soon; shortly; before long; nearly; almost
leaving hospital; discharge from hospital
visiting ill or distressed people; writing get-well letters; get-well gifts; get-well letters; expression of sympathy; expression of concern
being beaten by one's opponent's persistence; being outlasted; running out of patience; giving in; succumbing (to)
care; looking after; trouble; bother; good offices; recommendation
just right (time, size, length, etc.)
break in contact; not hearing from; having no communication with
moving to a different location to start a new job; (proceeding to) new appointment
private property; personal belongings; personal effects
to look after; to take care of; to be put in charge of; to be given responsibility for; to withhold (an announcement); to reserve (judgment)
tall and thin; long and thin; lanky; spindly; gangly
head of the student council; president of the student council
school building; schoolhouse
patrolling; one's rounds; inspection tour; watchman; patrolman
care; looking after; repair; (police) raid; crackdown
exclamation of surprised disappointment, disgust, or worry (yuck, ick, ack, eeew, crap!, blech, gross)
each time; always; often; thank you for your continued patronage
diligent; hardworking; healthy; fit; (arch.) faithful; (arch.) devoted
getting tired of; getting sick of; getting bored with; getting fed up with
occasionally; once in a while; now and then; rarely; seldom
guess; speculation; supposition
to stand up; to put up; to thrust into; to bury into; to make (a noise); to start (a rumour); to make
on purpose; deliberately; intentionally
straight-laced person; stubborn person
classroom; lecture room; department (in a university); class; lessons; school (for a particular discipline)
estimate (of costs); budget
club budget; club expense
reduction; diminution; abatement
department (in an organization); division; club; part; component; category
club activities; extracurricular activities
evening glow; red sunset; afterglow (of sunset)
even if; even though; even; too; whether ... or ...; no matter (what, where, who, etc.)
a blink of time; (lit.) the time it takes to say "Ah!"
becoming a pupil (of); becoming an apprentice
graduation; completion (of a course); moving on (from); outgrowing (something); leaving (a group, company, etc.)
to succeed (a person, to a position, etc.); to inherit; to patch (clothes); to mend; to add (e.g. charcoal to the fire); to replenish with