no source of ignition permitted; no open flame; flammables!
weather (meteorology) information
fashion-consciousness; desire to be stylish; humor; humour; wit
restorative; smelling salts
male presence
unpleasant; awkward; embarrassing; uneasy
embarrassed; feeling ashamed; feeling awkward
quick-wittedness; tact
to fret; to worry
being sick and tired (of); being fed up (with); having one's fill (of)
at the height (peak) of one's popularity
mentality; mood; sentiment; fretfulness; tedium; irritation
to speak energetically; to talk big; to argue heatedly
electric kettle
to ease up; to relax attention
vent; vent hole; air hole
meaningful; suggestive; telling; significant; pregnant (pause etc.)
fine weather; splendid weather
(engine) displacement
fine weather; fair weather
dull; uninteresting; boring; drab
spirited; energetic
to distract oneself; to take one's mind off one's worries
electricity charges; power rates
popular (hit) program (programme)
to feel more like (a certain mood)
antsy; agitated; irritated; anxious; vexed
pleasant feeling; good feeling
to be overwhelmed; to be overawed
affectation; pretension
to animate; to liven up; to cheer up
to feel under pressure; to feel impatient; to be in a hurry
affectation; showiness; pretence
heat; warmth; sultriness
raising morale; lifting of morale
nausea; sickness in the stomach
coward; sissy; weakling; loser; milquetoast; good-for-nothing
extremely healthy; lively; in good spirits
fair words fill not the belly; food before romance
cheating heart; temptation to cheat on one's partner
sturdy spirit; bold; daring; brave; valiant; undaunted
geomagnetism; terrestrial magnetism
young and cheeky; brash; sassy
to feel uplifted; to be cheered up; to hearten; to be inspired; to be energized
reek of desperation; feeling of desperation
to be seized with fear; to be intimidated; to lose one's nerve; to be frightened; to get cold feet; to chicken out
sturdy spirit; bold; daring; brave; valiant; undaunted
to tie one on; to get drunk
quite unconcerned; nonchalant
to get encouraged; to become heightened in spirits; to recover one's strength
freely; generously; liberally; ungrudgingly; unsparingly
metallic taste; taste of iron
economic comeback (rebound, recovery, turnaround)
frantically; maddeningly; to distraction
sleepiness; drowsiness
relaxed; familiar; easy to access; friendly
lavish; profuse
pep-up; reassurance; pick-me-up; restorative; energizer
restless; fidgety; fussy
easy to get on with; not needing reserve or formality; personable; affable; approachable
to be overwhelmed; to be overawed
to be distracted
within Earth's atmosphere; inner space
palsy; paralysis; every second solar term (occurring in the latter half of each month)
full of energy; full of liveliness; full of pep
minimum temperature; lowest temperature; (today's) low
fear; dread; fright; willies
fickle; having many romantic interests
inspire someone with fresh courage; with redoubled courage
quick-witted; a flash of brilliance; great wisdom
putting on a brave face; put-on cheeriness; pretending one is fine; show of courage; bravado; Dutch courage
reassuring; stouthearted
weird; eerie; uncanny
full of energy; full of liveliness; full of pep
embarrassed; feeling ashamed; feeling awkward
snob; affected person
to be enthusiastic about; to be eager; to be keen
sun shower; sudden rain from a blue sky
to look mad; to act nuts; to seem crazy
dense fog; dense mist; feeling depressed
patiently; with perseverance
short-tempered; quick-tempered; impatient; hasty; rash
charm (e.g. of an innocent child); lovable nature
interest; eagerness; enthusiasm
to like; to prefer; to be pleased by
to be overawed; to be overpowered; to lose the mental battle
breadth of mind; generosity; magnanimity
short-tempered; quick-tempered; impatient; hasty; rash
the feeling between (new) lovers
air chair; wall sit; exercise mimicking sitting in a chair; chain of people sitting on each other's laps
in high spirits
to capture public interest; to enjoy popularity
mountain air
to have secret communication with; to have a tacit understanding with
mark of liveliness; sign of activity
generously; liberally; magnanimously
worry; anxiety; concern
to gather momentum; to gather strength; (for a trend) to reach a peak
to use tact; to exercise discretion; to be tactful; to be thoughtful; to have the sense (to do); to take a hint
apathy; lethargic state; state of lassitude
plain; unaffected; natural; unpretentious; frank; candid
feel sick; feel unwell
to raise somebody's spirits; to enhance a mood
treating (someone) like they are air; ignoring (someone)
reek of desperation; feeling of desperation
