blunt; to the point; direct; outspoken; frank
H; h; indecent; lewd; (having) sex; nth year in the Heisei era (1989.1.8-2019.4.30)
terrible; dreadful; amazing (e.g. of strength); great (e.g. of skills); to a great extent; vast (in numbers)
to turn one's face; to turn around; to look over one's shoulder
idiot; moron; trivial matter; folly; stupid; foolish
everything; for (to) everything; (in) anything
to exude (e.g. sweat); to ooze; to seep out; to reveal itself (of emotions, etc.)
to become better; to improve
to come off; to slip down; to slip off
to make someone's acquaintance; to become acquainted (with)
level; standard; level (plane); floor; spirit level; (surveyor's) level
to repeat; to be frequent
making a person, pet, etc. wait (before being permitted to do something); postponement; putting on hold
to compare; to make a comparison; to compete; to vie
bottom; lower garment (e.g. jeans, slacks, skirt, etc.); hem (of trousers, skirt, etc.)
to shift; to slide (e.g. something away from something else); to move (e.g. something out of the way); to put off; to delay; to postpone
sensitive; alert; aware; susceptible
naked; bare; uncovered; frank; open; blunt
boo! (sound used to scare someone); ugh (dissatisfaction, aggravation); ulp (consternation)
thick; deep; kind; cordial; serious (of an illness); abundant
directly; in person; firsthand
exposure; laying bare; baring (e.g. skin); (photographic) exposure
oilily; slimily; slipperily
contact; connectedness; rapport; mutual touching
to throw violently against; to slam against; to strike; to thrust at someone (e.g. a letter)
proficient; skillful; enjoying; satisfaction; satiation
to tear up; to tear off; to rip up; to separate (e.g. a couple); to disrupt (a relationship)
to bury; to embed; to implant
to push on; to plunge forward; to push one's way to
to inlay; to insert; to plug in (to a formula); to immerse; to trick; to deceive
crevice; crack; spare moment; interval; chink (in one's armor, armour); unpreparedness
any more; any further; any better; any longer
opposite effect; adverse effect; backfiring
painful; difficult; distressing; (psychologically) difficult; straitened (circumstances); tight (financial situation)
to twine around; to twist around; to coil around; to pester; to hassle
combination; union; binding; bond
to press forward; to forge ahead; to push on
propulsive power; driving force
to save; to rescue; to help; to assist; to support (financially); to contribute (to)
discouragement; disappointment
or something; for instance ... (though there are other suitable options); ... or ...; as soon as; right after; while still
to bite (at); to snap at; to snap at (someone); to flare up at; to jump down (someone's) throat
sillago (any fish of genus Sillago, esp. the Japanese whiting, Sillago japonica)