to glare at; to scowl at; to stare intensely at; to examine carefully; to estimate; to guess
that's true; of course; obviously
son of a bitch; piece of shit
comparatively; relatively; unexpectedly; unusually; considering; for one's ...
to invade; to attack; to breach; to penetrate
to take (someone) out (for a walk, to lunch, etc.); to entice out; to lure away
existing (at the present moment); alright; acceptable; to be (usu. of inanimate objects); to have
comfort; ease; easy; simple; (economically) comfortable; raku pottery
victory; triumph; conquest; success; win
shooting (a ball); shot (on basket, at goal, etc.); shoot (of a tree or plant); chute; shuuto; shootball
one long cylindrical thing; one film, TV show, etc.; one version; one book; a certain book; ippon; one point
to hit; to strike; to strike (noon, etc.); to sound (cymbals, etc.); to beat (rhythmically, e.g. pulse, waves, etc.); to move; to impress
complete blockade (seal); baseball shutout
form; shape; figure; visage
after all; in the end; conclusion; end; end of a game of go, shogi, etc.
achievement; attainment; accomplishment; realization
high praise; great admiration; rave reviews
no matter what anyone says; regardless of what is said
as one would expect; just as you'd expect (from); still; all the same; even ... (e.g. "even a genius")
indescribable; having no way to express
removal (e.g. of a building); dismantling (e.g. a tent); striking (e.g. a stage set); withdrawal (of troops); evacuation; retreating
movement; transfer; migration; mobile; moving; traveling
rest; break; recess; intermission
being very active; being very useful; playing a very active part; making a spectacular showing; great efforts; splendid work
to protect; to guard; to defend; to keep (i.e. a promise); to abide (by the rules); to observe
development; evolution; expansion; spreading out; expansion (of an algebraic expression); development (of a three-dimensional shape)
-ical; -ive; -like; -ish; (something) like; along the lines of
to go too far; to go past; to go to extremes; to overdo it
to keep within limits (e.g. spending); to restrain (e.g. emotions); to control; to hold back (e.g. an enemy); to check; to curb
attractive; good-looking; stylish; cool; smooth; neat
result; consequence; coming to fruition; bearing fruit; as a result; consequently
I know, right?; don't you agree?; I thought you'd say that!; there we go
(it was) not until; (it was) only when
to be effective; to be fruitful; to be worthwhile; to be worth; to be rewarded; to pay off
to nod one's head; to nod yes; to agree
distrust; unjust suspicion
busy; occupied; hectic; restless; hurried; fidgety
each (person); everyone; individual; respective
breaking up (e.g. meeting); dispersing (e.g. crowd); dissolving (company, organization, etc.); liquidating; dissolving (diet, parliament, etc.)
rock-paper-scissors (game); janken
chores; odd jobs; miscellaneous affairs; miscellaneous expenses
to get stuck with (some job); to end up with (something unpleasant)
there's no (other) way; cannot be helped; unavoidable; it's no use (doing); pointless; hopeless (person)