in succession; one by one
somehow or other; for some reason or another; without knowing why
rural area; countryside; the sticks; hometown
granny; grandma; gran; old lady; old woman
warm and fluffy; soft; steamy hot (food); hot and flaky; feeling mentally tired; feeling of tired relief or accomplishment after effort or perseverance
somehow; for some reason; without knowing why
to live (of humans); to reside; to inhabit; to dwell; to abide
confections; sweets; candy; cake
to recommend (someone to do); to advise; to recommend (a book, someone for a position, etc.); to suggest; to offer (a drink, cigarette, seat, etc.)
look (esp. an angry or upset look); expression
anger; rage; resentment; indignation; exasperation
whole (body); full-length (e.g. portrait); systemic
to stand on end; to bristle up; to be ruffled
potato (Solanum tuberosum)
descriptive (narrative) part
seeing through (a trick, someone's mind, etc.)
already; now; no longer; not any more
to read; to recite (e.g. a sutra); to chant; to predict; to guess; to decipher; to count
to carry to extremes; to go to the end of something; to investigate thoroughly; to master
extra-sensory perception; ESP; psi; psychokinesis; PK
danger to oneself; (fear of) one's physical safety
great hurry; great haste; rush
metamorphosis; disguise; transformation; shapeshifting; morphing
to be solved; to be resolved; to loosen; to come untied; to be removed (of restrictions); to be lifted (e.g. a ban)
to return to normal; to revert to the starting point; to go back to how it was
grandmother; old woman; female senior citizen
anger; rage; fury; wrath; indignation
one's student (esp. a former one); one's pupil; one's disciple
serious; important; significant; grave; weighty
to be sad; to mourn for; to regret
being deeply moved emotionally; excitement; passion; inspiration; deep emotion; strong impression
paper scoop used in goldfish scooping
if you don't mind; if you like; if you feel up for it; if you're interested
to talk; to speak; to tell; to explain; to speak (a language)
company; corporation; workplace
delicious; tasty; sweet; attractive; appealing; convenient
long-established shop; shop of long standing; old shop
Japanese-style confectionary store
famous product; widely known (local) specialty
title deed; certificate of title
patience; perseverance; persistence; tenacity; energy