to hang one's head; to look down; to cast one's eyes downward
apt to (do); liable to; predominantly; mostly; ... reaps the rewards; ... takes the prize
to stare back at; to look back at
chest; breast; breasts; bosom; heart; lungs; stomach
quickly; swiftly; already; before; long time ago
to pound (e.g. heart); to pulse (e.g. vein); to pulsate
body; physique; shape; form; substance; identity; field
medium; average; moderation; middle school; China; volume two (of three); during (a certain time when one did or is doing something)
blood; blood; ancestry; (the) blood; feelings
to go around; to return; to surround; to concern (usu. of disputes)
space (between); gap; period of time (during, while); duration; between (two parties or things); among (a group); relations (between)
few; a little; scarce; insufficient; seldom
pretty; charming; lovely; adorable
time; hour; occasion; case; chance; opportunity
really (seem, appear, etc.); truly; evidently; in that way
to have both; to possess both; to combine with
to stare at; to gaze at; to look hard at; to watch intently; to fix one's eyes on
to catch one's breath; to gulp; to have one's breath taken away; to gasp
boo! (sound used to scare someone); ugh (dissatisfaction, aggravation); ulp (consternation)
loveable; very likeable; like very much
mistake; error; accident; mishap; improper conduct (e.g. between man and woman); indiscretion
appearing ...; looking ...; way to ...; method of; form; style
two times; twice; two degrees
to say; to utter; to name; to call; to go (e.g. "the alarm went ping"); to make a noise
absolutely; unconditionally; never (with neg. verb)
to mishear; to hear wrongly; to misunderstand
once in a lifetime; the first and last occurrence (event, experience) of one's lifetime
large; big; great; prominent; -sized; as big as; university
confession; acknowledgement; confession of love; professing one's feelings; confession of sins (e.g. the confessional)
to hold in one's arms; to carry in one's arms; to have (problems, debts, etc.); to take on (a responsibility); to employ; to have (on one's staff)
as it is; as one likes; because; condition; state
to become misty; to become hazy; to get blurry; to grow dim; to be overshadowed; to be upstaged
bright red; deep red; flushed (of face); downright (e.g. lie); complete; utter
gesture; movement; action; acting; performance
again; once more; also; too; on the other hand; while; and
cute; adorable; dear; precious; innocent; childlike
lovely; dear; beloved; pitiable; pathetic; piteous
to become confused (disconcerted, disorganized, disorganised); to be flustered; to panic; to hurry; to rush; to hasten
both hands; both arms; ten
creakingly; squeakingly; tightly (squeezing, pressing, etc.); (drinking) all in one sweep
for a short while; for a brief period; soon; in a short while