Adjective (の)
1. capital city; metropolis
Pitch accent
Composed of
counter for songs and poems
Metropolis (of Tokyo); (Tokyo) Metropolitan District; counter for cities and towns; capital
Used in vocabulary (3 in total)
the capital city (often Tokyo) area (typically within 50 km of city's centre) (center)
Tokyo near-field earthquake; large-scale earthquake expected to directly hit the Kanto area sometime in the future; also refers to the 1855 and 1894 Edo/Tokyo earthquakes
Tokyo near-field earthquake; large-scale earthquake expected to directly hit the Kanto area sometime in the future; also refers to the 1855 and 1894 Edo/Tokyo earthquakes
Examples (47 in total)
I live in the capital.
Singapore is the capital of Singapore.
The capital of Japan is Tokyo.