Vocabulary list: Minna no Nihongo I

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Showing 1..50 from 979 entries

all countries; the whole world; universal; all nations
um; er; well; oof
alien registration card; foreigner registration card
to make (tea, coffee, etc.); to brew a beverage (with hot water)
by; not later than; before
separately; apart; severally; individually
what minute; how many minutes
if you like
ticket agency
katakana; angular Japanese syllabary used primarily for loanwords
Bandung (Indonesia)
small change
Veracruz (city)
health insurance card
Beijing (China); Peking
please come (and visit us); please come (to our shop)
chili sauce; chilli sauce
airmail; air mail; air service; air transport (of goods)
airmail; air mail
telephone card
registered mail; registered post; registration (of mail); (putting on) record; writing down; noting down
surface mail (ship); sea mail; ferry service; steamer service
small token of one's sentiments; just slightly; only a bit
fax; facsimile; fax machine
cellophane tape; adhesive tape; Sellotape
stapler; paper fastener
Franken (Germany); Vranken
Gion Festival (in Kyoto during the month of July, with high point on the 17th)
tape recorder
enquiry; inquiry
cash card; ATM card
ikebana; Japanese art of flower arrangement
track number
what month
what day?; what day of the week?
propelling pencil; mechanical pencil
electric appliance store; electrician
festival; feast; carnival
Top 49400
word processor
Latin alphabet; Roman alphabet; romaji; romanized Japanese; system of transliterating Japanese into the Latin alphabet
express; special delivery
Los Angeles
thank you very much; I'm sorry; excuse me
timetable; schedule
to smoke a cigarette
easy; plain; simple