fast (walking); quick; brisk; quick (passing of time); rapid; swift
unknown; obscure; insignificant
to rise to the surface; to come to the front; to emerge (e.g. from obscurity); to stand out (e.g. against a dark background)
to slide; to slip off; to get dislocated; to drag; to pull
to slurp; to sip (loudly); to sniffle; to sniff
wasteful; a waste; too good; more than one deserves; impious; profane
wave motion; undulation; surge; wave
returning from school; going home from school
loitering on the way; wayside grass
game arcade; video arcade; penny arcade
to ill-treat; to bully; to torment; to be tough on (e.g. one's body); to treat harshly
small wooden Japanese toy that flies when spun between the palms of one's hands
technique; art; skill; move
exclamation of surprised disappointment, disgust, or worry (yuck, ick, ack, eeew, crap!, blech, gross)
to kick; to refuse; to reject; to stamp (on the ground); to firmly press one's feet (against something)
very; much; greatly; a lot of
to become clumsy; to miss one's aim
(fictional) character; character; personality; persona
shift the responsibility (for something) on to (someone); pass the buck
stamina; endurance; physical strength; strength of an organization (e.g. profitability, productivity, economic clout, stability, growth potential)
remnant; residue; remaining; left-over
it was, wasn't it?; must have been; I think (it was); how might it have been?
with a whiff; with a puff; suddenly; abruptly; without warning
to doubt; to think (something is) doubtful; to wonder; to be suspicious
one o'clock; once; at one time; for a time; for a while; a time
shame; embarrassment; disgrace
loss; damage; harm; disadvantage; handicap; drawback
what?!; what did you say?!; why?; what for?; anyone; anything
end; finish; bounds; limits; delivery date (of a futures contract); finale (of a noh song); end of an act (in jōruri or kabuki)
to intervene; to stop (something)
foot; paw; leg; gait; pace; bottom structural component (i.e. radical) of a kanji; (arch.) money
volume (of book); reel (of film); scroll (of books or paintings); roll (paper, etc.)
drying machine; dryer; desiccator
washing machine (laundry)
book of (trade) secrets; secrets; study guide (to supplement a textbook); crib; key
haramaki; bellyband; stomach band; torso armour that opens at the back; haramaki
absurdity; contradiction; incoherence; irrelevance
to blurt out; to let slip; to say inadvertently; to come out with (e.g. nonsense)