permanent loss
FrequencyTop 200-300
Kyōiku (4th grade) 
KankenLevel 7
Composed of
slash left

My husband permanently lost his left arm after a samurai slashed it off.

Used in kanji (6 in total)
Japanese book cover
Used in vocabulary (269 in total)
to lose; to miss (a change, opportunity); to lose (a loved one); to be bereaved of; to concede (goals, points, etc.)
discourtesy; impoliteness; excuse me; goodbye; to leave; to be rude
failure; mistake; blunder
to lose sight of; to miss
to lose consciousness; to faint; to black out
disappointment; despair
to become speechless; to be at a loss for words
to lose consciousness
disqualification; elimination; incapacity; being unfit for one's role; being a failure
blunder; fault; error; mistake; failure; disgrace
to disappear; to vanish; to go; to leave; to die
disappearance; vanishing; loss; dying away; wearing off
disappearance; running away; going missing; absconding
to disappear; to vanish; (arch.) to die
loss; forfeit
rudeness; impoliteness; leaving; going (on one's way); taking without permission; stealing
disappointed love; broken heart; unrequited love; being lovelorn
to lose (something); to mislay; to get rid of; to eliminate; to remove
loss (of assets, profit, etc.)
faint; trance; swoon; stupefaction
verbal gaffe; verbal slip; slip of the tongue; using improper words
loss of memory; amnesia
forgetting; lapse of memory
sense of loss; feeling of loss
laughing at an inappropriate time; not being able to hold back one's laughter; scornful laughter; snicker; snigger
loss (of something); disadvantage; mistake; error; flaw; defect
failed creative work; flop; dud; bomb
with all due respect; if I may make bold to ask
loss; going missing
losing one's position; losing one's standing; downfall; fall (from power); being overthrown
to lose one's mind; to go crazy; to lose one's senses; to lose consciousness
massive failure; debacle; fiasco
accident (caused by negligence); error; blunder; fault; defect
blunder; slip; error; error
disappointment; despair; despondency; broken heart; adversity
to turn pale; to lose color; to lose colour
abasement; fall; forfeiture; sinking (in people's estimation)
pardon me for leaving (first)
stupor; stupefaction; trance; (being) dumbfounded
lost point (in a game); point given away; run charged to the pitcher; blunder; mistake
unemployment; losing one's job; becoming unemployed
loss of eyesight; loss of vision; going blind; blindness
destruction by fire; losing in a fire; being burnt down
stall (in flying); downturn; slowdown; slump
loss of blood
dying from blood loss; bleeding to death; hemorrhaging to death
to lose; to miss; to forget; to be excessive
losing one's fighting spirit; losing the will to fight; losing heart
to be impolite; to be discourteous
failure story; horror story
to be afraid of making mistakes; to fear failing
missing person; runaway
stupor; stupefaction; trance; (being) dumbfounded
lapse; abatement; invalidation; expiration; expiry; becoming void
to lose one's presence of mind; be flummoxed; to get flustered
feeling of disappointment; sense of dismay
to be too late (to be of use)
loss of (self-)confidence; inferiority complex
lost article
lack of harmony; lack of balance; lack of coordination; ataxia
lost article; lost property
losing one's job
accidental fire; fire caused by negligence; misfire; failure to ignite
loss of virginity (in women); loss of maidenhead
to lose one's way; to be at a loss
to be laughed at; to get oneself laughed at (e.g. by doing something stupid)
being washed away
to lose face; to disgrace oneself
extremely rude (impertinent, impolite)
surrender; fall
apologies; excuse me; I'm sorry
aphasia; dysphasia
involuntary manslaughter; accidental homicide; negligent homicide
lose; forget
destruction; ruination
advantages and disadvantages; plus and minuses
lost territory
the recovery of lost territory; recovering (regaining) lost ground (one's former position); fence-mending
disqualified person
to escape; to run away
loss of consciousness
lost item; lost article
aphonia; aphony; loss of voice
court decision declaring a missing person legally dead
missing an opportunity; opportunity loss
careless pitch
professional negligence resulting in death
failure teaches success; failure is a stepping-stone to success
loss (e.g. of an item)
report of a lost article
