generally; mainly; nearly all; almost all; gist; summary; staying within bounds
to get carried away; to get overly elated; to become over-excited; to get up to speed; to move into gear
bothersome; tiresome; bother to do
jellied fish or meat broth
confident; assured; self-assured; bullish (e.g. market)
in the style of (esp. literary, artistic, etc. works); reminiscent of; attached or stretched on
flag; tag indicating a future role or status for a character in anime, games, etc. (e.g. death, love, survival)
to throw; to hurl; to give up; to abandon; to cast (a glance, shadow, doubt, etc.)
to send; to forward; to hand over (e.g. money)
getting free admission on the strength of one's name; being let in somewhere because one is recognized
irony; sarcasm; unexpected; different from what one expected; (only) surface; something superficial
(one's) superior; (one's) boss; the higher-ups
to bluff; to act brave; to put on a bold front
strong point; merit; virtue; advantage
to mask; to cover; to cloak; to hide; to conceal
to laugh away; to laugh off
making a show of one's faults
to behave; to conduct oneself; to entertain; to treat someone (to a drink); to make tea for someone (tea ceremony)
to stick through; to force through; to spread throughout; to thoroughly diffuse; to make a path between two points; to proceed in a logical manner; to let pass
defect; demerit; weak point; disadvantage
good thing; strong point; good family; prestigious school; the right moment; utter
bustling; shuffling; squirming; creepy crawly
possibly; apparently; (seem) likely; somehow or other; with difficulty; barely
to ring; to sound; to be popular; to be esteemed; to state; to insist
dots; spots; bit by bit; little by little; here and there; scattered
email; mail (usu. in compound words); post; message (sent over a chat application); instant message; male
frequently; repeatedly; eagerly; keenly; hard; terribly
to make use of aizuchi; to back-channel; to throw in interjections to show that one is paying attention
ingredient; (raw) material; unprocessed timber; raw timber; subject matter; topic
movement; move; motion; trend; development; change
everyday; daily; ordinary; usual; routine; regular
this way; this direction; here; this (one); I; me
to hang; to suspend; to hang oneself; to hoist an opponent off of his feet by his loincloth; to turn upwards (as if being pulled); to be slanted (of eyes)
to the utmost; to the best of one's ability
as much as possible; as far as possible; whenever possible; if (at all) possible
laptop (computer); notebook (computer)
intently; single-mindedly; devotedly; solely; earnestly; with all one's heart
to hit; to strike; to strike (noon, etc.); to sound (cymbals, etc.); to beat (rhythmically, e.g. pulse, waves, etc.); to move; to impress
instability; insecurity; crankiness
rattling; clattering; trembling; shivering; whining; grumbling
to shake; to sway; to waver
desktop; desk-top; tabletop; after-dinner speech