Web novel difficulty list This is a list of web novels from the 小説家になろう website ranked by their difficulty, on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is very easy and 10 is very hard. You can use it to find the most appropriate novel to read based on how good your Japanese is.
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Web novel
義妹が聖女だからと婚約破棄されましたが、私は妖精の愛し子です Length (in words) 20123 Unique words 2532 Unique words (used once) 1200 Unique words (used once %) 47% Unique kanji 969 Unique kanji (used once) 252 Unique kanji readings 1400 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 23.1 Characters 46976
Web novel
【書籍化】俺の天使は盲目でひきこもり Length (in words) 68072 Unique words 5385 Unique words (used once) 2388 Unique words (used once %) 44% Unique kanji 1374 Unique kanji (used once) 278 Unique kanji readings 2175 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 19.8 Characters 163444
Web novel
末期の引きこもりが魔王のペットになって全力で愛でられます。 Length (in words) 31435 Unique words 4759 Unique words (used once) 2425 Unique words (used once %) 50% Unique kanji 1391 Unique kanji (used once) 314 Unique kanji readings 2221 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 16.9 Characters 74582
Web novel
妹に婚約者を奪われた私は、戦場の悪魔と呼ばれる辺境伯へと嫁ぎます Length (in words) 15915 Unique words 2477 Unique words (used once) 1251 Unique words (used once %) 50% Unique kanji 962 Unique kanji (used once) 272 Unique kanji readings 1391 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 22.8 Characters 37515
Web novel
趣味はお菓子作りと覗きです!~乙女ゲームの世界に転生したけどモブ以下でした~【連載版】 Length (in words) 21502 Unique words 2961 Unique words (used once) 1385 Unique words (used once %) 46% Unique kanji 1027 Unique kanji (used once) 263 Unique kanji readings 1479 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 22.4 Characters 50750
Web novel
最強転生悪役令嬢は人生を謳歌したい!~今更SSクラスに戻れと言われても『もう遅い!』Cクラスで最強を目指します!~【改稿版】 Length (in words) 39476 Unique words 4874 Unique words (used once) 2356 Unique words (used once %) 48% Unique kanji 1404 Unique kanji (used once) 300 Unique kanji readings 2187 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 21.9 Characters 96379
Web novel
過保護パーティーの愛され幼女になりました~転生したらチート聖女!? 目指すは従魔との平和なスローライフです~ Length (in words) 45756 Unique words 4831 Unique words (used once) 2257 Unique words (used once %) 46% Unique kanji 1330 Unique kanji (used once) 257 Unique kanji readings 2110 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 20.0 Characters 106773
Web novel
レベル1の勇者は悪役令嬢に追放させられたので、王様倒してスローライフを目指します! ~瞬間装着は外れスキルじゃありません!~ Length (in words) 39583 Unique words 5036 Unique words (used once) 2443 Unique words (used once %) 48% Unique kanji 1422 Unique kanji (used once) 298 Unique kanji readings 2229 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 19.8 Characters 95623
Web novel
婚約破棄された公爵令嬢は山で修行中の魔法使い(隣国王子)と出会い、魔物を食べ、婚約しました。 Length (in words) 21176 Unique words 3039 Unique words (used once) 1457 Unique words (used once %) 47% Unique kanji 1105 Unique kanji (used once) 243 Unique kanji readings 1628 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 18.9 Characters 47716
Web novel
高嶺の花である美少女先輩が狙っているのはイケメンの親友かと思ったらどうやら狙っていたのは俺の事だったらしいです Length (in words) 57027 Unique words 4610 Unique words (used once) 2028 Unique words (used once %) 43% Unique kanji 1295 Unique kanji (used once) 252 Unique kanji readings 2007 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 27.5 Characters 132408
Web novel
千のスキルを持つ男 Jr. Length (in words) 15665 Unique words 3274 Unique words (used once) 1916 Unique words (used once %) 58% Unique kanji 1207 Unique kanji (used once) 347 Unique kanji readings 1818 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 23.0 Characters 37692
Web novel
