being dead drunk; drunken stupor
hour; o'clock; (specified) time; when ...; during ...
tool; implement; means; furniture
to behave violently; to commit violence; to use force
together; jointly; at the same time; with; both
promptly; quickly; without delay; before others; first
matter; affair; counter for (received) emails, text messages, voicemail messages, etc.; counter for accounts (on a website, email service, etc.)
to go to ruin; to go under; to fall; to be destroyed; to die out; to become extinct
to manufacture; to produce; to raise (crops); to invent; to dream up; to create
what parents would bring up a kid like this?; (lit.) I'd like to see his (her) parents' faces
death penalty; capital punishment
innocence; being not guilty
natural; right; proper; naturally; as a matter of course; rightly
to strike; to hit; to beat; to punch
to kick; to refuse; to reject; to stamp (on the ground); to firmly press one's feet (against something)
to complain; to make a complaint
method; manner; appearance; air; tendency; folk song (genre of the Shi Jing)
to content oneself with; to be resigned to (one's fate); to be contented (satisfied) with (one's lot)
end (of a street, hallway, etc.)
passing (a test, examination, etc.); pass (for admission, transport, etc.); ticket; pass (of a ball); (giving something a) pass; skipping (one's turn)
education; schooling; training; culture; cultivation; education
approximately; about; promise; appointment; shortening; reduction
half the face; one side; half; the other side; the reverse; the contrary
glazing; fitting with glass; transparency; openness; lack of secrecy
classroom; lecture room; department (in a university); class; lessons; school (for a particular discipline)
to manipulate puppets; to pull wires
bathing; washing one's body or hair; ablution; (arch.) receiving a blessing
notebook; copy-book; note; noting down; (musical) note; laptop (computer)
study group; study meeting
cooking class; cookery school
pupil; student; schoolchild
apiece; each; at a time; piecemeal
technology; engineering; technique; skill; art; craft
to master (a skill); proprietor; manager; leader; chief; master (of arts, science, etc.); master (recording)
to hold a child in one's arms; to embrace a child; to provide for a child (children)
the last moment; the very end
to wait for a long time; to wait and wait; to eagerly await
to go out to meet; to receive; to welcome; to accept (e.g. as a member of a group or family); to call for; to summon