Used in (784 in total)
time; hour; period; class
coincident with; while; simultaneously
period; epoch; the times; those days; oldness; ancientness
at the same time as; while; as well as (multiple roles)
at that time; in those days
hour; o'clock; (specified) time; when ...; during ...
point in time; occasion
time; season; period; phase; stage
one o'clock; once; at one time; for a time; for a while; a time
time; (the) hour; favourable time; opportunity; chance
simultaneous; concurrent; same time; synchronous; together
instant; moment; (split) second; (in a) flash; (in the) blink of an eye
to spend time (on doing something)
two o'clock
period of time; time slot; time zone
present point (i.e. in history); at the present time
to gain time; to play for time; to buy time
time; hour; season; time of the year
(your) time
nine o'clock
matter of time; question of time
temporary; provisional; interim; special; extraordinary; extra
gaining time; stalling for time; time-buying
ten o'clock
six o'clock; six periods of a day (morning, midday, afternoon, evening, midnight, late night)
eight o'clock
recess; break time; break between classes; free period; recess time; recreation hour
3 o'clock; afternoon snack (eaten around 3 o'clock); three ages of Buddhism (following the death of Gautama Buddha; age of the true law, age of the copied law, and age of the degeneration of the law); three ages of the dharma
what time; (lit.) which hour
seven o'clock
five o'clock
rain shower in late autumn (fall) or early winter; seasonable rain
how many hours?
four o'clock
usually; ordinarily; always; continuous; 24-hour (operation, care, etc.); constant
timewise; temporal; chronal
a period (of time)
twelve o'clock; noon; midnight
rest period; intermission; break time; recess
Edo period (1603-1868)
one's high school days
date and time
regular time; stated period
speed (per hour)
to take the time (to do); to set aside time (for)
around the clock; day and night
being out of time; passing the deadline; time-out
24 hours; twenty-four hours
Warring States period (of Japanese history, approx. 1467-1568 CE); Sengoku period; Warring States period (of Chinese history, 403-221 BCE); era of vicious competition
the times
time of emergency; (in an) emergency
to make time; to carve out some time (to do something)
period (e.g. class)
historical play; period drama
(time of) emergency; (in) event of emergency; (in) case of emergency
peacetime; time of peace; ordinary times; normal times
prompt; immediate; in real time
free time; time at leisure
modern times; the modern age; this day and age
(one's) sleeping hours; hours of sleep
time axis; time basis; timeline
to spare time (for)
(trend of) the times; current of the times; spirit of the age
twelve o'clock; midnight; noon
old-fashioned; behind the times; out-of-date; antiquated
hourly pay; hourly wage
opportunity; chance; time; occasion
moment; instant
waiting time; latency; standby time (e.g. cellular phones); queueing time
Heian period (794-1185)
(getting) late; about time; good time (for doing something); good timing
statute of limitations; lapse of rights after a period of time; becoming invalid or void after a set time; ageing; aging
season; time of year
emergency landing; forced landing; crash landing
chronological order; time series
to have time free; to have time to spare
time appointed for meeting (assembling); time one is supposed to meet
season; the times; opportunity; occasion
business hours; opening hours; office hours
whenever necessary; as needed; as required; at any time; at all times
suspension; pause; temporary halt; stopping (at an intersection, railway crossing, etc.)
time difference
dinnertime; suppertime
office hours; business hours; working hours
announcement of time; time signal; news report; newsletter
half past (the hour)
from what time
new era; new period; new age; new epoch
Meiji period (1868-1912)
(school) period; period or division of time; time limit
the same age; same period
in all ages; over the ages; forever and ever
half an hour; half hour
Kamakura period (1185-1333 CE)
Jōmon period (ca. 14000-1000 BCE)
timetable (esp. a weekly school timetable); schedule
amount of time one has
free time; spare time
visiting or office hours
timewasting; killing time
timetable; schedule
trend of the times; way things are going
punctually; on time; as regularly as a clock
short while
one's youth; one's youthful days (years); the flower of one's youth; the springtime of one's life
to be late; to be unpunctual
in times of war
overtime; outside of hours (school, office, surgery, etc.)