私、魔王。――なぜか勇者に溺愛されています。 Length (in words) 26321 Unique words 3656 Unique words (used once) 1863 Unique words (used once %) 50% Unique kanji 1214 Unique kanji (used once) 304 Unique kanji readings 1814 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 23.2 Characters 64775
Web novel
【Web版】町人Aは悪役令嬢をどうしても救いたい【後日談のみ連載中】 Length (in words) 14996 Unique words 2712 Unique words (used once) 1409 Unique words (used once %) 51% Unique kanji 1073 Unique kanji (used once) 289 Unique kanji readings 1574 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 21.5 Characters 35219
Web novel
シシリアとジューシーな侯爵さま Length (in words) 37610 Unique words 5251 Unique words (used once) 2734 Unique words (used once %) 52% Unique kanji 1417 Unique kanji (used once) 298 Unique kanji readings 2261 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 24.4 Characters 87316
Web novel
王弟殿下のお気に入り 転生しても天敵から逃げられないようです!? Length (in words) 42787 Unique words 4759 Unique words (used once) 2107 Unique words (used once %) 44% Unique kanji 1356 Unique kanji (used once) 253 Unique kanji readings 2138 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 18.8 Characters 101990
Web novel
【完結】貧乏男装令嬢の政略結婚〜そっちの趣味がおありですか?と、聞いたらヤンデレ気味に溺愛されています〜 Length (in words) 13968 Unique words 2677 Unique words (used once) 1473 Unique words (used once %) 55% Unique kanji 1098 Unique kanji (used once) 325 Unique kanji readings 1575 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 22.5 Characters 31227
Web novel
独裁王国を追放された鍛冶師、実は《鍛冶女神》の加護持ちで、いきなり《超伝説級》武具フル装備で冒険者デビューする。あと魔素が濃い超重力な鉱脈で、ミスリル原石を1億回も削ってきたから、戦闘力も実は凄かった Length (in words) 85230 Unique words 6638 Unique words (used once) 2647 Unique words (used once %) 39% Unique kanji 1609 Unique kanji (used once) 240 Unique kanji readings 2716 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 18.4 Characters 190177
Web novel
素直になりたいのに Length (in words) 18310 Unique words 2994 Unique words (used once) 1584 Unique words (used once %) 52% Unique kanji 1081 Unique kanji (used once) 316 Unique kanji readings 1602 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 21.2 Characters 44446
Web novel
私が噂の悪女です Length (in words) 22543 Unique words 3695 Unique words (used once) 1971 Unique words (used once %) 53% Unique kanji 1301 Unique kanji (used once) 289 Unique kanji readings 2019 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 19.4 Characters 52988
Web novel
聖なる乙女は竜騎士を選んだ Length (in words) 50301 Unique words 4783 Unique words (used once) 2189 Unique words (used once %) 45% Unique kanji 1445 Unique kanji (used once) 256 Unique kanji readings 2356 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 22.3 Characters 111142
Web novel
悪役令嬢は、冤罪で一度命を落とすも今度はモフモフと幸せをつかむ Length (in words) 33543 Unique words 4172 Unique words (used once) 2022 Unique words (used once %) 48% Unique kanji 1302 Unique kanji (used once) 270 Unique kanji readings 2051 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 17.6 Characters 76030
Web novel
【旧】幼馴染の妹の家庭教師をはじめたら疎遠だった幼馴染が怖い 〜学年のアイドルが俺のことを好きだなんて絶対に信じられない〜 Length (in words) 53028 Unique words 5433 Unique words (used once) 2514 Unique words (used once %) 46% Unique kanji 1352 Unique kanji (used once) 273 Unique kanji readings 2129 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 17.3 Characters 131420
Web novel
レア能力で異世界ヘ 〜ポイントマスターで異世界生活〜 Length (in words) 101856 Unique words 5765 Unique words (used once) 2391 Unique words (used once %) 41% Unique kanji 1477 Unique kanji (used once) 244 Unique kanji readings 2402 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 23.0 Characters 222408
Web novel
断罪まで辿り着けない断罪劇 sideストーリー Length (in words) 18858 Unique words 2762 Unique words (used once) 1389 Unique words (used once %) 50% Unique kanji 1010 Unique kanji (used once) 264 Unique kanji readings 1500 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 18.9 Characters 44386
Web novel
