Web novel difficulty list This is a list of web novels from the 小説家になろう website ranked by their difficulty, on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is very easy and 10 is very hard. You can use it to find the most appropriate novel to read based on how good your Japanese is.
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Web novel
超絶金持ちの幼馴染と付き合った俺は最強なのでとりあえず悪を粛清したいと思います Length (in words) 12658 Unique words 2414 Unique words (used once) 1266 Unique words (used once %) 52% Unique kanji 970 Unique kanji (used once) 264 Unique kanji readings 1410 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 14.0 Characters 29321
Web novel
勇者「魔王倒したし帰るか」 Length (in words) 14102 Unique words 2718 Unique words (used once) 1491 Unique words (used once %) 54% Unique kanji 1090 Unique kanji (used once) 289 Unique kanji readings 1600 Difficulty 4/10 Average sentence length 23.4 Characters 30695
Web novel
死ぬほど口が悪くて喧嘩っ早い婚約者の弟が、私にだけは好意を向けてくる Length (in words) 13348 Unique words 3023 Unique words (used once) 1790 Unique words (used once %) 59% Unique kanji 1114 Unique kanji (used once) 320 Unique kanji readings 1677 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 22.4 Characters 30820
Web novel
淫夢の神の加護を受けていると言われて修道院に追放されましたが、そのせいで国が滅びそうです。 Length (in words) 12729 Unique words 2655 Unique words (used once) 1505 Unique words (used once %) 56% Unique kanji 1131 Unique kanji (used once) 367 Unique kanji readings 1636 Difficulty 4/10 Average sentence length 23.3 Characters 30870
Web novel
【コミカライズ】お探しの初恋相手はたぶん私です、とはとても言えない。~逃亡した元聖女、もふもふをこじらせた青年と再会する~ Length (in words) 13339 Unique words 2659 Unique words (used once) 1441 Unique words (used once %) 54% Unique kanji 1106 Unique kanji (used once) 348 Unique kanji readings 1591 Difficulty 4/10 Average sentence length 19.9 Characters 31027
Web novel
行き遅れにされた女騎士団長はやんごとなきお方に愛される Length (in words) 13605 Unique words 2815 Unique words (used once) 1601 Unique words (used once %) 56% Unique kanji 1079 Unique kanji (used once) 290 Unique kanji readings 1598 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 18.1 Characters 31210
Web novel
【完結】貧乏男装令嬢の政略結婚〜そっちの趣味がおありですか?と、聞いたらヤンデレ気味に溺愛されています〜 Length (in words) 13968 Unique words 2677 Unique words (used once) 1473 Unique words (used once %) 55% Unique kanji 1098 Unique kanji (used once) 325 Unique kanji readings 1575 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 22.5 Characters 31227
Web novel
最強お姉様の帰還! 王子、貴方には堪忍袋の緒が切れました Length (in words) 13967 Unique words 2541 Unique words (used once) 1357 Unique words (used once %) 53% Unique kanji 1028 Unique kanji (used once) 293 Unique kanji readings 1497 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 17.1 Characters 31509
Web novel
【書籍発売中】公爵家の養女になりましたが、ツンデレ義弟が認めてくれません Length (in words) 13488 Unique words 2625 Unique words (used once) 1478 Unique words (used once %) 56% Unique kanji 1020 Unique kanji (used once) 336 Unique kanji readings 1465 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 23.2 Characters 31790
Web novel
島流しにされましてよ Length (in words) 13547 Unique words 3297 Unique words (used once) 2010 Unique words (used once %) 60% Unique kanji 1258 Unique kanji (used once) 416 Unique kanji readings 1848 Difficulty 4/10 Average sentence length 24.6 Characters 31809
Web novel
皇子の婚約者になりたくないので天の声に従いました Length (in words) 14013 Unique words 2232 Unique words (used once) 1129 Unique words (used once %) 50% Unique kanji 879 Unique kanji (used once) 259 Unique kanji readings 1242 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 19.6 Characters 31948
Web novel
