bottomless; endlessly deep; infinite
surprise attack; surprise visit; catching a person off guard
sly; cunning; sneaky; crafty; unfair; dishonest
to hit (e.g. one's head); to strike; to throw (e.g. a ball, a question, a demand); to express; to vent (e.g. one's anger)
far away; distant place; long ago; far back; by far
tired; frazzled; tiresome; tiring; draining
insensitive; inconsiderate; callous; thick-skinned
to lay aside; to set aside
addition; supplement; appending; appendix
fierce animal; beast of prey; big game
profile; face in profile; face seen from the side; (personal) profile; (biographical) sketch; outline (of someone's life)
grand; magnificent; lavish; forceful; powerful; vigorous
heart; guts; nerve; central part
being startled; getting a shock
to sound; to ring; to resound; to echo; to roar; to rumble
to put out one's hand; to extend one's arm; to reach (for); to try one's hand at (something new)
to be shy; to be bashful; to feel awkward; to feel embarrassed
to hang one's head; to look down; to cast one's eyes downward
sticking; clinging; with a smack (e.g. sitting down); hard; all over; thickly
reaching a stopping place; settling down (before the next stage); getting to a point where one can rest; one paragraph
mess; spoiled; spoilt; (come to) nothing; ruin
to be put in order; to be put to rights; to be disposed of; to be solved; to be finished; to be married (off)
thank you for your hard work; I appreciate your efforts
to pull out; to draw out; to omit; to leave out; to do to the end; to carry through; to let out (e.g. air from a tyre)
to do for (someone); to take in; to deceive; to hoodwink
to pull; to tug; to draw (attention, sympathy, etc.); to attract (e.g. interest); to draw back (e.g. one's hand); to draw in (one's chin, stomach, etc.); to draw (a card, mahjong tile, etc.)
passing each other; missing (meeting) each other; failing to meet; (being at) cross purposes; discrepancy
contact; connectedness; rapport; mutual touching
to refuse; to reject; to decline; to prevent (from doing); to deny (e.g. access); to block
shy; diffident; retiring; reserved
to cuddle; to comfort; to rock; to soothe; to dandle; to humor
to shrug (shoulders); to duck (head); to draw back (body)
to follow (road); to pursue (course); to follow up; to follow (hyperlink)
with a shiver (down one's spine); with a sudden chill
to hang; to suspend; to lower; to reduce; to demote; to move back
in good condition; in fine shape; glib; slick; harmonious; melodious
deep blue; bright blue; ghastly pale; pallid; white as a sheet
to take care doing something; to be prudent; to take no chances; to play it safe
to stick through; to force through; to spread throughout; to thoroughly diffuse; to make a path between two points; to proceed in a logical manner; to let pass