Used in (622 in total)
most; highest; maximum; best; wonderful; finest
senior high school; high school
senior high school student
high; high school
altitude; height; elevation; high-degree; high-grade; advanced
high-speed; rapid; express; highway; freeway; expressway
high class; high grade; high rank; seniority
highly priced; expensive; valuable; costly
female high-school student
dignity; eminent; high ranking; high-order (digit, bit, etc.)
high class; noble
elevation (of spirits); raising (of morale); uplift; upsurge
high fever; pyro-
tableland; plateau
senior high school (esp. the senior high school section of a school that also encompasses other grades)
large sum (money)
supreme; sublime; highest
high class; high grade
high efficiency; high performance
high mountain; alpine mountain
highest grade; top class
one's high school days
lofty; sublime; noble; the sublime (aesthetics)
noble; lofty; high-minded; virtuous; upright
exaltation; emotional uplift
aloof; proudly independent; standing apart; solitary
high official
famous; well-known; renowned; your name
high mountain; lofty peak
climax; peak; zenith; apex
highest peak; highest mountain; greatest authority; most prominent person; pinnacle (e.g. of art)
haughty; arrogant; proud; stuck-up
advanced age; old age
ultrahigh speed; ultrafast
pride of place; most prominent; top-ranking
high temperature
high; noble; refined; advanced
senior high school; high school
high-handed; oppressive
high ground; plateau; heights
noble; lofty
high-rise building; tower block; skyscraper
highway; freeway; expressway; motorway
high place; high altitude; heights; broad view
elevated (structure); overhead
excitement; exasperation; indignation; rage; fury
masterwork; masterpiece; crowning work; one's magnum opus; work of the highest quality
high and low; rise and fall
extra-high; ultra; super
elevation; height above sea level
sudden price jump; steep price rise
higher-order-; meta-
high-rise (building); multistory; multistoried; high (altitude); upper (atmosphere, air current, etc.)
air of luxury; high class feel
high voltage; high pressure
old person; old people
high-pitched tone; soprano
your views; your opinion; great idea; excellent idea
Kōchi (city, prefecture)
high rating; good reputation
upper grades of primary school (sixth, fifth, and sometimes fourth grades)
first year of high school; first-year high school student
middle and high-school students
high altitude
person of paramount authority; supreme wielder of power
high concentration
senior leadership; senior leader; upper echelon (of power); top-ranking officer
advanced course
high-class restaurant; high-end store
Goryeo (dynasty of Korea; 918-1392 CE); Korea (esp. the Goguryeo kingdom or the Goryeo dynasty)
high frequency; HF
platform; stage; upper seat; pulpit
to grow in intensity; to be aggravated; to get worse; to develop
best pupil; leading disciple
high-end residential area; affluent neighbourhood
second year of high school; second-year high-school student
your opinion
large statured; tall
girls' high school
highest ever; record-high; highest on record
high priest; highly-ranked priest; virtuous priest; priest of great sanctity and learning
official bulletin board (esp. Edo period); highest bid; highest tender; your letter
high dimension; higher dimensions
record high; all-time high
fancy restaurant; expensive restaurant
overall height; distance from the ground to the highest point of an object
tall building; high-rise building
arrogant; haughty; stuck-up; arrogant bastard; snob
middle and high school; medium and high (level)
height (measured at the withers)
ultrahigh temperature; superhigh temperature; extreme heat
changing one's image and becoming more social and extroverted upon entering high school
high blood pressure; hypertension
eminent virtue
high school graduate
high-voltage current; high-tension current
increase in speed, acceleration
being highly educated, having a high salary and being tall; (lit.) three highs; high-valued yen, high stock prices and high land prices (usu. in reference to the Bubble Era)
refined; elegant; chaste
high interest rate