faint; trance; swoon; stupefaction
advantages and disadvantages; pros and cons
compensation for a loss
extremely rude (impertinent, impolite)
being disappointed and disheartened
forgetting the words; inability to pronounce a word correctly
loss of rights; disenfranchisement
goal difference; goal differential
blunder; slip; error; error
to burn up completely
you get what you pay for; (lit.) wasting money on a cheap item
failure teaches success; failure is a stepping-stone to success
prosopagnosia; face blindness
the mistake of a wise man
mistake; negligence
a loss; a failure; a mistake; an error
countermeasures against unemployment; relief measures for the unemployed
error made by the enemy or opposing team
professional negligence resulting in injury or death
(science of) failure analysis
enuresis; urinary incontinence
to lose a seat (in an election)
excuse me (when passing in front of somebody)
ataxia; loss of coordination of the muscles; failure of muscular coordination
(ethical) mistake; apraxia (inability to purposely perform some actions)
accidental infliction of injury
to forgive a person for their error; to forgive someone for their mistake
failure teaches success; failure is a stepping-stone to success
gaining some and losing some; (something having its) advantages and disadvantages
unemployed laborer; unemployed worker
to lose one's eyesight
involuntary manslaughter; accidental homicide
blunder; fault; error; mistake; failure; disgrace
lost decade (esp. of Japan, 1992-2002); decade of economic stagnation
to disappear; to be gone
loss of power; power outage; blackout
injustice; impropriety; unreasonableness
accidental infliction of injury
absconding; disappearance
losing one's life; dying
owner of a lost article
stupor; stupefaction; trance; (being) dumbfounded
lost twenty years; period of economic stagnation in Japan that began ca. 1991 and not over in the 2010s
comparative negligence
agnosia (loss of ability to recognize objects, persons, sounds, shapes, or smells)
fecal incontinence (faecal); anal leakage
to recompense for a loss
lost twenty years; period of economic stagnation in Japan that began ca. 1991 and not over in the 2010s
measure against unemployment
mere slip by someone who is usually very careful; simple mistake by a wise person; point overlooked by a cautious person
excuse me; pardon me; I beg your pardon
common mistake
excuse me; I'm sorry
without fault; without mistakes; no-fault; impeccability
disappearance; vanishing; loss; dying away; wearing off
with all due respect; if I may make bold to ask
lost decade (esp. of Japan, 1992-2002); decade of economic stagnation
drifting away (and going lost)
beat it!; get lost!; get out of my sight!
name unknown
always saying the wrong thing
crime of negligence; careless offense; careless offence
unemployment insurance
catchers error
shortstop error
buffer (full) error (i.e. space cannot be reserved as it is full)
loss of market; market loss
decline in public favor; fall in popularity
keeping calm and collected at times of disappointment; maintaining a serene state of mind in adversity
expiry date; date of expiry
environmental loss time; external loss time
expiry date indication; expiration date indication
lend your money and lose your friend
heat loss; thermal loss
great human beings never lose the innocence of childhood; a virtuous ruler never loses the spirit of the common people
loss of citizenship; denaturalization; expatriation
to disappear; to vanish; to go; to leave; to die
get lost; get out of my sight; fuck off; scram; beat it; buzz off
extremely rude; impertinent; impolite
bodily injury caused by negligence in the conduct of business; accidental infliction of injury in the conduct of business
to lose one's composure; to lose one's temper
any port will do in a storm; (lit.) when you've lost your boat midstream, even a pot is worth a fortune
any port will do in a storm; (lit.) when you've lost your boat midstream, even a pot is worth a fortune
apologies for writing to you without either of us following the other
apologies for tweeting to you without either of us following the other
apologies for tweeting to you without either of us following the other
permanent disqualification; lifetime disqualification
Examples (200 in total)
I'm afraid of losing you.
I don't want to lose you.
There is no time to be lost.