outline; summary; overview; synopsis; abstract; abridgment
hard to understand; incomprehensible; unintelligible
inside; interior; inner part
double; two-fold; diplo-; dipl-; double-edged eyelid; double eyelid
system; lineage; corollary; system (range of strata that correspond to a particular time period); (taxonomical) series
to talk; to speak; to tell; to explain; to speak (a language)
to cut into (a line, conversation, etc.); to force oneself into (e.g. a crowd); to wedge oneself into; to fall below (of stock prices, sales, etc.); to drop below
queue jumping; breaking into a line; muscling in on; interrupt
check; plaid; checking; monitoring; check (banking); cheque
tool (esp. software, etc.); tour (e.g. Tour de France)
subtle; delicate; difficult; complex; doubtful; questionable
things like; something like; someone like; such a thing as; (the fact) that; to think that
carefree; optimistic; careless; reckless; heedless; happy-go-lucky
expresses a firm view or feeling; please ...; would you ...
end; conclusion; last; final; no sooner than; once
middle; halfway; half (of); one half; half (e.g. done, jokingly); partly
plump; rotund; chubby; entirely; completely; wholly
technique; art; skill; move
to bury; to embed; to implant
menu; schedule; program; (computer) menu
and the like; such as; or something; something like; I hear that ...; people say that...
lunch; noon; midday; daytime; waking up; getting up
major incident; major happening; big scandal
that's the way it is; yes; is that so?; is it?
seems; I think; I guess; don't you agree?; I thought you'd say that!
to; for; from the standpoint of; as far as ... is concerned
important; serious; valuable; precious; serious matter; major incident
if anything; if pushed I'd say; if I had to say
this way; this direction; here; this (one); I; me
to turn up; to roll up (e.g. sleeves); to do over and over again; to do relentlessly; to stage a comeback (against) (in mahjong, horse racing, etc.); to come from behind
indicates emotion or admiration; indicates emphasis; I; me; wah!; boo!
teacher; instructor; sensei; title or form of address for a teacher, master, doctor, lawyer, etc.; intimate or teasing form of address; (arch.) one's elder
morning; breakfast; (arch.) next morning
meeting; assembly; party; society; association; club
to begin; to start; to happen (again); to begin (anew); to date (from); to originate (in)
wrong; not good; hopeless; past hope; must not do
manners; etiquette; propriety; manner of production (esp. of prose, poetry, etc.); way of making
long sentence; long piece of writing (e.g. passage, letter, article, telegram)
letter; missive; note; mail
cannot be helped; unavoidable
minor; small; minor (key, scale, etc.); the minor leagues (US baseball)
I'm afraid to say; I'm sorry to say; unfortunately
amateur; layman; respectable woman (i.e. not a prostitute, hostess, geisha); (arch.) unlicensed prostitute