FrequencyTop 1800-1900
KankenLevel 4
Composed of
thin person
Used in vocabulary (161 in total)
layman (esp. as opposed to a Buddhist monk); laity; local manners; modern customs; common; popular
manners; customs; sex service; sex industry; sex-oriented entertainment
vulgar; lowbrow; coarse
to be commonly referred to as; as people say; as the saying is; they say
worldly-minded person; materialist; uncultured person; philistine; vulgar person; snob
wordly things; common customs; the world; the (common) people; secularity
this world; earthly life
vulgar; in poor taste; cheap; low-brow
folklore studies; folkloristics
common name; popular name
person with low tastes; uncultured person; worldly person; ordinary person (who has not entered the priesthood); layperson; layman
common saying; popular version; folklore; tradition
public order and morals; social standards; public policy
mediocrity; the masses; ordinary run of men
vulgar; coarse; low
popular; common
manners and customs; folkways; usage
sex establishment; brothel
worldly; secular
return to secular life; secularization; secularisation
folk customs; folkways; ethnic customs
colloquialism; colloquial language; slang
worldliness; vulgarity; coarseness
popular; common; commonplace
woman who works in the sex industry
this world; earthly world; secular society; ordinary world; everyday life; workaday world
materialistic; worldly-minded; uncultured
local customs
secular life; workaday world
popular song; ballad; folk song; ditty
worldly affairs; everyday affairs; common cares; routine work; daily chores
folk belief
common name; popular name; secular name; bad reputation
people; crowd; masses; the public
as slang; commonly
popularization; popularisation
manners and customs; customs and habits
the world; the public
populace; common run of men; worldly customs
popular opinion
commonplace; ordinary; trite; informal and easy to understand (of writing, etc.)
sexual culture; sexual mores; prostitution
genre picture; painting depicting customs
priests and laymen
vulgarization; vulgarisation; secularization; secularisation; popularization; popularisation
proverb; popular saying
unworldliness; saintliness
vulgarity; worldliness
petty official
vulgarity; worldliness; worldly ambition
secularization; secularisation; popularization; popularisation
worldly-mindedness; worldly affairs
businesses offering food and entertainment; cabaret, club, gambling and restaurant businesses; sex industry; sex-related businesses
monks and laity
corruption of public morals; an offense against public morality
popular song; folk song; ditty; ballad
custom; usage
the world; earthly affairs
manners, customs and popular sentiments
colloquial language
snobbery; snobbishness; philistinism; vulgar and ostentatious nature (disposition)
folk songs; regional ballads
school of popular writing
popular learning; worldly study
vulgarity; rural customs
popular view; laymen's opinion
folk song; ballad
popular appeal
conventional truth
common talk; worldly conversation
Folk Shinto (term used by Reform Shintoists to refer to sects of syncretized Shinto)
small talk; gossip; spoken language; colloquial expression
explanation in common language
blending of the classical and colloquial styles
secular affairs; worldly cares; daily routine
appearance of the laity; unrefined appearance; vulgar style
ethnology; folkloristics
popular literature
cheap fiction
popular belief or saying
refined and vulgar; classical and colloquial
brothel; sex establishment
worldly connection
novel depicting customs and manners of the day
old custom
everyday affairs; mundane matters; popular usage
worldly wisdom; practical wisdom
living as a layperson; not entering the priesthood; layperson
folk dance; ethnic dance
good morals and manners; genial manners and laudable customs; pristine way of life
worldly priest
secular surname (of a priest)
informal variant of a Chinese character; popular form of a Chinese character
vulgar; coarse; low
worldliness; worldly ambition; unholy desires
popular music; common people's music (as opposed to court music)
strange custom; quaint custom
(piece of) writing in colloquial style; vulgar writing
popular picture
popular music; vulgar music
the masses; ordinary people
vulgar ears; attention of the masses
popular opinion
anticonventional spirit; spirit of resisting convention
worldlings; the crowd
mediocre scholar
Korean shamanism
of low taste (vulgar); lacking class
offense against public morals; morals offense; vice crime
mixture of both culture and vulgarism; mixture of both literary and colloquial (language)
of low taste (vulgar); lacking class
good morals and manners; genial manners and laudable customs; pristine way of life
popular psychology; pop psychology; pop psych
worldly troubles; worldliness
mixture of both culture and vulgarism; mixture of both literary and colloquial (language)
American English colloquialism; American slang
barbaric custom; barbarian custom
local customs
popular opinion
the figure of the common man
appealing to the public; popular
unrefined penmanship
resistance to convention
a fine custom
village customs
vulgar taste
of low (vulgar) taste; lacking class
of low (vulgar) taste; lacking class
(a Buddhist monk or priest or nun) without head shaven and not wearing religious garb
conversation on worldly affairs; chat about everyday life (business)
unworldly; supermundane; free from worldly cares (concerns)
(of the) genre painting style; (of the) style of painting that depicts people's customs and manners; (of the) type of painting that denotes the life of ordinary people
offense against public morals; morals offense; vice crime
sexual culture; sexual mores
sex establishment (as regulated by a specific Japanese law)
modern koto (in contrast to the gagaku koto or gakuso); modern koto music
modern koto (in contrast to the gagaku koto or gakuso); modern koto music
vulgarization; refined thing becoming vulgar
colloquial language style; everyday language style
the masses; the people; populace
Law Regulating Adult Entertainment Businesses (1948 act, replaced in 1984); Entertainment and Amusement Trades Control Law
star of the demimonde
secular state; secular nation
Examples (8 in total)
The old custom is still kept up in that district.
Have you heard the rumor that Mary works in the sex industry?
He is indifferent to worldly success.