already; now; by this time; quick; early; fast
hey!; excuse me!; wait a moment
too; also; still; as before; even so; either way
to persevere; to persist; to insist that; to stick to (one's opinion); to remain in a place; to stick to one's post
odd; strange; queer; peculiar
sound; noise; note; fame; Chinese-derived character reading
this sort of; this kind of; like this; such
he; she; this; this one; Hey, you!; You bastard!
in front (of); before (e.g. a building); before; earlier; (the) front; frontal part; forward
evening; night; dinner; evening meal; counter for nights
particularly; only; in the case of
bizarre; strange; eccentric; odd; queer
effort; exertion; endeavour; endeavor; hard work; striving
result; consequence; coming to fruition; bearing fruit; as a result; consequently
enjoyment; pleasure; diversion; amusement; hobby
stinking; smelly; suspicious; fishy; clumsy; unskilled
soon; shortly; before long; nearly; almost
Golden Week (early-May holiday season in Japan)
yes?; no?; isn't it?; is it?
long (distance, length); long (time); protracted; prolonged
by all means; at any cost; whether (one is) willing or not; willingly or unwillingly; on no account; by no means
to play (games, sports); to enjoy oneself; to mess about (with alcohol, gambling, philandery, etc.); to be idle; to do nothing; to meet up (with friends); to hang out
together (with); at the same time; in a lump
thank you (for the meal); that was a delicious meal; thank you (for displaying lovey-dovey behaviour)
university student; college student
irresponsible; perfunctory; lukewarm; half-baked; reasonable; moderate
to raise; to raise up; to wake; to wake up; to cause; to bring about; to start
anyhow; in any case; at any rate; at best; at most
slow; time-consuming; late (in the day); towards the end (of the day or night); later (than expected or usual); late
in the morning; during the morning
ceremony for purifying a building site (before building commences); ground-breaking ceremony
particle indicating that the speaker is trying to recall some information
what time; (lit.) which hour
here I am; I'm home!; presently; right away; right now
lunch; noon; midday; daytime; waking up; getting up
noon; midday; daytime; lunch