little while; short time; (arch.) an hour; half-hour; half an hour
Muromachi period (1333-1573)
time required; time taken; necessary time
closing hours (of a store, restaurant, etc.)
fashion (current) of the times; general drift of affairs
school hours; hours of teaching (instruction)
temporary closure (of a shop, etc.); extra holiday; special holiday
events of the day; current affairs
premodern; old-fashioned; outmoded; antiquated
Taishō period (1912-1926); Taisho period
casual income; extraordinary revenue; incidental income; nonrecurring income; perquisite
to make oneself available (free)
current value; price; market value
temporary truce; ceasefire
(one's) youth; one's younger days
ancient times
to be antique-looking
situation; state of things; current affairs
makeshift; temporary expedient; stopgap measure
about this time
time one returns home
Yayoi period (c. 300 BCE-300 CE)
as time passes; with the passing of time; with time
working hours; man-hours
opening time; starting time of work
one's study hours (time)
Jishū sect (of Buddhism)
date; time
reduction in working hours; reduction in business hours; time-saving
opening hours (of a store, restaurant, etc.)
Nara period (710-794 CE)
market capitalization; market capitalisation; market cap
provisional government
season; time of the year
childhood; infancy
time travel; leaping through time
news flash; news special; special newscast; special news bulletin
commentary on current events
Japan time; Japan Standard Time; JST
Age of Discovery; Age of Exploration
part time (school system)
one's early days; little while
as long as time allows; whenever one has the time; as time permits
closing time (library, museum, etc.)
Tokugawa period (i.e. the Edo period, 1603-1867)
emergency; unexpectedness
time for reporting to work; time one leaves home to go to work; working hours; number of hours worked
Dynastic period (the Nara period and esp. the Heian period, characterized by the rule of the emperor as opposed to shogunate)
hours of operation (machine, etc.); uptime
every hour; hourly
total hours spent working
historical background
running time (e.g. of movie)
to be pressed for time
now; the present time; the present era
seasonal greeting; conventional opening phrase in a letter, appropriate to the season
at a proper time; at a suitable occasion; at the correct moment; when the time is right
starting (departure) time
in these times; in times like these; the season being what it is
at the same time; at a time; at one time; simultaneously
in all ages; over the ages; forever and ever
moment; very short time
simultaneous development; spreading at the same time (e.g. two phenomena)
feudal era; feudal times; feudal period; feudal age; age of feudalism
peak time; peak hours
Nanbokuchō period (of Japan; 1336-1392); period of the Northern and Southern courts; period of the Northern and Southern dynasties (of China; 5th-6th c.)
hourly; from one minute to the next; from hour to hour; moment by moment; with each passing moment
afternoon refreshment; afternoon tea
timely; opportune
the good old days; halcyon days
old-fashioned; antiquated; anachronistic
antique; historical object; pre-Meiji period drama; period piece
flight time; number of flight hours
execution-time; run time; object time
wartime regime; war footing
temporary employment or employee
simultaneous interpretation; simultaneous interpreting
consultation hours; surgery hours
single amount (of money); one-off payment; lump sum; bonus
duration; running time (e.g. in film)
daylight hours; hours of sunshine
current issues; current topics
Tenpyō period (esp. used as a period of art history, 710-794 CE)
Asuka period (550-710 CE)
Kofun period (of Japanese history, 250-538 CE); Tumulus period
nth period (e.g. nth class in school day)
recess; break; breathing spell
old times; former times
departure time; flight time
time (for a program, programme); broadcasting hours; air time
timetable; schedule; allocation of time (e.g. to tasks); time usage
time bell; chime of a time bell
background research; research into the period
meal time; mealtime
startup (point in) time
rush hour; rush-hour
simultaneous terrorist attacks (esp. the Sep. 11 attacks); synchronized terrorist attacks
Azuchi-Momoyama period (approx. 1558-1600)
tide of the times
short period of time
Three Kingdoms period (of Chinese history, 220 CE-280 CE); Three Kingdoms period (of Korean history, 57 BCE-668 CE)
Paleolithic; Palaeolithic; Old Stone Age
prime of life; era of national prosperity
almanac of seasonal words (for haiku poets)
always-on connection (esp. to the Internet)
lay-over; stop-over
Shōwa period (1926-1989); Showa period
