1. parent; parents; mother and father
2. dealer (in cards, mahjong, etc.); banker
3. founder; inventor
4. (pet) owner
Adjective (の)
5. key; parent (organization); main
6. ancestor; forefather
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (105 in total)
parent and child
master; boss; stable master; craftsman; artisan; (arch.) foster parent
thumb; big toe
both parents
thumb; big toe
boss; leader; kingpin; chief; head (e.g. of a crime syndicate)
filial piety; being kind to one's parents; taking care of one's parents
parents and siblings; one's relatives
adopted parents; temporarily assumed parents
parent cat
mother; female parent
lack of filial piety; disobedience to one's parents
inheritance from a parent
foster parent
over-fond parent; doting parent
over-fond parent; doting parent
foster parents
foster parent; foster parents; (pet) caretaker
(one acting as a) foster parent
one's parents' home
biological parent
godparent; first person to give something its name
biological parent; real parent
father; male parent
one parent; single parent
wisdom tooth; not knowing who your parents are; person who doesn't know who their parents are
parent and daughter
benefiting from the fame or influence of a parent; riding a parent's coat-tails
godparents; foster parents
love or affection for one's parents
one's parents' generation
another's parent; another's parents
base unit; main telephone (esp. when there are extensions)
parentless; orphaned; parentless child; orphan
toxic parent; parent who interferes excessively in their children's lives
there is no love like a father's; no child knows how dear he is to his parents
parents' partiality for their children; parents overvaluing their children
to depend on one's parents' (financial) support; (lit.) to nibble at one's parents' shins
parental love
the apple doesn't fall far from the tree; like father, like son
parent dog
what parents would bring up a kid like this?; (lit.) I'd like to see his (her) parents' faces
parent root or stock; pre-split stock or share
single parent; one parent
foster parent
sponging off one's parents
parent-in-law; parents-in-law
dependent on one's parents
nature itself is a good mother; (lit.) even without parents, children grow up
what can you expect from a child with parents like that?; such parents, such children
nature itself is a good mother; (lit.) even without parents, children grow up
entry kanji in a kanji dictionary; capital letter; matrix (printing); kanji corresponding to furigana
Oyashio Current; Kurile Current; Okhotsk Current
eponym (person after whom something is named)
both parents
to sacrifice family for a greater cause
deceased parent
(being the) bane of one's parents; disgraceful child; disgrace
mother tuber of a taro; taro corm; parent taro
dealer of the final round
important stone in a construction
you can't rely on parents and money to stay around forever; money comes and goes; so do parents
deciding the dealer
banker (gambling); bookmaker; person who runs a gambling den; person who rents out space for gambling and charges commission
parent lottery (i.e. not being able to choose one's parents); one's circumstances or prospects in life being determined by one's parents
foster parent; expedient parent
when kids get in a fight, their parents come to their aid; yelping curs will raise mastiffs
parenting; being a parent; child-rearing; child-raising
key station (broadcasting); flagship station; master station
to disobey one's parents
to cause one's parents distress
like father, like son; (lit.) a child who does not resemble their parents is a changeling
the sins of the father shall be visited upon the son
resting after a meal is sacrosanct; (lit.) even if your parents have just died, take a rest after your meal
resting after a meal is sacrosanct; (lit.) even if your parents have just died, take a rest after your meal
biological parent; founder; creator
distant disinterested parent
main screen; parent screen
entry kanji in a kanji dictionary
the parent is the best judge of the child
to exercise parental authority
friend one only keeps in touch with via text messaging
parent directory
parent process
parent structure
containing element
main entry (in dictionary)
when you will wish to be filial, your parents will already be gone
having a famous parent is the best way to fame
like father, like son
you will appreciate your parents' advice as you grow older, just as it takes time to feel the effects of unwarmed sake
always listen to your parents; always value your parents' advice; (lit.) not even one in a thousand of a parents' opinion or an eggplant flower are in vain
(one's) parents preventing one from doing something; (one's) parents' protests
main entry (in dictionary)
dealer's privilege (of being declared a winner in case of a tie)
Examples (80 in total)
Did you show it to your parents?
Do your parents know?
My parents will pay for it.