Visual novel
Length (in words) | 66990 |
Unique words | 9914 |
Unique words (used once) | 5057 |
Unique words (used once %) | 51% |
Unique kanji | 2107 |
Unique kanji (used once) | 403 |
Unique kanji readings | 3755 |
Average difficulty | 87/100 |
Peak difficulty (90th percentile) | 99/100 |
Average sentence length | 19.1 |
Characters | 143896 |
Sentences | 7533 |
Sentences (unique) | 7332 |
Script size (UTF-8) | 477kB |
Script size (SJIS) | 318kB |
VNDB avg. rating | 7.2 |
VNDB rating count | 1316 |
Vocabulary listOther visual novels of similar difficulty
Visual novel
Vermilion -Bind of Blood-
Length (in words) | 388183 |
Unique words | 21016 |
Unique words (used once) | 7433 |
Unique words (used once %) | 35% |
Unique kanji | 2761 |
Unique kanji (used once) | 214 |
Unique kanji readings | 5625 |
Average difficulty | 87/100 |
Peak difficulty (90th percentile) | 99/100 |
Average sentence length | 17.9 |
Characters | 858742 |
VNDB avg. rating | 7.6 |
VNDB rating count | 62 |
Visual novel
Kikokugai - The Cyber Slayer
Length (in words) | 67748 |
Unique words | 10405 |
Unique words (used once) | 5078 |
Unique words (used once %) | 48% |
Unique kanji | 2320 |
Unique kanji (used once) | 382 |
Unique kanji readings | 4164 |
Average difficulty | 88/100 |
Peak difficulty (90th percentile) | 96/100 |
Average sentence length | 22.5 |
Characters | 146155 |
VNDB avg. rating | 7.5 |
VNDB rating count | 1877 |
Visual novel
Soukou Akki Muramasa
Length (in words) | 563594 |
Unique words | 27862 |
Unique words (used once) | 9985 |
Unique words (used once %) | 35% |
Unique kanji | 3020 |
Unique kanji (used once) | 270 |
Unique kanji readings | 6424 |
Average difficulty | 85/100 |
Peak difficulty (90th percentile) | 99/100 |
Average sentence length | 14.7 |
Characters | 1227514 |
VNDB avg. rating | 9.0 |
VNDB rating count | 2272 |
Visual novel
Kajiri Kamui Kagura
Length (in words) | 463041 |
Unique words | 21051 |
Unique words (used once) | 7057 |
Unique words (used once %) | 33% |
Unique kanji | 2821 |
Unique kanji (used once) | 279 |
Unique kanji readings | 5792 |
Average difficulty | 89/100 |
Peak difficulty (90th percentile) | 99/100 |
Average sentence length | 19.6 |
Characters | 1030195 |
VNDB avg. rating | 8.4 |
VNDB rating count | 190 |