to run by electricity
self-willed; (doing or saying things) to suit one's own convenience; oblivious to the convenience of others
sign; indication
electrical; electric
to be charged with electricity
euphoric mood; exuberant mood
red cloud; comet
climate and natural features (of a region)
feeling of war-weariness
recreation; diversion; relaxation
to lose interest; to slacken off
gasping for breath; at one's last gasp; breathing feebly; on the brink of death; more dead than alive
insane; mad; crazy; light in the head
nice and warm day; balmy weather
signs of rain; threatening to rain
to have the blues; to be depressed
to feel depressed
looking tipsy; seeming drunk
worry; anxiety; concern
female presence
reek of desperation; feeling of desperation
haste makes waste; anger and haste hinder good counsel
female adulterer; adulteress
trusted (friend); close (relationship)
vaporization heat; vaporisation heat
competitive spirit; spirit of rivalry
good mood; excited mood
worry; care; anxiety
affected (appearance, attitude); stuck up; self-loving
to lose heart; to lose interest; to lose motivation; to become stale (i.e. of a carbonated beverage); to go flat; to lose flavor
being somewhat puzzled; looking somewhat baffled
salt air; sea air
nonchalantly; unconcernedly; casually
not be concerned at all; not mind at all; not care a bit
electrical engineering
railcar powered by a diesel or gasoline engine; rail motor
uncanny valley (hypothesis about humanoid robots)
proud; triumphant; boastful
to feel depressed
oiliness; greasiness
to like; to prefer; to be pleased by
commercial spirit; profit motive
to cheer (someone) up
to feel anxious; to feel uneasy; to worry
electrical equipment; electrical machinery; electrical appliances
easygoing; optimistic; conceited
to feel more confident
character; disposition; spirit; temperament
fashion-consciousness; desire to be stylish; humor; humour; wit
quick-tempered; impatient
magnetic tape
youthful ardor; rashness
avoiding the summer heat; beating the summer heat
air cannon (toy)
recreation; diversion; relaxation
attentive; scrupulous; tactful; tasteful; smart
striving for effect; heroics; dramatics; showmanship; staginess; (exaggerated) theatricality
worry; anxiety; concern
stylish; smart; chic; (arch.) conceited; (arch.) cheeky
affectation; ostentation; vanity
courageously; fearlessly; defiantly; boldly
to be discouraged (from doing something); to have one's enthusiasm dampened
dirigible balloon
to go mad; to go crazy; to go insane
being rather confused; looking somewhat dismayed (perturbed)
gloomy; melancholy
chivalrous spirit; chivalry
restorative; smelling salts
get-well card (gift, letter); visit to (inquiry after) a sick person
to be horrified; to be filled with trepidation
magnanimous in one's attitude of mind; grand in one's idea or mind-set
mixture; impurities
to cheer; to raise somebody's spirits
to sweep away the stresses of the day; to unwind; to refresh the mind
magnetic card
aerial root
tracheal intubation; intubation
unintentionally; calmly; inadvertently; innocently
weather forecasting; weather forecast; meteorological forecasting; meteorological forecast
willful; wilful; selfish; carefree; do-as-you-please; freewheeling
chivalry; heroism
atmospheric pressure
curt; blunt; cold; short
ventilator; ventilating device
attitude; preparedness
unruly (e.g. of a child); unyielding; disobedient; strong-willed
oiliness; greasiness
to become popular; to grow in popularity; to catch on
to be positively affected by someone's strength of spirit
to consider others' feelings; to sympathize with somebody's feelings
reassuring; stout-hearted; firm; courageous
willful; wilful; as one pleases
air sac (birds, insects, etc.); gasbag (airship); envelope
unruly (e.g. of a child); unyielding; disobedient; strong-willed
full of energy; full of liveliness; full of pep
unintentionally; inadvertently; calmly; casually; nonchalantly; innocently
denkiburo; bath which includes an electric current, allegedly for health reasons
indolence; listlessness
to rouse oneself; to psyche oneself up
taking appropriate action; tact
(enjoying) tumultuous popularity
martial spirit; military spirit; the spirit of true warriors
24 divisions of the solar year; 24 terms used to denote the changing of the seasons
nervous breakdown; neurosis; sickness from anxiety
casual; unconcerned; nonchalant
to be wrought up; to be on edge; to get irritated; to get excited (about); to be unsettled
stage favorite; stage favourite; star
to feel anxious; to feel uneasy; to worry
full of energy; full of liveliness; full of pep
