Verb (する)
1. investigation; examination; inquiry; enquiry; survey
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (79 in total)
investigator; examiner
research team; investigative team; survey team; reconnaissance team; investigative commission; fact-finding party
under investigation
Examples (47 in total)
The investigation will probably bring a lot of details to light.
The investigation is ongoing.
He says he will inquire into the matter.
The police will look into the cause of the fire.
The police are looking into his disappearance.
They are engaged in cancer research.
Government officials inspected all factories.
The police carefully investigated the cause of the accident.
We should look into the problem.
They are going to investigate the affair.
It's my business to investigate such things.
The police began to look into the matter.
They began to look into the problem.
They said there wasn't enough time for a full investigation.
The police are going to investigate the crime.
We conducted our investigation with the greatest care.
Please look into this matter as soon as you can.
The mayor declared that he would announce the result of the investigation.
John investigated the accident thoroughly.
A committee was constituted to investigate prices.
Our company wants to take part in that research project.
We examined the following magazines to collect the data.
We need to make a survey of local opinion.
The police have decided to look into the case.
The students assisted the professor in the investigation.
The police are investigating the cause of the crash.
A committee has been set up to investigate the problem.
This survey is too long to finish quickly.
You should investigate the fact from a medical viewpoint.
The results of the research were quite satisfactory.
They agreed to look into the causes of the accident.
He ordered them to survey population growth.
That policeman promised to look into the matter.
The government has set up a committee to look into the problem.
A recent survey shows that the number of smokers is decreasing.
The mayor thought that he should investigate the decline in tax revenues.
The capable detective was assigned to investigate the cause of the tragedy.
The report proved true as a result of their investigation.
This financial audit also includes an evaluation of the company's assets.
Private detectives were hired to look into the strange case.
The methodology used in his study is also helpful to us in conducting our research.
We need to study the cause and effect of the accident closely.
I can't keep track of all the changes taking place in the world of AIDS research.
He began to look into the matter.
A few important facts emerged after the investigation.
To investigate the incident would take us at least three weeks.
According to a survey, 1 billion people are suffering from poverty in the world.