コイに堕ちた悪役聖女はナナバイ可愛い Length (in words) 39527 Unique words 4856 Unique words (used once) 2208 Unique words (used once %) 45% Unique kanji 1404 Unique kanji (used once) 281 Unique kanji readings 2215 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 19.6 Characters 94218
Web novel
《書籍化》国を追放された【聖女】は、隣国で天才【錬金術師】として暮らしていくようです Length (in words) 22019 Unique words 3298 Unique words (used once) 1690 Unique words (used once %) 51% Unique kanji 1146 Unique kanji (used once) 307 Unique kanji readings 1726 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 20.3 Characters 49697
Web novel
妃殿下の微笑 番外編 Length (in words) 26385 Unique words 4206 Unique words (used once) 2145 Unique words (used once %) 50% Unique kanji 1339 Unique kanji (used once) 293 Unique kanji readings 2113 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 26.0 Characters 62246
Web novel
転生王女は世界を救いません! Length (in words) 37525 Unique words 4471 Unique words (used once) 2091 Unique words (used once %) 46% Unique kanji 1375 Unique kanji (used once) 282 Unique kanji readings 2183 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 26.0 Characters 91493
Web novel
【書籍化】没落寸前だけど結婚したい私【コミカライズ】 Length (in words) 21150 Unique words 3495 Unique words (used once) 1791 Unique words (used once %) 51% Unique kanji 1162 Unique kanji (used once) 277 Unique kanji readings 1739 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 17.3 Characters 50589
Web novel
悪役令嬢と、婚約破棄と、その後の小さな恋の物語。 Length (in words) 19514 Unique words 2700 Unique words (used once) 1355 Unique words (used once %) 50% Unique kanji 1007 Unique kanji (used once) 283 Unique kanji readings 1464 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 23.8 Characters 47775
Web novel
移動販売屋ルイーズの片想い Length (in words) 30245 Unique words 4416 Unique words (used once) 2178 Unique words (used once %) 49% Unique kanji 1366 Unique kanji (used once) 279 Unique kanji readings 2158 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 20.7 Characters 69903
Web novel
異世界もふもふカフェ Length (in words) 74795 Unique words 6067 Unique words (used once) 2650 Unique words (used once %) 43% Unique kanji 1447 Unique kanji (used once) 253 Unique kanji readings 2313 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 19.9 Characters 186423
Web novel
猫を被ってる妹に悪役令嬢を押し付けられたお陰で人生180度変わりました。 Length (in words) 15481 Unique words 2425 Unique words (used once) 1255 Unique words (used once %) 51% Unique kanji 959 Unique kanji (used once) 265 Unique kanji readings 1371 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 19.2 Characters 35759
Web novel
導く手 Length (in words) 13883 Unique words 2743 Unique words (used once) 1511 Unique words (used once %) 55% Unique kanji 971 Unique kanji (used once) 296 Unique kanji readings 1404 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 24.9 Characters 33407
Web novel
【5/8に完結しました】心配性で一途な彼女が僕をぜんぜん諦めない Length (in words) 51154 Unique words 4861 Unique words (used once) 2208 Unique words (used once %) 45% Unique kanji 1296 Unique kanji (used once) 282 Unique kanji readings 2031 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 17.6 Characters 124069
Web novel
【本編完結】学園のアイドルは料理下手。目立たぬ俺は料理講師。~いつの間にやら彼女を虜にしていた件~ Length (in words) 70605 Unique words 5554 Unique words (used once) 2270 Unique words (used once %) 40% Unique kanji 1367 Unique kanji (used once) 242 Unique kanji readings 2189 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 19.7 Characters 166185
Web novel
【書籍化】前世、弟子に殺された魔女ですが、呪われた弟子に会いに行きます【コミカライズ】 Length (in words) 27362 Unique words 3688 Unique words (used once) 1840 Unique words (used once %) 49% Unique kanji 1222 Unique kanji (used once) 298 Unique kanji readings 1864 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 17.8 Characters 66141
Web novel