highest score; highest number of points; top grade; peak altitude; highest point
loud voice; high-pitched voice
blast furnace
usurer; usury; loansharking
high salary earner; high income earner; well-paid employee; highly-paid; in the top salary bracket
third year of high school; third-year high-school student
elite bureaucrat; high government official; high-ranking bureaucrat; senior government official
best (highest) record; new record
high-functioning; high-performance; sophisticated
high (government) official
supreme leader; ultimate leader
Kōchi prefecture (Shikoku)
high tide; high water; climax; high point
boys' high school
upmarket residential district; rich neighborhood
maximum temperature; highest temperature; (today's) high
upper floor (of a high-rise building)
wave height
noble; lofty; high-minded
Special Higher Police (1911-1945); police unit controlling political thought and expression
elementary, junior high and high school
high academic achievement; advanced academic training; higher education
technical high school; industrial high school
population ageing (aging)
rapid economic growth (esp. that of Japan in the post-WWII period)
one's sitting height
founder of dynasty or sect
supreme council; high council; Supreme Soviet (former USSR)
highest institute of education
technical college; higher schools and colleges
violent fluctuation
high sensitivity; highly sensitive (e.g. film, radio receiver); high speed (film); discerning; discriminating; of refined tastes
high (atmospheric) pressure; high-pressure system; anticyclone
largest amount of money; maximum amount of money
high-school baseball player
increasing one's fighting spirit
high-spec; highly competitive (on the dating scene, e.g. by having a high income, being good-looking); ticking all the boxes
overhead wires; elevated railway
rise and fall (e.g. prices); fluctuation; difference (rank, grade, quality, etc.); variation
express intercity bus
high voltage; high tension
extreme height; high-rise (i.e. building)
enhanced gravity; high gravity
lofty (high) building; skyscraper
decreasing birthrate and aging population; aging population combined with the diminishing number of children; declining birthrate and a growing proportion of elderly people; dwindling birthrate and an aging population; low birthrate and longevity
highest level; high-water mark
continuing one's education into high school
high image quality
vehicle height
high salary
highly ranked
pitch (of a sound)
altitude sickness; mountain sickness
high temperature and humidity
raising morale; lifting of morale
height difference; difference in elevation
prefectural high school; public high school
oldest; most advanced age
higher normal school; pre-war public school that trained male teachers
(the) best of one's life; lifetime ...
tree height
you; your beautiful home
elevated bridge; viaduct
macromolecule; high polymer
period of rapid growth (especially Japan's period of rapid economic growth after WWII)
high-speed craft; high-speed vessel; fast ferry
High Court of Justice (UK); Parlement (France, during the ancien régime)
high magnification (telescope, etc.); high power
high-rise building; tall building; multi-storied building
high-speed rail; rapid (rail) transit
high reputation; your esteemed opinion
(person of) high rank and office (exalted station); persons in high positions
chanting in a loud voice; singing in a loud voice
high density
kaoliang; variety of sorghum, esp. used in making spirits
high-angle or anti-aircraft gun
lofty; grand; impressive; high school and university
combined junior high and high school
increase in sophistication; enhancement of functionality; increase in speed; upgrading
rapid economic growth (esp. that of Japan in the post-WWII period)
boasting; bragging; talking big
higher commercial school (pre-WWII); commercial college
(your) consideration; attention; trouble; high dividends; high rate of return
part-time high school; night high school
Tokyo-Nagoya Expressway; Tomei Expressway
railing; handrail; balustrade; armrest (chair)
man of noble character
contour (line); isohypse
(your) perusal
high blood pressure (as an illness); hypertension
