Used in (161 in total)
short sword; dagger; stiletto; hour hand (of a clock)
short term; short time
short sword; knife; dagger; dirk; tantō
fault; defect; minor; 5-point card
shortening; contraction; reduction; curtailment; abbreviation
short temper; quick temper; hot temper; impatience; irritability
short distance; short range; short-haul
simplistic (thinking, idea, etc.); hasty
short spear
long, narrow strip of paper on which Japanese poems are written (vertically); tanzaku; thin rectangle
defect; demerit; weak point; disadvantage
shortest distance (to)
tanka; 31-mora Japanese poem
shorts; short pants
short (e.g. story, film)
decisive battle of brief duration
short life; short lived
pistol; revolver
junior college; vocationally oriented two or three year post-secondary education institution
imprudence; quick temper
short hand; hour hand
(small) boat
short circuit; short; illogical jump; drawing a hasty inference (between two events); jumping to conclusions
collection of short stories; collected short stories
(relative) length; advantages and disadvantages; pluses and minuses; strong and weak points
(something having its) merits and demerits; advantages and disadvantages; good points and shortcomings
short-distance race; sprint
reduction in working hours; reduction in business hours; time-saving
short sentence; short piece of writing (e.g. passage, article, composition)
short and small
short wave
pistol; revolver
short period of time
short stature
(low) shoes
ultrahigh frequency; UHF; ultrashort waves
short summer night
haste makes waste; anger and haste hinder good counsel
junior college student
having a long torso and short legs; long-bodied and short-legged
contraction; shortened form; abbreviated form
ultrashort-wave; very high frequency
simple; easy; uncomplicated; brief; quick; light
women's junior college
junior college; vocationally oriented two or three year post-secondary education institution
short sound
short period of time
brief comment or criticism
short, intensive course; crash course
5-point card with a red tanzaku; red ribbon card; the three 5-point cards with ribbons (high-scoring meld)
narrow view
short-wave broadcasting
short phrase
straight to the point; point-blank; frank; direct
brief note; brief letter; brief message
5-point card with a blue tanzaku; blue ribbon card; scoring combination consisting of the three 5-point cards with blue tanzaku
if you rely too much on your greatest strength, it will be your greatest weakness
small, light and thin (of consumer products, esp. electronics)
short-term rate of interest
dot (in Morse code)
to remedy one's defects
stubborn and short-tempered
short sleep
operating under reduced business hours
short cycle; short period
chopping; base hit; one-base hit; single
short-distance race; sprint; dash
impulsive and imprudent; rash and unthinking
shorthorn; short-horned cattle
curtailed operations
short and insufficient
Short-Term Economic Survey of Enterprises in Japan (Bank of Japan's quarterly economic survey); Tankan survey
short-term plan; short-run project
quick-tempered; easily offended
Short-Term Economic Survey of Enterprises in Japan (Bank of Japan's quarterly economic survey); Tankan survey
simple; easy; uncomplicated
shortening a vowel
dealt hand consisting of one 5-point card and six 1-point cards
short sleeper; person who doesn't need much sleep
harassment related to reducing work hours (but maintaining gross productivity)
high temperature short time sterilization method; HTST; flash pasteurization
reduction in working hours; shorter working hours
short-term loans payable; short-term debt; short-term borrowing
cheap, short in duration, and close to home (of a trip, vacation, etc.)
lowered car; car with lowered suspension
plane able to make short takeoffs and landings
short-tempered and impatient
compensating for one's shortcomings by incorporating others' strong points
short-range forecast (usu. weather); daily forecast
short course (swimming)
short communication; short note; concise communication
semi-minor axis (esp. in orbital matters)
Short-Term Economic Survey of Enterprises in Japan (Bank of Japan's quarterly economic survey); Tankan survey
short-term loan
short-period comet; periodic comet
short circuit
short-term loan
Junior College of Nutrition
short-stalked (of grains); dwarf
tankan orange (Citrus tankan); tankan mandarin