破壊の王子と平凡な私 Length (in words) 63411 Unique words 6181 Unique words (used once) 2827 Unique words (used once %) 45% Unique kanji 1500 Unique kanji (used once) 252 Unique kanji readings 2466 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 19.9 Characters 146142
Web novel
【コミカライズ連載中】懐いた後輩がうるさくて寝れないので、意地悪して嫌われようと思う〜それ意地悪じゃなくて惚れさせてますよ? Length (in words) 94808 Unique words 5302 Unique words (used once) 1732 Unique words (used once %) 32% Unique kanji 1343 Unique kanji (used once) 179 Unique kanji readings 2183 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 19.5 Characters 230224
Web novel
私の気の毒な婚約者【連載】 Length (in words) 48660 Unique words 5337 Unique words (used once) 2553 Unique words (used once %) 47% Unique kanji 1449 Unique kanji (used once) 284 Unique kanji readings 2324 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 22.1 Characters 116858
Web novel
言葉にしないと伝わらないこともある〜浮気者の婚約者が急に愛を伝えまくってくる〜 Length (in words) 30043 Unique words 4113 Unique words (used once) 2075 Unique words (used once %) 50% Unique kanji 1368 Unique kanji (used once) 348 Unique kanji readings 2055 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 20.8 Characters 71707
Web novel
無実の罪を着せられたうえに無能スキルとののしられ王宮を追放された副隊長俺、旅にでます。~王国最強スキルと気づいてももう遅い。旅先で美少女が迫ってくるハーレム展開も悪くないのだが~ Length (in words) 33648 Unique words 4360 Unique words (used once) 2023 Unique words (used once %) 46% Unique kanji 1239 Unique kanji (used once) 264 Unique kanji readings 1902 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 17.7 Characters 75773
Web novel
押して駄目だったので、引いてみることにしたのですが Length (in words) 27792 Unique words 3383 Unique words (used once) 1636 Unique words (used once %) 48% Unique kanji 1175 Unique kanji (used once) 283 Unique kanji readings 1772 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 25.8 Characters 64754
Web novel
異世界で癒し系のお仕事始めます!~頑張ってたら王太子殿下に求婚されました。身分が違い過ぎるので無理です!~ Length (in words) 40578 Unique words 4566 Unique words (used once) 2088 Unique words (used once %) 45% Unique kanji 1295 Unique kanji (used once) 256 Unique kanji readings 2023 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 21.0 Characters 95056
Web novel
【完結】四天王最弱の俺が、次期魔王? 〜最弱なので追放される…と思いきや、魔王や他の四天王からめちゃくちゃ慕われてた〜 Length (in words) 42195 Unique words 3810 Unique words (used once) 1638 Unique words (used once %) 42% Unique kanji 1238 Unique kanji (used once) 274 Unique kanji readings 1876 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 20.4 Characters 95884
Web novel
寝る間が極楽、だが寝れない Length (in words) 40788 Unique words 4789 Unique words (used once) 2236 Unique words (used once %) 46% Unique kanji 1414 Unique kanji (used once) 262 Unique kanji readings 2259 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 23.7 Characters 98339
Web novel
聖女だから王子と結婚しろ?いや、そんなことより野草が食べたい。 Length (in words) 15813 Unique words 3084 Unique words (used once) 1743 Unique words (used once %) 56% Unique kanji 1182 Unique kanji (used once) 350 Unique kanji readings 1723 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 20.2 Characters 35937
Web novel
『こっぴどくフラれてみた』チャンネルのYouTuber、純真無垢な美少女後輩からベタ惚れされてしまう Length (in words) 24402 Unique words 3891 Unique words (used once) 2043 Unique words (used once %) 52% Unique kanji 1250 Unique kanji (used once) 330 Unique kanji readings 1874 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 18.2 Characters 61112
Web novel
護国の聖女、婚約破棄の上、国外追放される〜もう護らなくていいんですね〜 Length (in words) 19412 Unique words 3474 Unique words (used once) 1870 Unique words (used once %) 53% Unique kanji 1268 Unique kanji (used once) 330 Unique kanji readings 1903 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 22.0 Characters 44235
Web novel
死ぬほど口が悪くて喧嘩っ早い婚約者の弟が、私にだけは好意を向けてくる Length (in words) 13348 Unique words 3023 Unique words (used once) 1790 Unique words (used once %) 59% Unique kanji 1114 Unique kanji (used once) 320 Unique kanji readings 1677 Difficulty 3/10 Average sentence length 22.4 Characters 30820