Verb (する)
1. investigation; examination; inquiry; enquiry; survey
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (79 in total)
investigator; examiner
research team; investigative team; survey team; reconnaissance team; investigative commission; fact-finding party
under investigation
inquiry commission; enquiry commission; research group
results (of a study)
report (of an investigation); investigation (investigative) report
research division; inquiry section
(personal) background check
fact-finding survey based on interviews; oral survey; interview survey
internal inspection
examiner; investigator; inquisitor; agent
re-examination; reinvestigation
written investigation; report of an investigation; school record (on a student); transcript (of grades)
research office; research division; inquiry section
market research
public opinion poll
public opinion poll
follow-up (tracing) survey
probity check; background investigation
geological survey
field survey; field work (research); on-the-spot investigation
excavation (usu. archeological); dig
site survey; field study
identity or background check (often to see if someone is a burakumin)
fact-finding investigation; investigation into actual conditions; fact-finding survey
attitude survey; opinion poll
questionnaire survey
tax inquiry; tax enquiry; tax investigation
research organization; investigative body
compulsory inspection; compulsory search
investigation department
research bureau; research service; research council
examination method; method of investigation; search procedure
examine (investigate into) a person's history
(national) census
investigation (to determine the cause of something)
preliminary investigation
research investigation; research survey
(Japanese) Public Security Intelligence Agency
technical investigation
assistant chief of staff, g2
environmental research
parliamentary investigation rights
assistant (to section manager)
telephone survey
spot check; snap inspection; surprise test
national census; door-to-door census
diagnosis; analysis
matters for investigation; matters to be examined; research agenda
check of someone's ability; test of someone's ability
investigative journalism
subsurface exploration (geotechnical investigation)
investigative approach; research method; survey method
epidemiological investigation; epidemiological survey
municipal census
tax system research commission; tax system research council; select committee on the taxation system; tax commission
Internet poll
on-site investigation
party policy research
survey of expenditure
Short-Term Economic Survey of Enterprises in Japan (Bank of Japan's quarterly economic survey); Tankan survey
Internet survey; online survey
cadastral survey; land survey
Examples (47 in total)
The investigation will probably bring a lot of details to light.
The investigation is ongoing.
He says he will inquire into the matter.