before one knows it; before one realises; without one's knowledge; without noticing
long ago; already; a long time ago
cannot be undone; can't be recovered from
ill will; spite; bad meaning; mala fides; bad faith; malice
to wield; to brandish; to display (one's knowledge); to show off; to abuse (one's power); to manipulate someone
shameless; shameless person
to play a leading role; to play a central part
where ... is concerned; when it becomes; if it becomes
counterattack; counteroffensive; counterblow
severe; strict; hard (to do); difficult; intense (e.g. cold); harsh (weather)
closing years (period, days); last stage; end stage; terminal (e.g. cancer, disease, etc.); final
to be betrayed; to be brought to grief (by an enemy); to be given a hard time
violence by weight of numbers; tyranny of the majority
to mask; to cover; to cloak; to hide; to conceal
present condition; existing state; status quo; current state
depression; low spirits; dejection
suddenly; in a flash; rapidly; attractive; distinguished; showy
reliance; trust; faith; confidence
to cut; to cut through; to sever (connections, ties); to turn off (e.g. the light); to terminate (e.g. a conversation); to hang up (the phone); to punch (a ticket)
individual; private person; personal; private
(real) ability; true strength; merit; arms; force
influence; clout; leverage
political and business circles; political and business establishment; politics and industry
influential person; man of importance
well connected; well known; having a large, diverse circle of acquaintances
looks (esp. of a woman); features; ability; capability; (public) estimation (esp. of a man); credit
fan; enthusiast; lover (of); fan (e.g. electric)
nonchalant; unconcerned; in a casual manner
strict observance; rigid adherence; scrupulous compliance
the world in general; society; convention
(eligible) voter; elector; holder of a right; rightsholder; bigwig; person with political clout
public opinion; popular voice; public sentiment; consensus
unique; peculiar; singular
thin; pale; light; watery; thin; weak (taste, etc.); little (affection, etc.) not much (of a presence)
member of an assembly; member of the Diet; member of parliament; member of Congress
(political) power; authority; influence
financial power; financial means; wealth
centripetal force; unifying force; cohesive power
to surpass; to outdo; to excel; to tower above (the surrounding landscape)
murmur; mutter; murmuring; tweet; Twitter post
wonderful; marvelous; strange; strangely enough; oddly enough; for some reason