ふわふわ日記 Length (in words) 13175 Unique words 2272 Unique words (used once) 1132 Unique words (used once %) 49% Unique kanji 838 Unique kanji (used once) 237 Unique kanji readings 1205 Difficulty 2/10 Average sentence length 15.9 Characters 32331
Web novel
【簡易版】俺は何度でもお前を追放する~ハズレスキルがこのあと覚醒して、最強になるんだよね? 一方で俺は没落してひどい最期を迎えるんだよね? 知ってるよ、でもパーティーを出て行ってくれないか~ Length (in words) 14286 Unique words 2706 Unique words (used once) 1475 Unique words (used once %) 54% Unique kanji 1092 Unique kanji (used once) 313 Unique kanji readings 1581 Difficulty 4/10 Average sentence length 20.7 Characters 32608
Web novel
誰が聖女を殺したか? Length (in words) 14811 Unique words 2937 Unique words (used once) 1709 Unique words (used once %) 58% Unique kanji 1191 Unique kanji (used once) 362 Unique kanji readings 1728 Difficulty 4/10 Average sentence length 22.2 Characters 32747
Web novel
【書籍化決定】二度目の求婚は受けつけません!(旧題:運命の歯車は悲しいほどに狂わない。) Length (in words) 13799 Unique words 2660 Unique words (used once) 1474 Unique words (used once %) 55% Unique kanji 1087 Unique kanji (used once) 313 Unique kanji readings 1595 Difficulty 4/10 Average sentence length 21.0 Characters 32749
Web novel
聖女なんて勘弁願います! Length (in words) 13835 Unique words 2843 Unique words (used once) 1624 Unique words (used once %) 57% Unique kanji 1088 Unique kanji (used once) 338 Unique kanji readings 1582 Difficulty 4/10 Average sentence length 19.4 Characters 32836
Web novel
貴方は嵌められたのですよ? Length (in words) 14172 Unique words 2430 Unique words (used once) 1306 Unique words (used once %) 53% Unique kanji 1020 Unique kanji (used once) 298 Unique kanji readings 1508 Difficulty 4/10 Average sentence length 28.1 Characters 32869
Web novel
邪神が死んだ世界に勇者は用済みだと言って追放されました ~邪神が復活して世界の危機だから戻ってこいと言われてももう遅い、地球という異世界で可愛い女の子と一緒に楽しくスローライフしています〜 Length (in words) 14227 Unique words 2673 Unique words (used once) 1405 Unique words (used once %) 52% Unique kanji 1081 Unique kanji (used once) 301 Unique kanji readings 1546 Difficulty 4/10 Average sentence length 20.4 Characters 32885
Web novel
呪術師としてパーティーに貢献してたのに、裏切られて殺されかけたので呪いで復讐してやる。美人で優しい幼馴染だけは見逃してやろうと思ったけど、今さら告白されたってもう遅い Length (in words) 13855 Unique words 2581 Unique words (used once) 1424 Unique words (used once %) 55% Unique kanji 1024 Unique kanji (used once) 286 Unique kanji readings 1522 Difficulty 4/10 Average sentence length 18.2 Characters 32924
Web novel
好きな人に好きって言われても、俺は多分死んでいるからもう遅い Length (in words) 14053 Unique words 2300 Unique words (used once) 1245 Unique words (used once %) 54% Unique kanji 937 Unique kanji (used once) 294 Unique kanji readings 1297 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 14.0 Characters 32928
Web novel
とある悪役令嬢の婚約破棄と死 Length (in words) 14552 Unique words 2772 Unique words (used once) 1591 Unique words (used once %) 57% Unique kanji 1088 Unique kanji (used once) 320 Unique kanji readings 1600 Difficulty 4/10 Average sentence length 25.7 Characters 33235
Web novel
政略結婚の行方 Length (in words) 14377 Unique words 2611 Unique words (used once) 1398 Unique words (used once %) 53% Unique kanji 1039 Unique kanji (used once) 293 Unique kanji readings 1525 Difficulty 4/10 Average sentence length 22.4 Characters 33246
Web novel
婚約破棄による崩壊 Length (in words) 14651 Unique words 3420 Unique words (used once) 1979 Unique words (used once %) 57% Unique kanji 1410 Unique kanji (used once) 370 Unique kanji readings 2185 Difficulty 4/10 Average sentence length 22.0 Characters 33247
Web novel
導く手 Length (in words) 13883 Unique words 2743 Unique words (used once) 1511 Unique words (used once %) 55% Unique kanji 971 Unique kanji (used once) 296 Unique kanji readings 1404 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 24.9 Characters 33407
Web novel
