Adjective (の)
1. foreign country
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (32 in total)
foreigner; foreign citizen; foreign national; alien; non-Japanese
foreign language
various foreign countries; several foreign countries
foreign (product, esp. agricultural); of foreign manufacture
foreign trade; external trade
foreign cinema; foreign film; a foreign movie
foreign travel; overseas trip
foreign citizenship; foreign nationality
life in a foreign country; living abroad
foreign business; foreign enterprise; foreign corporation
foreign delegation; foreign mission; diplomatic envoy
foreign exchange
(group of) foreigners
foreign route; ocean route
foreign law
foreign good; foreign product
foreign exchange market
mail from abroad; foreign mail; overseas mail
foreign loan; foreign debt; foreign bond
foreign investor
overseas (military forces)
Foreign Exchange Control Law
foreign exchange bank
rate of foreign exchange
foreign tax amount reduction
foreign corporation
foreign postal money order
foreign exchange rate
foreign investment
foreign stock; foreign equity
Foreign Exchange and Foreign Control Trade Law
Examples (95 in total)
I want to go abroad.
He is eager to go abroad.
Do you often travel abroad?