1. document; official papers
Pitch accent
Composed of
book; document; calligraphy (esp. Chinese); penmanship; handwriting; letter
kind; sort; type; similar example; parallel; the like
Used in vocabulary (17 in total)
filing (documents, etc.)
important documents; important papers
classified document; confidential document; top secret document; sensitive documents
document screening; paper screening; narrowing down a field of applicants based on resumes, written applications, etc.
sending documents to a prosecutor; filing charges
documentary evidence; documentation
necessary documents; important documents
document case; letter tray
relevant documents; (all) the documents related (to the matter)
briefcase; attaché case
all the papers (documents) relating to a case; dossier
document holder
dictionaries (and similar books)
attached papers; attachment (mail, etc.)
application form; application papers; file wrapper (patents)
Examples (27 in total)
Did you get the papers from Tom?
He read the document aloud.
They burned all the documents.