【コミカライズ】【完結】私にだけ塩対応の婚約者にうんざりしたので、婚約破棄をしようと塩対応返しを始めたら Length (in words) 14672 Unique words 2689 Unique words (used once) 1448 Unique words (used once %) 53% Unique kanji 1061 Unique kanji (used once) 333 Unique kanji readings 1534 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 23.5 Characters 33512
Web novel
ヤンデレ妖精王と平凡な私。 Length (in words) 14805 Unique words 2913 Unique words (used once) 1596 Unique words (used once %) 54% Unique kanji 1211 Unique kanji (used once) 363 Unique kanji readings 1777 Difficulty 4/10 Average sentence length 20.2 Characters 33569
Web novel
【コミカライズ】【完結】名無し姫は札をめくる〜隣国の大使に見初められて二束三文で売り払われた所、大使は王太子だったようです〜 Length (in words) 15115 Unique words 2655 Unique words (used once) 1347 Unique words (used once %) 50% Unique kanji 1095 Unique kanji (used once) 304 Unique kanji readings 1570 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 23.5 Characters 33699
Web novel
【完結】継母の甘言〜可愛くないと育てられた私が公爵夫人になるまで〜 Length (in words) 15252 Unique words 2492 Unique words (used once) 1273 Unique words (used once %) 51% Unique kanji 987 Unique kanji (used once) 280 Unique kanji readings 1433 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 22.1 Characters 34296
Web novel
人質婚約者のはずなのに婚約破棄されました Length (in words) 15680 Unique words 2136 Unique words (used once) 1022 Unique words (used once %) 47% Unique kanji 913 Unique kanji (used once) 229 Unique kanji readings 1278 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 30.0 Characters 34447
Web novel
【完結】私の婚約者は妹のおさがりです Length (in words) 15971 Unique words 2813 Unique words (used once) 1493 Unique words (used once %) 53% Unique kanji 1146 Unique kanji (used once) 309 Unique kanji readings 1693 Difficulty 4/10 Average sentence length 25.1 Characters 34663
Web novel
【Web版】町人Aは悪役令嬢をどうしても救いたい【後日談のみ連載中】 Length (in words) 14996 Unique words 2712 Unique words (used once) 1409 Unique words (used once %) 51% Unique kanji 1073 Unique kanji (used once) 289 Unique kanji readings 1574 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 21.5 Characters 35219
Web novel
猫を被ってる妹に悪役令嬢を押し付けられたお陰で人生180度変わりました。 Length (in words) 15481 Unique words 2425 Unique words (used once) 1255 Unique words (used once %) 51% Unique kanji 959 Unique kanji (used once) 265 Unique kanji readings 1371 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 19.2 Characters 35759
Web novel
答え合わせのようなもの Length (in words) 15672 Unique words 2084 Unique words (used once) 1024 Unique words (used once %) 49% Unique kanji 897 Unique kanji (used once) 247 Unique kanji readings 1239 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 20.6 Characters 35793
Web novel
悪役令嬢は推しが尊すぎて鼻血が止まりません! Length (in words) 14341 Unique words 2507 Unique words (used once) 1333 Unique words (used once %) 53% Unique kanji 957 Unique kanji (used once) 273 Unique kanji readings 1364 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 20.9 Characters 35811
Web novel
聖女だから王子と結婚しろ?いや、そんなことより野草が食べたい。 Length (in words) 15813 Unique words 3084 Unique words (used once) 1743 Unique words (used once %) 56% Unique kanji 1182 Unique kanji (used once) 350 Unique kanji readings 1723 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 20.2 Characters 35937
Web novel
嘘をついてごめんなさい Length (in words) 15721 Unique words 2387 Unique words (used once) 1222 Unique words (used once %) 51% Unique kanji 927 Unique kanji (used once) 255 Unique kanji readings 1329 Difficulty 2/10 Average sentence length 21.7 Characters 35965
Web novel
【書籍化】【完結】真実の愛を見つけたから婚約破棄、ですか。構いませんが、本当にいいんですね?〜王太子は眠れない〜 Length (in words) 15964 Unique words 2745 Unique words (used once) 1469 Unique words (used once %) 53% Unique kanji 1080 Unique kanji (used once) 324 Unique kanji readings 1551 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 22.6 Characters 36098
