(a) weakness; shortcoming; failing; sore point
free action; free activity; acting at one's own discretion; taking one's own course; free hand; independent action
restraint; restriction; control; check
(feeling of) indebtedness; feeling obliged
to avoid; to refrain from; to shun; to detest
somehow; for some reason; without knowing why
king and princes; noble rank
aristocrat; nobleman; dignitary; person of high rank
unsparingly; without listening to the other party; without giving the other party a chance to explain
ball; sphere; bead (of sweat, dew, etc.); drop; ball (in sports); pile (of noodles, etc.); bullet
to shrink; to contract; to diminish (in size)
to vomit; to throw up; to emit; to send forth; to give (an opinion); to make (a comment)
glance; look; glimpse; complete view; bird's-eye view
senior (at work or school); superior; elder; older graduate; progenitor; old-timer
justice; right; righteousness; correct meaning; correct explanation
(a) step; one step; level; stage; small degree; small amount
to hand over; to transfer; to give up (e.g. one's seat); to give way; to yield; to concede
close (e.g. of business); leaving (e.g. school); being outdone; compare unfavourably (with); closing price (stockmarket); sink mark (casting, moulding)
to freeze (from fear, etc.); to be unable to move (e.g. from surprise); to be paralyzed (with horror, etc.); to cower; to shrink in on oneself
antiquity; the previous era
evil destiny or connection; unfortunate love
snake; serpent; large snake
frog; kajika frog (Buergeria buergeri)
period of time (usu. a period of approx. two hours corresponding to one of the signs of the Chinese zodiac); carving; engraving; victory; strictness; cruelty
karma; result of one's karma; fate; uncontrollable temper
explanation; interpretation
event; festivities; function; social gathering; auspices; opening
reckless; (at) random; haphazard; blind; sudden; abrupt
reproachful; hateful; bitter
to collapse (physically or emotionally); to fall down
to put in order; to arrange; to get ready; to prepare; to work out (e.g. business deal); to arrange (e.g. marriage)
ornament; decoration; figurehead; leader without real power
existence or nonexistence; presence or absence; consent or refusal; yes or no
to get someone to say; to make someone say; to let someone say; to let someone speak out; to make a sound
to slip into; to crawl into (under); to conceal oneself (under); to sneak into; to infiltrate
daytime; position of the Sun
abruptly (rising); slowly (rising)