1. outside; exterior
2. the open (air)
3. other place; somewhere else; outside one's group (family, company, etc.)
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (44 in total)
exterior; outside; outer; external; lateral
circumference; perimeter; work outside the office; outer tracks (in a loop or curve)
far out wide; far outside
outward appearance
going out; outing; leaving (one's home, office, etc.)
outer wall
inside and outside; interior and exterior; around; about; approximately
outer surface; outward appearance; outside; outside; outer; outward
outside the house
being excluded; being ignored; being kept in the dark (about); being kept out of the loop; (lit.) outside the mosquito net
ocean; open sea
external (hard drive, disk drive, etc.)
facing outward
outer ring; external ring
outer court
playing outside
grandchild from a daughter married into another family
walking outside
appearance; how one looks to others; towards the outside; outside part
(walking with) one's toes turned out; duckfooted
open air bath (in an inn, onsen, etc.); external hot spring bath
Outer Mongolia
picnic; eating outdoors
posting something to the exterior of a building, etc.; something posted in such a place; fortifications outside a military encampment
outer thigh
outer lid
tax-exclusive pricing; tax added to a price
outside leg trip
outdoor cat
outer-thigh-propping twist down
outer (self, etc.); external (conflict, tension, competition, etc.)
out with the demon, in with fortune; devils out, good luck in
bonefish (Albula vulpes); banana fish; ladyfish
walking with feet pointing outward
extravaginal ejaculation
over-thigh scooping body drop
outer reverse backwards body drop
outer teahouse garden (outside the central gate)
sleeping outside (on a hot summer night)
shut-in; recluse
clitoral orgasm
what you believe in your heart is revealed in your face
Outer Mongolia
Examples (141 in total)
I was looking outside.
It's pitch black outside.
It's very gray outside.