to feel blue; to feel depressed
to feel gloomy; to feel blue; to feel melancholy
to encourage; to give courage to
wearisome; insipid; dull; irksome; wretched; vain
complete change of mood; thoroughly refreshing one's spirits
appearing to have; seeming to be
to look mad; to act nuts; to seem crazy
free; unfettered; according to one's own whims; doing as one likes
bubble economy (of Japan, 1986-1991)
live wire (a person)
to steel oneself to; to brace oneself
to be pretentious; to put on airs; to try to appear smart; to act brave; to try to look cool
to speak energetically; to talk big; to argue heatedly
to become sexually aware; to awaken to sex
pore; stoma; stigma; vesicle
meteorologist; climatologist; aerologist
electric eel (Electrophorus electricus)
seeming sad
gas (fumes)
electric refrigerator; fridge
person who is hard to please; difficult person; grouch; sourpuss
vitalism (philosophy, biology)
pressing one's foot on the genitals of a supine person while pulling on their feet (usu. as a prank); (lit.) electric massage
electrical scalpel
(vengeful) ghost; specter; spectre
electrical appliance
triumphant; exultant; in high and proud spirits
to soften one's voice
reluctant to; not inclined to; disinclined; unwilling
bad weather; nasty weather
spiracle (respiratory pores in the body of insects)
air layer
dignity; refinement
suffering from the heat; heatstroke; heat prostration
laughing gas; nitrous oxide
to become conscious; to recover one's senses; to snap out of it
air chair; wall sit; exercise mimicking sitting in a chair; chain of people sitting on each other's laps
to be tired of; to be sick of; to get fed up with
-like nature; -like disposition; -ish temperament
delightful; satisfying; gratifying; brisk; piquant
air inlet; intake vent
Pacific high; Pacific anticyclone
depressed in spirits; dispirited; disheartened; rejection
to cheer on; to raise a shout
pulmonary emphysema
electromagnetic force
electric rice-cooker
fumarole; blowhole (of a whale, etc.)
to feel cold; to have a chill
get-well card (gift, letter); visit to (inquiry after) a sick person
slight cold
vulgarity; worldliness; worldly ambition
disagreeable; unpleasant; off-putting; disconcerting
belch; eructation; burp
capricious; moody; whimsical
freely; generously; liberally; ungrudgingly; unsparingly
to diminish (dampen) the spirit
young and cheeky; brash; sassy
capricious; moody; whimsical
being on the ropes; losing ground
pep-up; reassurance; pick-me-up; restorative; energizer
being taken aback; state of shock; dumbfoundedness
freely; readily; cheerfully; without any sense of hesitation; without reserve; without treating it as a big deal
electric furnace
electrodynamics; electromagnetism
marsh gas; methane
airtight chamber
ventilation duct
seeming to want to say something; looking like one wants to give one's opinion
weather; temper; mood
laid-back; carefree; easygoing; thoughtless; happy-go-lucky
damp; humid; moist
electrical equipment
ease; comfort; feeling at home
in high spirits; elated
pressing one's foot on the genitals of a supine person while pulling on their feet (usu. as a prank); (lit.) electric massage
to like; to suit; to be pleased with
in a gloating manner
to feel uneasy; to worry (about something)
mountain air
overheated; hyper-; overearnest
it's the thought that counts
to capture all the popularity; to steal the show; to upstage
to distract one's attention
weather balloon; sounding balloon; observation balloon; espionage balloon; trial balloon
popularity stakes; rating
mere consolation; temporary peace of mind
to become mentally exhausted; to be tired (from worry)
mercantile mind-set; mercenary spirit; being intent on making a profit
favorite; favourite; pet
Izanagi economic boom (1965-70) of Japan
air or vapour in the soil (vapor); electrical earth; ground
chimney; stack; flue
to go into labor; to go into labour
economic expansion; boom
depressed in spirits; rejection; disheartened; lacking nerve
air pocket; air hole
Denki Bran; cocktail of brandy, gin, wine, curacao and herbs
cloud; look of the sky; kabuki accessory representing a cloud; type of strange mist appearing in the sky, used for divination
changing one's mind
insane behavior; madness
aggressiveness; combativeness
prone to adultery; flirtatious
unlike; unbecoming; unworthy of; out of keeping with
electric charge; quantity of electricity
drunk driving; driving under the influence (of alcohol); DUI; legal category based on blood alcohol content
celebrating recovery from illness
nervous weakness
keeping oneself awake; fighting off drowsiness; method for keeping oneself awake
unpleasant feeling
