king; ruler; tycoon; magnate; king (of the senior player)
pillar; post; support; prop; counter for buddhas, gods, nobles, etc.
be; is; did; (have) done; please; do
indicates sentence subject (occasionally object); indicates possessive (esp. in literary expressions); but; however; regardless of; whether (or not)
revival (e.g. musical); come-back; restoration; rebirth; resurrection
cross; crossed; cruciform
body; group; party; company; troupe
prefix for forming ordinal numbers
party; group; crew; company (of troops); corps; unit
representative; representation; delegation; switchboard number; main number
this; this one; this person; now; this point (in time); here; used to stress the subject of a sentence
than; from; out of; except; but; more
to start; to begin; to start up (a business, society, etc.); to open (e.g. a store); to start ...; to begin to ...
that is so; that is right; it looks to me; people say that; it is said that; I hear that
you (people); gentlemen; ladies and gentlemen; my friends
to be aware of; to know; to notice; to feel; to understand; to comprehend; to remember
in order to (e.g. meet goal); so that; take care (so as); hoping or wishing for something
last night; yesterday evening
this; last (couple of years, etc.); these; you (as in "you liar")
island; one's territory (e.g. of a sex worker, organized crime gang); one's turf
sky; the air; weather; far-off place; distant place; state of mind; feeling
to go through; to pierce; to run through (e.g. a river through a city); to pass through; to stick to (opinion, principles, etc.); to carry out
situation; (present) state of affairs; circumstances
to invite; to ask; to beckon; to wave someone in; to call in; to send for
duty; responsibility (incl. supervision of staff); liability; onus
big; large; loud; extensive; spacious; important
I wonder; do you think?; I might; some kind; some stage; somehow
when; at what time; how soon; normal times; ordinary days
but; however; even; however; no matter how; ... or something; either ... or ...
possible; potential; practicable; feasible
state; condition; situation; appearance; circumstances
that; it; then; that point (in time); (arch.) there; (arch.) you
occasionally; once in a while; seldom; casually; unexpectedly; accidentally
thing; matter; incident; occurrence; circumstances; situation; work
important; serious; valuable; precious; serious matter; major incident
the present; present time; as of; present tense; this world; this life
record; minutes; record (e.g. in sports); results; to record; to document
by means of; due to; because of; according to