Used in (182 in total)
circle; entirety; whole; money; dough; enclosure inside a castle's walls; soft-shelled turtle
to stare in wonder; to be amazed
round; circular; curved; smooth; harmonious; calm
to make round; to roll up; to seduce; to cajole; to round off (a fraction); (arch.) to lump together
in its entirety; whole; wholly
log; dace (Tribolodon hakonensis)
exposing fully; uncovering completely; being in full view; putting on display; not disguising
full view; plain sight; completely visible
to mellow (e.g. personality); to be rounded; to huddle; to cower
to become rounded; to roll into a ball
the whole day; all the day
wholesale delegation; hundred-percent subcontracting; leaving all the decision-making to somebody else
plump; rotund; chubby; entirely; completely; wholly
inner citadel; core; center; centre
unarmed; without weapons
to settle peacefully; to work out peacefully; to come to an amicable solution; to become reconciled
roundness; rotundity; mellowness; maturity
perfect circle; cute
to coax; to cajole; to wheedle; to roll up and put into (something); to bundle up
whole roast (e.g. pig, turkey, etc.)
round; spherical; circular
in a circle (ring)
understanding completely; understanding all there is to know
round face; moon face
swallowing whole; swallowing without chewing; taking something in without fully understanding it; accepting without reservation; accepting something as-is
encircled flower seal (equiv. of a gold star awarded to children for good work at school)
roundish; sort of round
being stark-naked; having no possessions; losing all one's belongings
round frame glasses; round-lensed eyeglasses
to strip a person of all his or her clothes; to leave someone with nothing; to leave someone penniless; to steal someone blind
perfectly round; perfectly circular
rote memorization (memorisation); rote learning; indiscriminate memorizing (memorising)
being able to hear everything (esp. when one was not intended to)
outline of the Sun (esp. represented as a red circle); the Japanese flag
outer citadel
close-cropped head; bald hill
complete ruin; collapse; losing (something) completely (e.g. face)
buzz cut; close crop
completely; absolutely; totally; (not) at all
log cabin; blockhouse
circular window; round window
traditional married woman's hair style with an oval chignon on top; men's hairstyle (Edo period)
bisected-circle seal
double circle (indicating "very good" on a piece of school work)
outermost region of the castle
boulder; cobble
light torso armour opening at the right, originally used for infantry combat; dō-maru
copying in entirety (verbatim)
total fire loss; completely burned
to be stripped of all one's clothes; to lose everything one has
the whole year; all the year
rounded handwriting
dome; vaulted roof; cupola
round shape; circle; circular form
western citadel; west wing of the Edo castle (where the heir apparent or retired shogun would live)
black spot; black dot; bull's-eye; middle dot; interpunct
arched ceiling; vaulted ceiling; domed ceiling; circular ceiling
washing a kimono (or futon, etc.) without taking it apart; laundering whole
to be tonsured; to have one's head shaved; to become a monk
clear profit; great profit (without any investment)
flag with a red circle on a white background; the Japanese flag
to enclose (a word, letter, symbol, etc.) with a circle
round-necked (T-shirt)
in its entirety; whole
in a circle; amicably
to mark a correct answer with a circle
small castle projecting from a larger castle; tower projecting from a larger castle
one-piece sash
round pillar (esp. in buildings)
completely; absolutely; totally; (not) at all
rotund; plump; chubby
round collar (of Western clothing)
komaru (type of playing cards)
to find a solution (after struggle)
hinomaru bento (contains plain white rice with a single red umeboshi on top)
round bar (of metal, etc.)
biting into a whole fruit (esp. apple)
completely financed; sponsored; under patronage
the whole week; all the week
circular saw; buzz saw
parentheses; round brackets
round plate
to make a snowball
plump; chubby
cross in a circle
whole night; all night
attitude that with the state as one's boss, normal fiscal accountability can be dispensed with; dependence on the central government; attitude of those who assume their jobs are safe because they are government employees
monks make pure profit; monks need no capital and have no expenses, so their income is pure profit
confidential; secret; classified
quite; entirely; completely; as if; as though; just like
rounded handwriting
the whole month; all the month
boiling something whole (e.g. vegetable, fish); cooking something whole
Hōō Maru (Western-style Japanese frigate, launched in 1853)
whole dried small fish; whole dried daikon
Cyathea mertensiana (species of tree fern)
monopolizing; monopolising; monopolization; monopolisation
mapping pen
reciter's book; complete set of books
full memorization; full memorisation
bedpan; chamber pot; potty
convex roof tile
plump; buxom; chubby
round paper lantern
number enclosed within a circle (symbol)
Maruyama vaccine (said to be effective against leprosy, cancer and cutaneous tuberculosis)
three dimensional sculpture
complete baldness
cylindrical paper lantern
braiding stand with a circular top
official price
wooden transport ship used on Lake Biwa; vessel made from logs, e.g. large dugout canoe
the whole month; all the month
gouge; scorper; scauper
yakuza group
whole soybeans; unprocessed soybeans
round menko
round back (book spine)
copyright symbol; copyright sign; copyright
round burial mound
moneyed man
tax-free small-sum savings system (often used by the elderly and the disabled); non-tax plan for small savings
to do sweet-talk
citron (Citrus medica)
complete victory; clean record
harsh words make the going rough; consider your words; (lit.) a round egg can be cut into a square
complete defeat
circular knitting machine
deformed bar; deformed round bar
round steel bar
round gimlet
eave-end roof tile (comprising a convex semi-cylindrical tile and a decorative pendant)
completely; absolutely; totally; (not) at all
in its entirety; whole; wholly
tax inspection division; tax inspector; tax dick; tax inspection
bumblebee (Bombus sp.); bumble bee
carpet beetle (Anthrenus verbasci)
Daurian jackdaw (Corvus dauuricus)
common morning glory (Ipomoea purpurea)
Chlorophthalmus borealis (species of greeneye)
Disanthus cercidifolius (species of witch-hazel)
Japanese flowering ash (Fraxinus sieboldiana)
leafy lespedeza (Lespedeza cyrtobotrya)
Bombus ignitus (species of bumblebee)
Chinese box turtle (Cuora flavomarginata)
African forest elephant (Loxodonta cyclotis)
Eurasian jackdaw (Corvus monedula)
banded krait (Bungarus fasciatus)
softstem bulrush (Scirpus tabernaemontani)
blue mackerel (Scomber australasicus)
embossed venus (Venus toreuma)
wooden transport ship used on Lake Biwa
Marunouchi Station (Nagoya)
Shiromaru Station