prehistoric era; prehistoric times; prehistory
(on) the hour
current affairs
part-time high school; night high school
international law in time of war
right time; appropriate time; season's greetings
usage time; utilization time
adjournment; pause; moratorium; temporary suspension
bubble era (of Japan; 1986-1991)
kWh; kilowatt hour
out of season; unseasonal
leaving on time (e.g. as opposed to paid or unpaid overtime)
(baggage) checking; temporary custody
the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period (Chinese history)
the classical period
reception hours; opening hours
Ashikaga period (i.e. the Muromachi period, 1333-1573 CE)
promptness; timeliness
temporary protective custody; temporary protective care
hour hand (watch, clock)
Gempei period (late 11th century-late 12th century CE)
the four seasons
spirit of the age; zeitgeist
special train; extra train
Momoyama period (latter half of the Azuchi-Momoyama period, approx. 1583-1600)
Spring and Autumn period (of Chinese history, approx. 770-403 BCE)
night and day; all the time
relief service (bus, train, etc.); interim service; additional service
same time (of day)
The time has come (for, to, when...); The time being ripe (for)
Heisei period (January 8, 1989-April 30, 2019)
Fujiwara period (esp. used as a period of art history, approx. 894-1185 CE)
the shogunate period; the days of the shogunate regime
limitation; prescription of the right to prosecute an accused; statute of limitation
passage of time; perceived time; relative time
idle time; down time; window period
riding time; time spent aboard a bus, train etc.
time preservation; saving time
before scheduled; earlier than expected
translation time; compile time
Festival of the Ages (held at Heian Jingu Shrine in Kyoto on October 22); Jidai Festival
feudal period (characterized by the rule of the shogunate, 1185-1867); age of militarist government
hourly pay; hourly wage
division of history into periods; periodization (in history)
assembly of monks and laity (at a rite, sermon, etc.); (monks and laity of) the Jishū sect
extraordinary Diet session; extraordinary session of the Diet; session of the Diet convoked by the Cabinet by need or house request
extra (special) issue (e.g. of a magazine)
question time (e.g. in parliament, diet, etc.); question period; time allowed for questions
nine-to-five (working hours); nine to five
quibbling; temporizing; temporising
compilation time
news commentary; comments on the news
temporary suspension (of business); brief shutdown
phases of the age (times)
ice age; glacial period
clocking; timing
during pregnancy; while pregnant
startup (interval of) time
afternoon snack (eaten around 3 o'clock); afternoon tea
overtime (work); work done outside normal working hours
to be well-timed; to be timely; to be opportune
historical times; historical period
sensitivity to the times; sense of the times
(baggage) checking; temporary depositing
differentiated by time
per unit time; rate per unit of time
periodic reviewing
ancient times
resting; at rest; during rest
mark-to-market valuation; fair market valuation; fair valuation; market valuation
pay by the hour (parking)
Hakuho period (esp. used as a period of art history, approx. 645-710 CE)
extraordinary meeting of the Cabinet
modern literature
passing of time; age; chronological; successive; metachronic
geological age; geological era
duration of a cruise (flight); endurance
extraordinary Diet session; extraordinary session of the Diet; session of the Diet convoked by the Cabinet by need or house request
characteristics of an age
Yoshino period (Japan's Northern and Southern Courts period, esp. from the viewpoint of the legitimacy of the Southern Court, 1336-1392 CE)
extinctive prescription; negative prescription; statute of limitations
Jōgan period (of art history, 859-877 CE)
(bowing and) greeting; (arch.) declining; (arch.) refusing
Keien period (between the end of the Russo- Japanese War and the Taisho Political Crisis, approx. 1905-1912)
Tanuma period (1767-1786 CE)
at the time of writing
timing is everything; don't jump the gun
time sharing; time-division (e.g. multiplexing)
journey time; travelling time; travel time; transit time; run time
time traveler; time traveller
fad; fashion
time convention; way of dividing day into hours; hour system
temporary legislation; legislation with a specified duration; act valid for a limited time
Yoshino period (Japan's Northern and Southern Courts period, esp. from the viewpoint of the legitimacy of the Southern Court, 1336-1392 CE)
temporary protective custody facility; temporary care center
another time; time of separation
wartime appearance
announcing the time
