reeking of liquor; smelling of alcohol
zabuton (flat floor cushion used when sitting or kneeling; usu. rectangular)
to throw oneself down; to lie down
bed; berth; crib; cot; kip; bedroom
munching; crunching; scratching (an itch)
handrail; railing; banister
one foot; one leg; one of a pair (of shoes or socks)
long, slender and well-proportioned; smooth, continuous (movement)
sneakily; secretly; stealthily; on the sly
to turn over (in one's sleep); to toss and turn (in bed); to change sides; to double-cross; to betray
clingingly; (stuck) together; (pressed) all the way down; (flopping) down
to cling to; to stick to; to lie flat (e.g. on the ground)
sweet-tasting; sweet; fragrant (smelling); sweet (music); lightly salted; light in salt; naive
to assail the nostrils (smell); to go nose-to-nose (with someone)
to cure; to heal; to fix; to correct; to do over again; to replace
lower floor; downstairs; bottom of the stairs; foot of the stairs
to take down; to bring down; to drop off (a passenger); to let off; to withdraw (money); to use for the first time; to wear for the first time
full house; no vacancy; sold out; standing room only; full (of people); crowded
hard to believe; fabulous; unbelievable; incredible
roost; nest; pad; crib; one's home
whispered conversation; whispering
to entangle; to entwine; to pick a quarrel; to find fault; to be involved with; to be influenced by
before one's eyes; in front of one; under one's nose; immediate; imminent; around the corner
no matter how you put it; whatever the circumstances may be; say what you like; no matter how you look at it
terrific; staggering; tremendous; frightful; ghastly; horrific
to court; to woo; to approach defiantly
non-stop talking; speaking indiscreetly; chattering; thin; flimsy
shock (psychological); crisis (esp. financial); event that rattles the markets; shock (physical, mechanical); shock (e.g. due to lack of blood flow); trauma
very much; intensely; overwhelmingly; excessively; irresistibly; without any obvious reason
to go under; to pass under; to dive (into or under the water); to evade; to get around; to survive
step; stair; grade; rank; counter for breaks in written language (or speech, etc.); dan
stone; jewel; precious stone; flint (in a lighter); stone (in go); stone (in the bladder, kidney etc.); calculus
schoolyard; playground; school grounds; campus
crowd of people; great number of people; in great numbers
sports ground; sports oval
to leave (behind); to leave (undone); to not finish; to save; to set aside; to leave (to someone, esp. after one's death)
elm tree (esp. the Japanese elm, Ulmus davidiana var. japonica)