prospect; promise; outlook
homosexuality; interest in same sex
electrical engineer; electrician
capricious; moody; whimsical
same temperament; same turn of mind
young and energetic; up-and-coming
speculative spirit
aggressiveness; combativeness
popularity; favor; favour
constrained; uncomfortable; awkward
not be concerned about at all; not mind about at all; not care a bit
electric vacuum cleaner
to become excited; to be eager; to rouse oneself; to work oneself up
patiently; with perseverance
to feel blue; to feel depressed
doing as one pleases; following one's nose
feigning illness; pretending to be ill
airlock; air lock
air sac; bladder; air bag; windbag; type of inflatable air mattress
electric gramophone; record player
bomb cyclone; explosive low-pressure system
air chamber
electrical and electronic
depressed in spirits; rejection; disheartened; lacking nerve
nuisance; obstructive (person); troublesome (person)
breath; sign (of something new and fresh); breath (of spring, fresh air, etc.); vitality
a cold air mass
character; disposition; spirit; temperament
autumn air; fall air
vapor bath; vapour bath; steam bath
atmosphere; mood; a certain air; presence; (Earth's) atmosphere
humour; humor; safety; health; in a good mood; in high spirits
Portuguese man-of-war (Physalia physalis)
district meteorological observatory
electrical manufacturer; company manufacturing electric devices; electric-appliance maker
to be fired up with enthusiasm for accomplishing something
youthful vigor; youthful vigour
to brace oneself; to keep one's spirits up; to keep one's composure; to pull oneself together; to stay strong
to develop a rash or inflammation (e.g. in response to a skin irritant); to react to (something); to be strongly influenced (usu. negative or critical nuance)
to be overwhelmed; to be overawed
diversion; change of pace
strange; eerie; ominous
being outpersevered
pop-pop boat; toy boat with simple steam impeller; steam passenger launch
vaporizer; vaporiser; carburetor; carburettor
good omen
bad breath; intimation
brimming with vitality; full of vigor; full of life
overserious; deeply sincere; very earnest
to feel constrained; to feel ill at ease
recovering one's spirits; rejuvenation; refection
sea air; sea breeze; ocean and atmosphere; type of yarn-dyed silk goods
being somewhat (half) joking; half seriously; half in jest; in a jocular vein
with an open and calm mind; without reserve; with utmost candor; with no preconceived notions
without compunction; coolly; without batting an eyelid; unscrupulously; nonchalantly; remorselessly
in high spirits; talking big
character; disposition; spirit; temperament
upper respiratory tract; upper airway
full of spirit; brimming with courage; high-spirited; mettlesome
freely; generously; liberally; ungrudgingly; unsparingly
dull; uninteresting; boring; drab
endotracheal intubation; intratracheal intubation
air supply port; vent
in high spirits; talking big
electric guitar
air cell; air battery
air mass; married man
worldly desires or ambitions
economic boom due to special procurements, esp. in wartime
depression; melancholy
doing as one pleases; following one's nose
curt; blunt; cold; short
electric eel (Electrophorus electricus)
atmospheric circulation
gas phase; gaseous phase
feeling restless; feeling nervous; fidgety; distracted
break (change for the worse) in the weather
nonchalant; unconcerned; in a casual manner
generous; big-hearted
to like; to prefer; to be pleased by
sick leave; paid sick days
bladder; vesicle
enjoyable (pleasant) feeling (atmosphere)
electric razor; electric shaver
to be upset; to be flurried; to be frightened (out of one's wits)
crazy deed; unbelievable deed; the height of madness; act of sheer madness
dense fog; dense mist; feeling depressed
to distract one's attention
to look mad; to act nuts; to seem crazy
electrical device; electrical equipment
lesbian feelings; lesbian tendencies
being jealous of things that have nothing to do with one; being jealous of others who are in love with each other
unintentionally; calmly; inadvertently; innocently
strong spirit; mettle; backbone; guts; fighting spirit
to get distracted; to jump off the track
business fluctuations
magnetic force; magnetism
electric razor; electric shaver
erotomania; sexual obsession; sexual maniac
bowel disease; intestinal disorder; bowel ailment
two forces (of yin and yang)
reluctance; regret; frugality
to enliven one's spirit; to refresh oneself; to cheer oneself up
good airtightness; high airtightness
outer atmosphere
air-fuel mixture
old-fashioned way of thinking; old-fashioned spirit; old-fashioned