space-time continuum
additional bus service; extra bus
evils of the times
Coordinated Universal Time; UTC
honeymoon period (e.g. between two countries)
times and situations; the course of events of the times; a turn of Fortune's wheel
time deviation; time lag; jitter
time of delivery (of a child)
Eastern Time (US time zone)
flowers of the season
a good chance coming along; the time has come (for, to, when...); opportunity knocking
comments on current events; public sentiments of the day; current view; contemporary opinion
not up with the times; out of touch
one's dark days; the period during which one suffered misfortune and obscurity
Han dynasty (China, 202 BCE-220 CE)
in view of the present situation
Higashiyama period (cultural and artistic period of the mid-Muromachi)
recitation of Amida Buddha's name on a specified day and time period (practice of Pure Land Buddhists)
daylight saving time; daylight savings time; summer time
watt hour
temporal art; art forms which unfold over time
Great Interregnum (gap between Hohenstaufen and Habsburg rule of the Holy Roman Empire, approx. 1254-1273 CE)
more than an hour; over an hour
Rashidun period (the period of the Rightly Guided Caliphs, 632-661 CE)
Ritsuryo period (mid 7th-10th centuries CE)
temporary child care; short-term child care
era in which university places outnumber university applicants; era of declining enrollment
modification time (of a file, e.g.)
simultaneous recording; synchronous recording
division of the Buddha's 50-year teachings into five time periods and eight categories (theory of the Tendai sect)
incidental expenses
time-limited measure
immediate appeal; immediate complaint
execution time; run time
vintage item; antique
Yamato period (300-550 CE)
transfer time; transmission time
Ōgosho period (between the Kansei Reforms and the Tempo Reforms, approx. 1787-1843)
long exposure (photography)
punctuality (in reference to public transport); reliability
sense of the trend of the times; sensitivity to the changing times
arrival of the ideal time (for); arrival of an opportunity (to)
usucaption; acquisitive prescription; positive prescription
acquisitive prescription; positive prescription
every hour on the hour
current era of excessive eating; era in which there is more than enough food; age of plenty; age of plentiful food
book of hours (devotional book popular in the Middle Ages)
Azuchi period (first half of the Azuchi-Momoyama period, 1568-1582)
Suiko period (i.e. the Asuka period, esp. under the reign of Empress Suiko, approx. 592-628 CE)
Shokuhō period (i.e. the Azuchi-Momoyama period, approx. 1568-1600)
operating under reduced business hours
latest fashion; trend of the times
gradually; slowly; little by little; incrementally
lump-sum payment; paying in a lump sum
total man-hours; total hours
comments on current events
discounted hours; reduced rate hours
time evolution; temporal development
number of hours
period of prescription; period of statute of limitations
hour angle
the present era
fixed working hours; prescribed working hours
depending on circumstances
initialization time
nationwide instantaneous alert system; J-Alert system; Japan's satellite-based disaster warning system
present; present tense
temporary worker
war communism (Russia, 1918-1921); military communism
Bunka-Bunsei period (approx. 1804-1830 CE)
autopsy imaging; postmortem computed tomography; PMCT; virtopsy
Wei, Jin, and Southern and Northern Dynasties period (China, 220-589 CE)
rotational delay; search time
positioning time; seek time
slot time (in CSMA-CD)
24 Hours of Le Mans; Le Mans 24-Hour Race
to have (one's) time taken up
now; currently; presently; nowadays; present day; these days
rise time; launch time; release time
Central Time (US time zone)
ampere hour
Greenwich Time
assembly time
time perception; chronognosis
just-in-time compiler; JIT compiler
miscellaneous time; incidental time
silent time; silence period
when you will wish to be filial, your parents will already be gone
clear, with brief light rain
TDD; time division duplex
response time window; response window
opening hours of a gallery
hours (of work) missed by arriving late or leaving early
rotational delay time; search time
at the worst time; at worst; at the worst level
Mountain Time (US time zone)
Time Division Multiplexing; TDM
Amarna period (of Egyptian history)
Eastern Standard Time (US)
sense of the times; sensitivity to the times
positioning time; seek time
era of Japanese imperialism (esp. Korea)
one's time at a certain point (at various points) of a race
public offering of new shares at market price
Universal Time; UT
travel time (esp. of waves, earthquake shocks, etc.)
