Adjective (の)
1. front; frontage; facade; main
Pitch accent
Composed of
exactly; precisely; (arch.) correct; (arch.) right; (arch.) greater (of equal court ranks); (arch.) upper
face; mask; face guard; (in kendo) striking the head; surface (esp. a geometrical surface); page; aspect
Used in vocabulary (13 in total)
(confronting a problem, etc.) head-on; directly; outright; (lit.) from the front
directly opposite; right in front
front entrance; front door
directly opposite; right in front
breaking the front line; frontal breakthrough
front elevation
side seating (to stage right in noh); centerstage right (noh)
put your household shrine in a high position in the front of the house and your Buddhist altar in the back
Examples (3 in total)
I'd like to sit near the front.
The front door remained locked.
Shift the sofa so that it faces the fireplace.