is not; am not; are not; isn't it?
he; she; this; this one; Hey, you!; You bastard!
to be needed; to be wanted
indicates emotion or admiration; indicates emphasis; I; me; wah!; boo!
this; this one; this person; now; this point (in time); here; used to stress the subject of a sentence
(Edo-period) room for confining criminals or lunatics
How do you do?; I am glad to meet you
after this; from now on; hereafter; thereafter; since (then); after
pleased to make your acquaintance
nicely; properly; frequently; often; I'm glad that you ...; thank you for ...
to give; to confer; to bestow; to kindly do for one; to oblige; to favour
eye; eyeball; eyesight; sight; look; stare; notice
by nature; by birth; naturally; natural; innate
that's the way it is; yes; is that so?; is it?
that; it; then; that point (in time); (arch.) there; (arch.) you
reason; cause; circumstances
when one was a very young child; very early in one's life
this; last (couple of years, etc.); these; you (as in "you liar")
prison; jail; gaol; firm; solid; strong
to shut oneself in (e.g. one's room); to be confined in; to be filled with (emotion, enthusiasm, etc.); to fill the room (of a gas, smell, etc.); to be heavy with (e.g. smoke); to be muffled (e.g. voice); to hold (a castle, fortress, etc.)
living; life (one's daily existence); livelihood
enjoyment; pleasure; diversion; anticipation; looking forward to
speaking of ...; when it comes to ...; as for ...; if one were to say ...
to visit; to call on; to arrive (season, time, situation, etc.); to come; (arch.) to make a sound; (arch.) to send a letter
caller; visitor; company; guest
story; tale; talk; discussion
to write (e.g. a letter); to draw up (a document); to take down (e.g. notes); to have (lunch, dinner, etc.); to eat
approximately; about; to (about) the extent that; (almost) enough that; as ... as ...; like
several weeks; a few weeks
in front (of); before (e.g. a building); before; earlier; (the) front; frontal part; forward
incident; affair; happening; event
to teach; to instruct; to tell; to inform; to preach
to reach the point that; to come to be that; to turn into
clairvoyance; second sight; clairvoyant
to call out (to); to call; to summon (a doctor, etc.); to invite; to designate; to name; to garner (support, etc.)
far; distant; distant (past); remote (in time); distant (relationship or kinship); having little to do (with someone); far (from something else in quality, degree, etc.)
to be separated; to be apart; to leave; to go away; to leave (a job, etc.); to quit
thing; object; one's things; possessions; things; something; quality
foresight; foreknowledge; intimation; premonition; prediction
how; in what way; how about
station (esp. a police station); office (e.g. tax office)