labor pains; labour pains
disposition; temperament; nature; mentality; spirit; character
courage; guts; nerves of steel
harmonious; peaceful; congenial; friendly; happy
weather wheel; pillar found near graveyards and temples with a wheel attached to it that can be used to communicate with the dead, as well as for divination; sun pillar
nervous breakdown; neurosis; sickness from anxiety
extramarital sex; affair; fooling around; infidelity; wantonness; unfaithfulness
24 divisions of the solar year; 24 terms used to denote the changing of the seasons
seeming lonely
behaving (posing) as if they were a married couple
outstanding popularity
nuclear magnetic resonance; NMR
self-willed; (doing or saying things) to suit one's own convenience
enthusiasm; ardour; zeal
li and qi; li and chi; (in Song-period neo-Confucianism) the underlying principles and the material phenomena of the cosmos
insane behavior; madness
young at heart
artist's temperament; master's temperament
indisposed; halfhearted
take care; be careful
popular occupation; occupation largely dependent on public favor
to be dispirited; to be dejected; to lose heart; to become discouraged; to be crestfallen; to be utterly disheartened
differential lung ventilation; differential pulmonary ventilation
to encourage someone to expect something; to raise someone's hopes
electrical conduction
possibility of danger
lavish; profuse
economic slump; economic stagnation; lackluster economy; stagnant economy; sluggish economy; slow economy
to celebrate one's recovery from illness
to speak energetically; to talk big; to argue heatedly
electrically heated carpet
being full of vitality; being vivacious
to distract a person's attention
affectation; desire to be impressive
extreme greediness
fortune telling based on Chinese twelve year cycle
being young and spirited; being young and full of go
nausea; sickness in the stomach
vulgar; unrefined
preoccupied; distracted
yin, yang, wind, rain, darkness, light; cold, heat, dryness, dampness, wind, fire; six emotions (joy, anger, sorrow, pleasure, love, hate)
desert climate; arid climate
weather information; weather report
mountain mist; mountain air
electric machine; electro mechanical
to cheer on; to raise a shout
moody person; temperamental person; fickle person
to feel dispirited; to feel discouraged
spring scenery; spring air; signs of spring
morale being very high; heightened fighting spirit
nonchalant; unconcerned; in a casual manner
predicting the weather from the wind direction, shape of clouds, etc.
to feel sorry (for, that); to regret (that); to feel pity; to sympathize
to pretend to know everything; to pretend to be an expert
fear; dread; fright
rash; eruption (in response to a skin irritant); influence; crazy about; having an affectation concerning all things surrounding something (esp. a language, a culture, etc.)
reflation; stimulating the economy by increasing the money supply or by reducing taxes
adultness; maturity
being dependent on what the weather is like
favorite; favourite; pet (e.g. teacher's pet); bookmark (in web browser)
suffering from the heat; heatstroke; heat prostration
self-willed; (doing or saying things) to suit one's own convenience
speculative spirit
to animate; to liven up; to cheer up
strange; eerie; ominous
electric musical instrument; electrical instrument
proneness to being ill; being sick a lot; proneness to disease
magnetic compass
match where one side loses on purpose; dull game; dull match
aggressiveness; combativeness
pure straight; winning hand containing nine consecutive tiles of the same suit (i.e. 1-9) as three chows
constrained; ill at ease
possibility of danger
lacking spirit, vigour (vigor)
demoralization; collapse of morale; one's morale being shaken
take care; be careful
wavering; hesitating
atmosphere; mood; a certain air; presence; (Earth's) atmosphere
to boil with rage; to seethe; to be furious; to fume with anger; to blow one's top
willingness (e.g. to do something); eagerness; motivation; inspiration; determination; high aspirations
giving off a foul odor; the air being heavy with an offensive smell
overserious; deeply sincere; very earnest
air supply; aeration
it serves you (him) right; it's what you (he) deserves
(a person with) strong moral fiber (backbone, determination)
the economic boom of 1958-1961
moody person; temperamental person; fickle person
mood; humor; humour; looks; countenance
carefree; optimistic; careless; reckless; heedless; happy-go-lucky
climate and natural features (of a region)
respirator; breathing apparatus
hateful; spiteful
Magnetic-core memory
