Vocabulary list: Genki: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese, Vol. 2

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Showing 1..50 from 533 entries

grandfather; male senior-citizen
adult; grown-up
foreign language
musical instrument
karate; empty handed
Top 4600
curry (esp. Japanese curry); rice and curry
kimono; Japanese traditional clothing (esp. full-length); clothing; clothes
Top 3500
advertisement; advertising; announcement; notice
black tea
language; dialect; word; phrase; speech; (manner of) speaking
Top 21400
Top 18000
sweater; jumper
Top 14000
elephant (Elephantidae spp.)
Top 8400
motorcycle; motorbike; bicycle
prices of commodities; prices (in general); cost-of-living
lawyer; attorney
recruitment; invitation; raising (funds, donations, etc.); collection; flotation (of shares, loans, etc.)
Top 700
store; shop; establishment; restaurant
Top 28400
yakuza; gangster; mobster; useless; worthless; good-for-nothing
promise; agreement; convention; rule; destiny; fate
Top 11100
report; paper; reportage
I; me; personal (affairs, etc.); private; selfishness; partiality
Top 1700
happy; glad; pleased; joyful; delightful; gratifying
sad; miserable; unhappy; sad; lamentable; deplorable
Top 5700
spicy; hot; salty; harsh (criticism); severe (punishment); painful
severe; strict; hard (to do); difficult; intense (e.g. cold); harsh (weather)
near; close; close (in time); soon; close (relationship); friendly
various; all sorts of; variety of; (arch.) various colors (colours)
happiness; good fortune; luck; blessing
Top 1500
no good; not serving its purpose; hopeless; wasted; cannot; must not
Top 9300
to knit; to plait; to braid; to compile (anthology, dictionary, etc.); to edit
Top 1300
to lend; to loan; to rent out; to hire out
to persevere; to persist; to insist that; to stick to (one's opinion); to remain in a place; to stick to one's post
Top 600
to cry; to weep; to sob; to howl
Top 4300
to polish; to shine; to brush (e.g. teeth); to refine (e.g. a skill); to improve; to cultivate
to keep a promise; to keep one's word
being deeply moved emotionally; excitement; passion; inspiration; deep emotion; strong impression
to come; to go; to be (somewhere); to be (doing)
as a matter of fact; by the way; to tell you the truth; to be honest; frankly
all; entire; whole; altogether
one day; all day (long); throughout the day; first day of the month
second day of the month; two days
third day of the month; three days
fourth day of the month; four days
fifth day of the month; five days
sixth day of the month; six days