1. reason; principle; logic
2. general principle (as opposed to individual concrete phenomenon)
3. (in neo-Confucianism) the underlying principles of the cosmos
Alt. forms
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (135 in total)
forcibly; against one's will
unreasonable; unnatural; impossible; forcible; forced; excessive (work, etc.); immoderate
duty; sense of duty; honor; in-law; relation by marriage
forcibly; against one's will
science (inc. mathematics, medicine, etc.); natural science; science department (university); science course; science (as a school subject)
ideal; ideals
laws of nature; physical laws; physics
reason; logic; sense; truth; right
director; trustee
unreasonable; illogical
cooking; cookery; cuisine; dealing with something; handling; administration
representation; agency; proxy; deputy; agent; attorney
superintendence; supervision; administration
justifiable; warranted; reasonable
unreasonable; irrational; outrageous; absurd
understanding; comprehension; appreciation; sympathy
intellect; intelligence
reason; reasoning power; (one's) sense
logic; logical
accounting; administration (of money)
right and wrong
principle; theory; fundamental truth
cooking; food preparation
(a) principle; (a) reason; (a) point; some truth
science and mathematics
reasoning; logic; persuasion
physical science; natural science; physics; lixue (Song-era Chinese philosophy); (arch.) philosophy
prime minister (as the head of a cabinet government); premier; leading; overseeing; leader
(Platonic) ideal (of how things ought to be, e.g. human rights); foundational principle; idea; conception (e.g. of the university); doctrine; ideology
the force (in Star Wars)
the force (in Star Wars)
dishonesty; injustice; dishonor; dishonour; ingratitude
mathematical principle; mathematics; arithmetic; figures; accounts
standing to reason; natural
control; management (e.g. of a business)
state of mind; mentality; psychology
physiology; menstruation; one's period; menses
to make sense
trees with entwined branches; intimate male and female relationship
to show understanding; to appreciate; to be positive about
self-evident truth; obvious fact; truism; axiom
axiom; maxim; self-evident truth
tax counsellor; tax counselor; licensed tax accountant
idealized image
natural laws; rule of heaven
department of science and engineering
department of science
scholarly principle; scientific principle
being aware
legal principle
philosophic principles; philosophy
humanities and sciences; social sciences and hard sciences; context; (line of) reasoning
grain (of wood)
Bachelor of Science; BSc; BS
physics and chemistry
UN Security Council
effect of a drug
emotion and reason; logic and emotion; justice and compassion (criminal justice context)
transcendental reason
science and technology
reason; facts; propriety; sense
set of dishes served on an individual tray for entertaining guests; banquet
marble statue
finance; economy
to become overly logical; to be hairsplitting
joint; reason; sense; logic
abstract or impracticable theory
rational; rational (number or function)
pure reason; pure logic
principle of duality
eternal truth
trigonometric addition formulas
barbering; haircutting; hairdressing
ne bis in idem; prohibition against double jeopardy
Catholic catechism
quickly prepared meal or dish
the wrongdoer never lacks a pretext; even thieves have their reasons
self-management; self-imposed control
practical theory or principle
li and qi; li and chi; (in Song-period neo-Confucianism) the underlying principles and the material phenomena of the cosmos
by fair means or foul; right or wrong
department of science and technology
individual ethics
hydraulic; hydrologic
rule of law; administration of justice
reason and justice
physical findings; physical examination findings
deism; belief in God as creator of universe
Master of Science
National Bar Examination Administration Commission
positive logic
cord; cording; stria; striae
law of excluded middle
Shinri-kyo (sect of Shinto)
system logical unit
test management protocol
performance management
message control system; MCS
non-conjunction; NAND operation; NOT-BOTH operation
non-disjunction; NOR operation; NEITHER-NOR operation
managed (open) system
vacuum cooking; sous vide
dermatoglyphic pattern; dermatoglyphics
hairdresser; beautician; cosmetician
texture (of a rock); structure
to lose an argument despite being in the right; to have the right on one's side, yet succumb to another
generally-understood logic; clear logic; rationality; making sense
essence of all things; noumenon
unreasonable; irrational; illogical