marine meteorological observatory
magnetic resonance imaging; MRI
numbskull; dimwit; idiot; fool; dope
happy-go-lucky person; easy-going person; optimist
keeping oneself awake; fighting off drowsiness; method for keeping oneself awake
electric clipper; electric hair clipper
to be determined or strong-willed
steam pump (esp. on a fire engine)
to feel dizzy; to have blood rush to one's head; to lose one's cool; to be obsessed; to be infatuated; to become conceited
humour; humor; temper; mood; spirits
to pull oneself together; to focus one's mind; to brace oneself; to gird up one's loins
to be in high spirits
to feel constraint; to feel uneasy; to worry
gloom; mental depression
worldly desires
woman who is not traditionally beautiful yet somehow very attractive; woman with an aura of beauty
general weather conditions
magnetic drum
being full of vitality (energy); in exuberant spirits; effervescent; ebullient
maglev; magnetic levitation
young and hot-blooded (impetuous)
business-stimulating measures; economic stimulation program; measure to stimulate the economy
economic boom created by the Tokyo Olympic Games (1962-1964)
period of Japanese economic expansion from February 2002 to October 2007
frictional electricity; triboelectricity
changing one's attitude; turning over a new leaf; getting a fresh start
gasping for breath; at one's last gasp; breathing feebly; on the brink of death; more dead than alive
air tank (scuba)
to be in high spirits
breath test; breathalyzer test
fear; dread; fright
popular stock; popular share; active stock; favourite stock
not being satisfied; not being able to enjoy
positive charge; positive electricity
false or superficial prosperity
mental fatigue; worry; boredom
capricious; moody; whimsical
lacking spirit, vigour (vigor)
palpitation (of the heart); pounding; throbbing; thumping
to capture all the popularity; to steal the show; to upstage
to be horrified; to be filled with trepidation; to shake with fright; to yield to terror
languid; listless
to curry favour; to butter up; to fawn over; to humour someone (humor); to put in a good mood (e.g. a baby)
air chair; wall sit; exercise mimicking sitting in a chair; chain of people sitting on each other's laps
to have secret communication with; to have a tacit understanding with
harmonious; peaceful; congenial; friendly; happy
student temperament; students' way of thinking
irritating; annoying; tedious (work, person, etc.); boring; depressing; dark (e.g. story)
major electrical manufacturer; major company manufacturing electric devices
atmospheric electricity
youthful ardor; rash impulse of an inexperienced youth
universal life force; source of animation for all things; free spirit; mindset unencumbered with worldly concerns
good feeling; feeling good
to look mad; to act nuts; to seem crazy
electrical engineer; electrician
aerotropism; aerobic; aerotropic
electrical short circuit
fragrant scent
show of courage
atmospheric pressure pattern in winter; winter pressure pattern
electric fence
resourceful and quick-witted; showing a flash of brilliance; having a keen (sparkling) intellect
ideal gas; perfect gas
nervous breakdown; neurosis; sickness from anxiety
as selfishly (willfully) as one pleases
extramarital sex; affair; fooling around; infidelity; wantonness; unfaithfulness
great; grand; (arch.) obstinate; (arch.) stubborn
negative electricity; negative (static) charge; negative electric charge
small token of one's sentiments; just slightly; only a bit
rusticity; provincialism
feigning illness; pretending to be ill
business index; business barometer
nasty smelling air; noxious gas; evil 'ki'
reek of desperation; feeling of desperation
youthful ardor; rash impulse of an inexperienced youth
leukorrhoea; leucorrhoea; leukorrhea; leucorrhea; mucous discharge from female genitals
to stun; to make someone swoon
full of spirit; brimming with courage; high-spirited; mettlesome
to breathe
with heroic drive and boundless energy
incredible danger; (lit.) (handing a) sword to an insane person
Everything depends on how you look at it
gas collecting bottle; gas collection bottle
innate character; temperament; disposition
interesting; meaningful
line of electric force
bear market; bearish market; weak market
prevailing mood of a locality; emotional climate of a district
Okhotsk anticyclone; Okhotsk high
weather conditions
electromagnetism (usu. in engineering)
warmth; warm weather
humour; humor; temper; mood; spirits
Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Act
magnetic recording
mercantile spirit; mercenary spirit
as selfishly (willfully) as one pleases
buying mood