Web novel
【番外編】ふつつかな悪女ではございますがWeb版 Length (in words) 16338 Unique words 3739 Unique words (used once) 2103 Unique words (used once %) 56% Unique kanji 1402 Unique kanji (used once) 382 Unique kanji readings 2136 Difficulty 5/10 Average sentence length 23.6 Characters 36100
Web novel
元王妃ですが、現代に転生したようです。 Length (in words) 15685 Unique words 2708 Unique words (used once) 1441 Unique words (used once %) 53% Unique kanji 1130 Unique kanji (used once) 330 Unique kanji readings 1638 Difficulty 4/10 Average sentence length 23.2 Characters 36225
Web novel
私のことが大好きな守護竜様は、どうやら私をあきらめたらしい Length (in words) 15732 Unique words 2742 Unique words (used once) 1384 Unique words (used once %) 50% Unique kanji 1003 Unique kanji (used once) 272 Unique kanji readings 1450 Difficulty 4/10 Average sentence length 20.3 Characters 36514
Web novel
こうかい! ~幼馴染の彼女に振られたら、幼馴染達がドンびきする位グイグイ来た~ Length (in words) 16213 Unique words 2338 Unique words (used once) 1191 Unique words (used once %) 50% Unique kanji 946 Unique kanji (used once) 288 Unique kanji readings 1351 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 16.6 Characters 36527
Web novel
婚約破棄されて従妹に乗り換えられましたが、納得いかないので彼の新しい婚約をぶち壊そうと思います Length (in words) 15694 Unique words 2350 Unique words (used once) 1169 Unique words (used once %) 49% Unique kanji 914 Unique kanji (used once) 251 Unique kanji readings 1296 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 20.2 Characters 36630
Web novel
彼女欲しいって呟いたら幼馴染が物凄く動揺してる件 Length (in words) 15663 Unique words 2933 Unique words (used once) 1589 Unique words (used once %) 54% Unique kanji 1058 Unique kanji (used once) 287 Unique kanji readings 1541 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 16.4 Characters 36742
Web novel
美しい指 Length (in words) 15855 Unique words 2675 Unique words (used once) 1436 Unique words (used once %) 53% Unique kanji 1106 Unique kanji (used once) 329 Unique kanji readings 1568 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 24.9 Characters 37160
Web novel
【完結】 Length (in words) 16327 Unique words 2557 Unique words (used once) 1349 Unique words (used once %) 52% Unique kanji 971 Unique kanji (used once) 272 Unique kanji readings 1377 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 15.6 Characters 37423
Web novel
妹に婚約者を奪われた私は、戦場の悪魔と呼ばれる辺境伯へと嫁ぎます Length (in words) 15915 Unique words 2477 Unique words (used once) 1251 Unique words (used once %) 50% Unique kanji 962 Unique kanji (used once) 272 Unique kanji readings 1391 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 22.8 Characters 37515
Web novel
記憶を失くした悪役令嬢~私に婚約者などおりましたでしょうか~ Length (in words) 16359 Unique words 2693 Unique words (used once) 1396 Unique words (used once %) 51% Unique kanji 1024 Unique kanji (used once) 284 Unique kanji readings 1480 Difficulty 4/10 Average sentence length 18.7 Characters 37578
Web novel
千のスキルを持つ男 Jr. Length (in words) 15665 Unique words 3274 Unique words (used once) 1916 Unique words (used once %) 58% Unique kanji 1207 Unique kanji (used once) 347 Unique kanji readings 1818 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 23.0 Characters 37692
Web novel
一応、婚約者。 Length (in words) 16342 Unique words 3608 Unique words (used once) 2103 Unique words (used once %) 58% Unique kanji 1292 Unique kanji (used once) 350 Unique kanji readings 2000 Difficulty 4/10 Average sentence length 29.0 Characters 37764
Web novel
婚約者に愛する人が出来たので、身を引く事にしました Length (in words) 16450 Unique words 2719 Unique words (used once) 1420 Unique words (used once %) 52% Unique kanji 1019 Unique kanji (used once) 302 Unique kanji readings 1487 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 17.2 Characters 38089