aging society; ageing society
high-capacity; high-intensity; high-load
high price; heavy price
girls' high school (pre-WWII)
high-voltage wire
high-definition; high-resolution
senior high school (in the PRC or ROC)
quality newspaper; broadsheet newspaper
Goguryeo (ancient Korean kingdom; 37 BCE-668 CE); Koguryo
highest price; price ceiling
senior military official
high latitudes
best student; leading disciple
high compression; high pressure
high television ratings
treble; high singing voice
metropolitan high school
highbrow; high-toned; transcendent; transcendental
higher normal school; pre-war public school that trained male teachers
high speed processing
Special Higher Police (1911-1945); police unit controlling political thought and expression
expensive; valuable
hyperglycemia; hyperglycaemia
high-altitude training
supreme law (of the land)
maximum punishment; maximum sentence
hyperlipidemia; hyperlipidaemia; hyperlipemia
highbrow; aloof; transcendent
in high spirits; elated
person on top of the income scale; top earner
great benevolence or blessings
high speed communication
Mount Kōya missionary (usu. low-ranking monk); Lethocerus deyrollei (species of giant water bug)
high-grade; high-rank; high-definition
Public Prosecutor's Office
awesome; the best
Pacific high; Pacific anticyclone
singing at the top of one's voice
Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng)
pressure washer; power washer; high-pressure washing machine
large income earner; people in the higher income brackets
high-tech; high-technology
Certificate for Students Achieving the Proficiency Level of Upper Secondary School Graduates; Japanese high-school equivalency examination
expensive money; dear money; high interest
higher technical school
high and dry
high barometric pressure to the west, low pressure to the east
reimbursement system for high-cost medical care
noble character
climbing up
High Public Prosecutors' Office
Supreme Court justice; Supreme Court judge
tall building; high shelf
loud recitation (of a poem)
withers (height from ground to shoulder blades in animals)
height of clouds
rising; exacerbated; exasperated; accelerated; aggravated
Japanese umbrella pine (Sciadopitys verticillata); parasol pine; koyamaki
anti-aircraft artillery
aerial work platform; elevating work platform; boom lift; bucket truck; cherry picker
ultra-high vacuum; UHV; extremely high vacuum; XHV
prefectural senior high school; public senior high school
high level (radioactive) waste
a certain high school
your visit; your presence
good airtightness; high airtightness
your instructions or suggestions
Special Higher Police (1911-1945); police unit controlling political thought and expression
intelligent opinion; your esteemed opinion
your lofty discourse
high-pressure water
transcendentalists; Parnassians
altocumulus clouds
Korean lawn grass
able to criticize but not to create (criticise)
high luminance (used to describe bold-face text on display screen)
Supreme Court of Judicature (Scotland); High Court (England); Parlement (France)
high profile; aggressive attitude
elevated railway station
the middle-aged and the elderly
high-speed lane; fast lane
higher commercial school (pre-WWII); commercial college
high frequency; high-pass (e.g. filter)
hyperkalemia; hyperpotassemia
agricultural high school
elevated railroad; elevated railway
(your) kindness; favours (conferred on one)
altostratus clouds
high-calorie infusion; total parenteral nutrition
large building and lofty tower; splendid (magnificent, palatial) structure
to grow in intensity; to be aggravated; to get worse; to develop
medium and high-rise (buildings, apartments, etc.)
highly educated person; academic; scholar
higher-degree equation; equation of higher degree; higher equation
systolic blood pressure
superior insight; your idea
good thermal insulation
loud singing
transcendentalism (literary style); Parnassianism
extreme population aging (ageing)
subtropical high-pressure belt; subtropical ridge; subtropical high; horse latitudes
rise and fall; frequent fluctuations (of the market price)
rapid growth (of an economy, company, etc.)
