battle; fight; war; struggle; conflict
to unfold; to unroll; to open
end; tip; end (of the year, month, etc.); close; youngest child; descendants; offspring
everything; all; the whole; entirely; completely; wholly
one; for one thing; only; (not) even; just (e.g. "just try it"); some kind of; one type of
good; excellent; sufficient; enough; profitable (deal, business offer, etc.); beneficial
to be (in contrast to something that is not the case)
bad; poor; poor (quality); inferior; evil; sinful; ugly
to continue; to last; to continue (without a break); to be unbroken; to occur again and again; to lead to; to connect to
not all bad; not as dissatisfied (or annoyed) as one would have others believe
so; therefore; accordingly; like I said; I told you already
to swell; to rise; to bulge; to rouse; to get excited
amount necessary to fill a container (e.g. cupful, spoonful, etc.); drink (usu. alcoholic); full; one squid, octopus, crab, etc.; one boat; fully; to capacity
to buy; to purchase; to value; to have a high opinion; to stir; to provoke
nevertheless; at any rate; even so; all things considered; be that as it may
how long; how much; to what extent
cute; adorable; dear; precious; innocent; childlike
hindrance; obstacle; to visit (someone's home); demon who hinders Buddhist training; demon who obstructs sentient beings from maintaining moral behaviour
enjoyable; fun; pleasant; happy; delightful
small child; pipsqueak; short person; midget; small animal; runt
unrelated; irrelevant; unconcerned; unconnected
hum; hmm; hm hm (light chuckle with mouth closed); uh-huh; mm; hmm
conclusion from reasoning, judgement or calculation based on something read or heard; reason; cause; meaning; circumstances; situation
(not) even once; (not) ever
to put on (of clothing); (lit.) to put (arms) through sleeves
tag; label; game of tag; tag-team match; working together as a team
vice president (of a club or organization, organisation)
(approximate) time; around; suitable time (or condition); time of year; season
abundant; ample; plentiful; lustrous; glossy
diversion; appropriation (e.g. of funds); misappropriation; re-use (e.g. old computer parts); recycling
or something; or something like that; or words to that effect; something or other