drunken bash; rave party
being full of energy (drive, motivation, vitality)
magnetic head
taut (condition); taken up slack; removed slack
mixture; impurities
depression; melancholy
mercenary spirit
atmospheric oxidation; oxidation upon exposure to the air; air oxidation; smoothering
anti-static (electricity); static protection
electric cooking stove; electric heater
laziness; indolence
upper air; upper atmosphere
(a person with) strong moral fiber (backbone, determination)
saturation vapor; saturation vapour
(electrical) relay
electric (light) bulb
ventilation duct; air pipe
pressing one's foot on the genitals of a supine person while pulling on their feet (usu. as a prank); (lit.) electric massage
sad; sorrowful; pensive
happy-go-lucky fellow; easygoing and indifferent person; pococurante
cold; short; curt; blunt
to fall ill; to be taken ill
disposition; temperament; nature; mentality; spirit; character
to be effeminate; to be a fop; to break into a smile; to grin
vague; faint; dim; indistinct; hazy; blurry
laid-back; carefree; easygoing; thoughtless; happy-go-lucky
to be tired of; to be sick of; to get fed up with
fear; dread; fright; willies
freely; generously; liberally; ungrudgingly; unsparingly
irritating; annoying; tedious (work, person, etc.); boring; depressing; dark (e.g. story)
harmonious; peaceful; congenial; friendly; happy
courageous; brave; bold; valiant
belch; eructation; burp
disposition; nature
seemingly good; (of) good appearance; looking good
seemingly good; (of) good appearance; looking good
mixture; impurities
male homosexual's partner; buttocks; anus
in high spirits; elated
fool; blockhead; idiot; dunce
at one's fancy (whim)
electrical manufacturer; company manufacturing electric devices; electric-appliance maker
being good at thoughtfulness for others; thoughtful and considerate person
freely; generously; liberally; ungrudgingly; unsparingly
fair words fill not the belly; food before romance
capricious; moody; whimsical
madness; madman
Western affectations; excessively westernized person; wannabe Westerner
reluctance; regret; frugality
air sac (birds, insects, etc.); gasbag (airship); envelope
pitch black; completely black
nuisance; obstructive (person); troublesome (person)
to capture all the popularity; to steal the show; to upstage
seeming bad
changing one's mind
Izanagi economic boom (1965-70) of Japan
electric razor; electric shaver
unlike; unbecoming; unworthy of; out of keeping with
seeming to have a problem, issue, etc.
seeming to have a problem, issue, etc.
Portuguese man-of-war (Physalia physalis)
to be utterly disheartened
pop-pop boat; toy boat with simple steam impeller; steam passenger launch
vulgar; unrefined
air space; air chamber
worldly desires
diaper rash; nappy rash
diaper rash; nappy rash
diaper rash; nappy rash
to arouse suspicion; to be suspected
to celebrate one's recovery from illness
lacking spirit, vigour (vigor)
multicolorfin rainbowfish (Parajulis poecilepterus, was Halichoeres poecilopterus)
moody person; temperamental person; fickle person
giving off a foul odor; the air being heavy with an offensive smell
to show signs of; to show one's feelings or emotions in one's facial expression or behavior; to put on airs; to be become animated with voices and noise
not being satisfied; not being able to enjoy
electric catfish (any species of family Malapteruridae, esp. species Malapterurus electricus)
inconsiderate (of rudeness, danger or rules)
inconsiderate (of rudeness, danger or rules)
period of Japanese economic expansion from February 2002 to October 2007
innocent; helpless; tender
atmospheric refraction; astronomical refraction
electric cooking stove; electric heater
lower respiratory tract; lower airway
with heroic drive and boundless energy
market sentiment (stock market); market tone
incredible danger; (lit.) (handing a) sword to an insane person
Everything depends on how you look at it
interesting; meaningful
air-permeability; breathability
happy-go-lucky fellow; easygoing and indifferent person; pococurante
happy-go-lucky fellow; easygoing and indifferent person; pococurante
favorite; favourite; pet
negative charge; negative electricity
magneto-optical; MO
aikido practitioner
borrowed prosperity
compassionate heart
positive charge; positive electricity
pneumatic machinery
aspirate; aspirated consonant
spotty economic boom
magnetic reluctance; magnetic resistance
continental climate; inland climate
upper-level weather chart
steam train (early Meiji period)
not inclined (to do); reluctant; unwilling
under the pretext of ill health
dispersion coefficient (magnetic leakage coef.)
