Adjective (の)
1. foreign country
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (32 in total)
foreigner; foreign citizen; foreign national; alien; non-Japanese
foreign language
various foreign countries; several foreign countries
Examples (95 in total)
I want to go abroad.
He is eager to go abroad.
Do you often travel abroad?
He just returned from abroad.
Have you ever been to a foreign country?
I'm thinking of going abroad.
I returned from abroad.
I want to go abroad someday.
Young people are eager to go abroad.
Do you have any foreign beer?
Do you have relatives abroad?
How long did you stay abroad?
She has gone abroad.
I am thinking of going abroad.
Are you planning to go abroad?
Do you have any foreign books?
He went abroad, never to return.
If I were young, I would go abroad.
Can I make an international call with that phone?
I've never been abroad before.
He is well versed in foreign affairs.
He lived abroad for many years.
He is aching to go abroad.
I was abroad on vacation.
Japan trades with many foreign countries.
Tom wants to go abroad next year.
Japan depends on foreign countries for oil.
You need a passport to enter a foreign country.
She is keen to go abroad.
When is she to go abroad?
Have you ever visited a foreign country?
I have many friends in foreign countries.
He remained abroad ever since then.
I hear that his father is in another country.
I will visit foreign countries someday.
Illness prevented me from going abroad.
We're going to see a foreign film tonight.
You should avail yourself of the chance to go abroad.
My father has never been abroad.
My father sometimes goes abroad.
He has gone abroad by himself.
Traveling abroad is very interesting.
Luckily, I was able to travel abroad.
This was my first visit to a foreign country.
We had to obey the foreign law.
I came into frequent contact with foreign students.
Don't you feel any inconvenience living abroad?
Ken decided to go abroad.
Our teacher will return from abroad in August.
Japan exports a great number of cars to foreign countries.
There are some foreign workers in my company as well.
They easily adapted to living abroad.
Tom speaks English with an accent.
Nancy didn't mind living abroad by herself.
He often goes abroad on business.
The House cut the budget for foreign aid.
He deserted his family and went abroad.
She insisted on going abroad, but her father told her not to.
The number of people who go abroad has been increasing.
Didn't you know that he had gone abroad then?
Wherever I go, I'm treated like a foreigner.
I'm going abroad this summer.
He took his daughter with him whenever he went abroad.
He has a plan to go abroad next year.
If I were to live abroad, I would live in Britain.
Her wish is to study abroad someday.
He went abroad soon after his father.
The scientist is famous not only in Japan but also in foreign countries.
Many foreign customs were introduced into Japan after the war.
Naomi is learning English with a view to going abroad.
He anticipated traveling abroad the next year.
This letter bears a foreign stamp.
Living abroad is the best way to learn a foreign language.
In a foreign country most of us go through culture shock.
The good way to know a foreign country is to go there.
He has written lots of books about his experience abroad.
We had hoped to go abroad this summer.
We must learn a lot about foreign countries.
He worked very hard so he could buy a foreign car.
Do people behave differently when they go abroad?
If I happen to end up going abroad, I'd probably go for France.
As far as I know, he has never been overseas.
He fell ill, and therefore he gave up going abroad.
According to the vice president, the company has yet to receive a contract from a foreign company.
A passport is something you cannot do without when you go to a foreign country.
Albert is engaged in foreign trade and often goes abroad.
There are a number of shops selling foreign books and periodicals.
It is important to try to get along with people from foreign countries.
He has changed his mind about going abroad by air.
Television enables us to learn about foreign manners and customs.
The best way to know a foreign country is to go there yourself.
I have three brothers. One lives in Japan and the other two live abroad.
Yesterday a foreigner spoke to me in English on the train.
Mary's dream of going abroad finally became a reality.
After 1639 Japan closed the door to foreign cuisine.