heavy; weighty; heavy (feeling); depressed; slow; sluggish; important (position, responsibility, etc.)
to embezzle; to misappropriate; to peculate; to accustom oneself to using; to use for a long time
to separate; to part; to divide; to keep apart
it is assuredly that ...; can say with confidence that ...
hole; opening; pit; hollow; burrow; den; deficit
act of mercy; helping another person
hobby; pastime; tastes; preference; liking
entreaty; supplication; petition
to put out one's hand; to extend one's arm; to reach (for); to try one's hand at (something new)
continuously in some state (for a long time, distance); throughout; much (better, etc.); by far; far away; long ago
lower layer; layer beneath; lower strata (classes)
to be raised (e.g. child); to be brought up; to grow (up)
before one knows; before one becomes aware of; unnoticed; unawares
to take (a resource, e.g. time or money); to hang; to come into view; to arrive; to come under (a contract, a tax); to start (engines, motors); to attend
-like; sort of; similar to; resembling
to become hungry; to get an empty stomach
it cannot be helped; there's nothing for it; it's no use fighting back; it's hopeless; there is no way out of it
tear; tears; lachrymal secretion; sympathy
soggy; soaked; crushed (out of shape); crumpled; messy; untidy
one's station in life; one's personal history; one's circumstances; one's lot; one's destiny; one's future
why?; what for?; how?; by what means?
come; come now; well; who knows; well now; let's see
organization; organisation; structure; construction; system (e.g. railroad, transport, party, etc.); tissue; texture (of a rock)
to take someone (to some place); to take someone along; to lead someone away
house; residence; family; household; lineage; family name
idiot; moron; trivial matter; folly; stupid; foolish
distinction (e.g. between right and wrong, public and private, etc.)
to attach; to join; to furnish (a house with); to wear; to put on; to keep a diary; to make an entry
to behave violently; to commit violence; to use force
to be inclined to do; to be willing to do
to turn one's hand to; to reach out one's hand; to get involved in; to make a move on; to strike; to beat
to be troubled; to have difficulty; to be bothered; to be inconvenienced; to be badly off; to be hard up
one long cylindrical thing; one film, TV show, etc.; one version; one book; a certain book; ippon; one point
readiness; preparedness; resolution; resignation
tottering; staggering; faltering; reeling
to stand up; to get up; to rise; to recover; to take action; to start; to make the initial charge
confronting directly; meeting face-to-face
to retreat; to back off; to draw back; to step back; to shrink away