Usually written in kana
1. I've heard that ...; rumour has it that ...
indicates hearsay
2. it appears as if ...
expresses conjecture about another person's feelings or mindset
Top 1700
Composed of
called; named; as many as; as much as; all ...; every single ...
Examples (18 in total)
In other words, you should doubt common sense.
The question is which to choose.
The problem is what to do next.
The question is who will make the decision.
I hear that Bob and Lucy have broken up.
The trouble with him is that he is not punctual.
You'll have to ask someone else.
My belief is that you are right.
The fact is that he did not notice the difference.
According to the news, he was eaten by sharks.
The problem is that solar energy costs too much.
People who go to church apparently believe in existence of God.
The lesson which we learned was never to trust anyone.
The emphasis of his talk was on the need to work hard.
The ultimate question for me is whether I like business.
His claim is that there is a close relation between birth order and personality.
Casualties are said to total up to 1,000.
It is said that the fox is more cunning than any other animal.