subtropical high; subtropical anticyclone
household electric appliances
superheated vapor; superheated vapour
supersaturated vapor; supersaturated vapour
coastal climate; littoral climate
magnetic resonance imaging scanner; MRI scanner
World Meteorological Organization (Organisation); WMO
it (the weather) being piercing (bitterly) cold
it (the weather) being piercing (bitterly) cold
of low (vulgar) taste; lacking class
of low (vulgar) taste; lacking class
turn (stroke) of good fortune; one's fortune turning for the better
being animated (vivid) with grace (elegance, refinement)
being full of vitality (energy); in exuberant spirits; effervescent; ebullient
professionalism; the temperament of a professional
townsman's (independent) spirit; mercantile spirit
bull market; bullish market; strong market
the way of the world in our time; the frame of mind of the people nowadays
festive New Year's mood
lingering recession; an economy that lingers in the doldrums after bottoming out
the 24 seasonal divisions of a year in the old lunar calendar
decline in public favor; fall in popularity
bubble boom; ephemeral boom
characteristic temperament (spirit) of an actor
the economic boom of the mid-1950s
heavy electric (power)
girl who puts on airs
diffuser; air supply outlet in air-conditioning system
meaningful; suggestive; seeming to be with a history; seeming to be with circumstances that are hard to explain
seeming to be with certain circumstances; seeming to be for a certain reason
qigong therapist
male presence
feminine spirit; graceful and kind nature
magnetic ink character
Magnetic Ink Character Reader; Magnetic Ink Character Recognition; MICR
Magnetic Ink Character Reader; Magnetic Ink Character Recognition; MICR
Magnetic Ink Character Reader; Magnetic Ink Character Recognition; MICR
magnetic ink character recognition; MICR
magnetographic printer
perpendicular magnetic recording; vertical magnetic recording
longitudinal magnetic recording
electrostatic discharge; ESD
atmospheric concentration; aerial density; airborne concentration
general electric devices manufacturing company; general electrical manufacturer
unable to read the situation; unable to pick up on the mood of a conversation
vaginal flatulence; flatus vaginalis
ceremony held to pray for good weather (during long periods of rain)
ceremony held to pray for good weather (during long periods of rain)
anaerobic respiration
ionization; ionisation; electrolytic dissociation
to worry without reason; to fret
impatience; eagerness
vapor-phase epitaxial growth; vapor-phase epitaxy; VPE
vapor phase epitaxy; VPE; vapor phase epitaxial growth
dendroclimatology; tree-ring climatology
period of Japanese economic expansion from February 2002 to October 2007
period of Japanese economic expansion from February 2002 to October 2007
moisture vapor transmission rate; moisture vapour transmission rate; MVTR
having a competitive spirit
perfect gas; ideal gas
atmospheric general circulation
electrical cardioversion; electrical defibrillation
ohmmeter; electrical resistance meter
to curry favour; to butter up; to fawn over; to humour someone (humor); to put in a good mood (e.g. a baby)
hot and humid climate; steamy climate
air conditioning unit; AC unit; air conditioner
life force, blood, and colourless bodily fluids (three elements that constitute an organism according to traditional Chinese medicine)
weather of the four seasons (warmth of spring, heat of summer, cool of autumn, and cold of winter)
business forecast; business forecasting; business prediction; economic forecasting
bearish traders; bear interests; short side
bullish traders; bull interests; long side
traditional Chinese cold remedy (a medical powder with antipyretic and diaphoretic effects)
eagerness; avidity; avidness; keenness
eagerness; avidity; avidness; keenness
steam fog; sea smoke
national traits; national character
Clostridium chauvoei (bacteria that causes blackleg)
anaerobic bacteria; anaerobe
facultative bacteria; facultative anaerobic bacteria; facultative anaerobe
obligate anaerobe; strict anaerobe
facultative bacteria; facultative anaerobic bacteria; facultative anaerobe
airglow; nightglow
transcranial magnetic stimulation; TMS
repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation; rTMS
dying in a fit of anger; fainting
infectious disease; plague; epidemic
infectious disease; plague; epidemic
temperature sensitivity; sensitivity of the demand for electricity to a change of the atmospheric temperature
pneumatic drill; air drill
mixture of air and hydrocarbon gas or vapour
air suspension; air spring
air suspension; air spring
air suspension; air spring
magnanimous in one's attitude of mind; grand in one's idea or mind-set
magnanimous in one's attitude of mind; grand in one's idea or mind-set
magnetic reluctivity; reluctivity
magnetic declination
climatotherapy; climate treatment
ambient air cooling; cooling with outside air
climate sensitivity (e.g. to changes in CO2 levels)
geomagnetic reversal; reversal of Earth's magnetic field
telecommunications carrier; telecommunications operator; telephone service provider
Jacuzzi; whirlpool bath
aspirate; aspirated consonant
unaspirated sound
climate of the Setouchi Region
micrometeorogical phenomenon
temperate climate with a rainy summer
tropical savanna climate
tropical savanna climate
tropical savanna climate
alpine climate; highland climate; mountain climate
North Pacific high; North Pacific anticyclone
feeling ill; sensation of illness; signs of illness
respiratory tract infection; RTI
tropical wet and dry climate; tropical savannah climate
ice cap climate; snow and ice climate; frost climate; nival climate
hypoventilation; respiratory depression
electrostatic force; Coulomb force
climate justice; climate change as an ethical and political issue
atmospheric sciences
Magnetic reconnection
Bubble memory
Magnetic helicity
like that; in that manner
like that; in that manner
Examples (200 in total)
I know exactly how you feel.
She needed someone who would understand her.
Her voice is pleasant to listen to.