bird; bird meat (esp. chicken meat); fowl; poultry
pole; rod; line; dash; spoken monotonously
mock cavalry battle; piggyback fight
to remove; to take off; to drop (e.g. from a team); to remove (from a position); to leave (e.g. one's seat); to go away from
fighting with real swords; game played in real earnest
short-distance race; sprint
good feeling; feeling good
colored thing (clothing, fabric, paper, etc.) (coloured); variety shows
enjoyable; fun; pleasant; happy; delightful
grasp; catch; understanding
ball-toss game, in which balls are thrown into a basket on a high pole (played at sports festivals)
satisfaction; pride; one's strong point; one's forte; regular customer; regular client
at least; at most; (even) just
three; three years of age
more or less; though not quite satisfactorily; tentatively; for the time being; just in case; once
concerning; regarding; per (e.g. 100 yen per person); for every
view; opinion; finding; findings
to state; to express; to mention
to pay no attention to (while listening); to take no notice of; to ignore; to let go in one ear and out the other
to contemplate; to ponder; to think over; to turn over in one's mind; to reflect; to muse
hot (thing); passionate (feelings, etc.); ardent; hot (e.g. temper); zealous; enthusiastic; intense
love; affection; attachment; craving; agape; Ireland
to talk about; to speak of; to recite; to chant; to indicate; to show
together (with); at the same time; in a lump
to die; to pass away; to lose spirit; to lose vigor; to cease; to stop
suddenly; casually; accidentally; incidentally; unexpectedly; unintentionally
to send (a thing); to dispatch; to take or escort (a person somewhere); to see off (a person); to bid farewell (to the departed); to bury; to spend (time)
now that you mention it; come to think of it; that reminds me; on that subject; speaking of which
to continue; to last; to continue (without a break); to be unbroken; to occur again and again; to lead to; to connect to
telephone call; phone call; telephone (device); phone
email; mail (usu. in compound words); post; message (sent over a chat application); instant message; male
offensive (movement); aggression
today; this day; these days; recently; nowadays
to suddenly understand (esp. on basis of experience or memory); to come to mind; to recall (in a flash); to be reminded of; to call to mind; to think of
face; visage; look; expression; honor; honour
to disagree; to dispute; to fight (over)
to get angry; to get mad; to tell someone off; to scold; to be angular; to be square
to stream; to flow (liquid, time, etc.); to be washed away; to be carried; to drift; to float (e.g. clouds); to sweep (e.g. rumour, fire)
yearning; longing; aspiration; adoration; admiration
next (e.g. "next April"); forthcoming; coming; to come; to arrive; to be due to