real-time operation (e.g. in analog computing)
time-limited strike
time-limited strike
temporary reception center; temporary shelter
election time; election period
time division multiplexing; TDM
Temps Atomique International; International Atomic Time; TAI
chronological; over time
short sleeper; person who doesn't need much sleep
Mesolithic; Middle Stone Age
clock signal; clock pulse
the usual time
spatio-temporal information science; time-space information science
harassment related to reducing work hours (but maintaining gross productivity)
Pacific Time (US time zone)
group delay (in fibre optics, fiber optics)
time; period
environmental loss time; external loss time
sleep onset REM period; SOREMP
to move along with the times
necessary labour time (in Marxian economics)
hour circle; circle of declination
time; hour
problems that affect a period of time; hardships peculiar to an age; hard problems of the times
karmic retribution through the past, present, and future; three types of karma
travel-time table
emergency landing; forced landing; crash landing
division of the Buddha's 50-year teachings into five periods (theory of the Tendai sect)
busy hour; busy period
expiry date indication; expiration date indication
current-value accounting; market-value accounting; mark-to-market accounting; fair-value accounting
noun that can be used as an adverb; temporal noun
pre-Jomon period (i.e. the preceramic period)
war-risk insurance; war insurance
to be up-to-date; to be relevant; to respond to the times
time of receipt (of a package, etc. by the post office)
to get close to the time
double election (e.g. of the lower and higher chambers)
high temperature short time sterilization method; HTST; flash pasteurization
benevolent rule of a gracious sovereign
mark-to-market accounting system
reduction in working hours; shorter working hours
bird migration period
abuses of the times
chargé d'affaires ad interim; acting chargé d'affaires
timer; clock register
daylight saving time; daylight savings time; summer time
era at the end of 1970s dominated by grand champion Wajima and ozeki Takanohana
fixed-time traffic lights
origin time (of an earthquake)
Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time; HAST
era during mid-1990s dominated by grand champions Akebono and Takanohana II
past tense; preterit tense
instantaneous acquisition model
clock signal; clock pulse
market price basis; market price principle
protohistory (the period between prehistory and history)
Copper Age (period in which metal tools started to be used alongside stone tools)
post-Jōmon period (mainly Hokkaido; 3rd to 7th century BC); epi-Jōmon period
(arch.) timepiece; chronometer
long-term substitute teacher (filling in for someone on maternity or long-term sick leave)
submission time stamp indication; MS
Metal Age (i.e. the Bronze Age and the Iron Age)
era at the turn of 1960s into 70s dominated by grand champions Kitanofuji and Tamanoumi
Chalcolithic period (i.e. the Copper Period)
age hardening; precipitation hardening; particle hardening
era during the 1950s dominated by grand champions Tochinishiki and Wakanohana I
headway (between trains, etc.); frequency
era during mid-1970s dominated by grand champions Wajima and Kitanoumi
Kalacakra; Wheel of Time (tantric Buddhist deity)
base point in time; epoch
fixed-time traffic lights
era during 1960s dominated by grand champions Taiho and Kashiwado
era during early 1900s dominated by the grand champions Hitachiyama and Umegatani II
Kōnin-Jōgan period (of Japanese art history, approx. 794-894 CE)
lots of time