top (e.g. of the market)
Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (in Japan); SCAP
rakugo stage name
General Headquarters (office of the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers); GHQ
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees; UNHCR
abnormally high temperatures
your literary work
hyperuricemia (increased levels of uric acid in the blood)
upper air; upper atmosphere
Okhotsk anticyclone; Okhotsk high
magnum opus; (one's) best work
(Associate) Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States
high speed data communication
General Headquarters (office of the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers); GHQ
increase in the level of academic achievement; popularisation of higher education
Gaoshanzu; Gaoshan; indigenous tribes of Taiwan
Certificate for Students Achieving the Proficiency Level of Upper Secondary School Graduates; Japanese high-school equivalency examination
Koya paper; Japanese paper produced in the vicinity of Mt. Koya
hypercholesterolemia; hypercholesterolaemia (excess of cholesterol in the bloodstream)
high-temperature sterilization
ultra-high-temperature processing; UHT; ultra-pasteurization
kaoliang (strong distilled Chinese alcohol made from sorghum)
elated; triumphant; proud
high fired (e.g. 1400 degrees); high fired (porcelain)
various intimate services (e.g. massage) rendered by a female high school student or young woman wearing a high school uniform
highly skilled professionals (esp. as category of immigrants); highly talented personnel
(high) polymer; macromolecular substance
flying height; head gap
conducting polymer; conductive polymer
alpine climate; highland climate; mountain climate
middle and advanced age
sophisticated and professional work system
upper-level weather chart
high temperature short time sterilization method; HTST; flash pasteurization
ITS; intelligent transportation systems
hot and humid climate; steamy climate
subtropical high; subtropical anticyclone
sign that indicates an older driver
subtropical high-pressure belt; subtropical ridge; subtropical high; horse latitudes
National Invitational High-School Baseball Tournament; Spring Koshien
North Pacific high; North Pacific anticyclone
flying height; head gap
high-growth track; higher growth path
high-performance liquid chromatography; high-pressure liquid chromatography; HPLC
HATS; Harmonization of Advanced Telecommunication Systems
housing for the elderly with home-care services provided
high-definition television; HDTV
prefectural senior high school (in Hokkaido); public senior high school (in Hokkaido)
fragments from the old literary work kept at Koyasan
prefectural senior high school (in Tokyo Metropolitan Area); public senior high school (in Tokyo Metropolitan Area)
compact star; compact object
high and dry ground
tournament win in the highest division
prefectural senior high school (in Kyoto and Osaka prefectures); public senior high school (in Kyoto and Osaka prefectures)
highest honorifics; honorific language mainly reserved for speaking of or to a member of the Imperial family
high mountains and running water; the beauty of nature; beautifully (skillfully) played music
Fast Page Mode Dynamic Random Access Memory; FPM DRAM
high gear; top gear; high-speed gear
of lofty (noble, virtuous) character
Certificate for Students Achieving the Proficiency Level of Upper Secondary School Graduates; Japanese high-school equivalency examination
(high) tariff protection; tariff jumping
housing for the elderly with home-care services provided
higher-order effect
high school (operated under post-war guidelines)
elevation (above sea level)
highly pathogenic avian influenza (i.e. H5N1)
high speed transmission
Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office
raised-floor (truck, etc.)
high official suspected of corruption
height of a mirror stand
lowered car; car with lowered suspension
high-definition television; HDTV
high definition television; HDTV
refined, dignified, elegant; graceful; exquisite
overstory (overstorey); canopy layer; tree stratum
ascender (climbing); ascendeur; jumar
your valued criticism
Komura Faction (of the LDP)
subcanopy tree; understory tree; semi-tall tree
high-speed arithmetic unit (computer)
high capacity; high load capacity; high load carrying capacity
conical hat worn by Mount Koya missionaries (Edo period)
an excellent opinion; an insightful view
high-priced stock
extra-high-voltage power transmission
gas-guzzler; gas-guzzling car; vehicle with high fuel consumption
China clay; porcelain clay
upper-atmospheric lightning; upper-atmospheric discharge
high-temperature gas-cooled reactor
ultrahigh load-carrying capacity; ultrahigh load capacity
Kagoshima mochi made from a mixture of rice flour and sweet bean paste; koraimochi
with the author's compliments
storm surge barrier; seawall; tide embankment
common pheasant (Phasianus colchicus); ring-necked pheasant
Pertya scandens (species of aster)
black crowberry (Empetrum nigrum)
Climacium japonicum (species of moss)
Climacium japonicum (species of moss)
Coreoperca herzi (species of temperate perch)
Chinese white shrimp (Fenneropenaeus chinensis); oriental shrimp; fleshy prawn
black-naped oriole (Oriolus chinensis)
lofty (of a mountain); tall
Kōya Station (Tokyo)