1. group; mass
Pitch accent
Composed of
collection; compilation
body; group; party; company; troupe
Used in vocabulary (48 in total)
group action; collective behavior; collective behaviour; acting as a group
leading group (of runners in a marathon, etc.); leading pack
living in a group; communal living; community life
group suicide; mass suicide; arranged suicide of two or more people
mass psychology
collective; group
going to school in groups
mass infection; infection outbreak; infection cluster
gang assault; mob violence; gang rape
class action; class-action suit; class-action lawsuit
mass outbreak (of a disease)
employment en masse (esp. of middle and high school graduates from the rural districts during Japan's post-war economic boom)
group consciousness
group medical examination
collectivism (giving priority to a group rather than any individual member)
social group with common ties to a region
consanguineous group; kin group
gang stalker; mass stalker; gang stalking; mass stalking
population genetics
occupational group; professional group; occupational cohort
crime whose goal requires a large number of people acting together (e.g. insurrection)
supercluster of galaxies
sample group; sample set
printable group
Mendelian population
Examples (10 in total)
The Japanese like to travel in groups.
You are now among the elite.
Japanese children are group members even when they are sleeping.