1. cloud
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (30 in total)
reckless; (at) random; haphazard; blind; sudden; abrupt
gathering clouds; group of clouds
cloud movements; overhanging clouds
above the clouds; heaven; the Imperial Court; something unreachable; place of out of reach
weather; look of the sky; situation; turn of affairs; signs
clouds and haze; swarm (of people); throng; (flee) like the wind; (run) out of sight
to tower
gap between the clouds
cloudless (sky); without a cloud (in the sky)
white clouds
dark clouds; black clouds
rift between clouds
thick clouds; classical Japanese poetry
vague; unclear; elusive; hazy
(arch.) sky; cloud; distant place; high place; imperial court
palanquin bearer; coolie; wandering robber
itinerant priest; wandering monk; mendicant; clouds and water
drifting cloud; floating cloud; instability
clouds that stand like a mountain peak during the summer
Mare Nubium (lunar mare); Sea of Clouds
cloud floating in a spring sky
(flee) like the wind; (run) out of sight
layers of clouds
clouds appearing before the wind starts to blow; winds and clouds
cod roe; cod milt
look of the sky
dusky frillgoby (Bathygobius fuscus)
clouds in the sky
Examples (40 in total)
There were no clouds today.
There are no clouds in the sky.
Clouds formed in the sky.