Lyophyllum shimeji (species of edible mushroom); euagaric fungus (in grocery stores, usu. refers to cultivated field mushrooms, etc.)
common mushroom (Agaricus bisporus); white mushroom
ray (any fish of superorder Batoidea)
and; and then; thus; and now; and finally
gills; branchia; angle of the mandible; gonial angle
to raise one's voice; to shout; to yell; to speak up (e.g. in protest); to speak one's mind
one's first campaign; one's first battle
in terms of both ... and ...; from the perspective of ... as well as ...; whether it be ... or ...
predation; eating prey; preying upon
I fear that it's likely that; with all due respect
Insecta (class comprising the insects)
foot; paw; leg; gait; pace; bottom structural component (i.e. radical) of a kanji; (arch.) money
tortoise; turtle; heavy drinker; turtle crest; turtle mon
cartilaginous fishes; chondrichthyans
to reorganize; to rearrange; to put (things) in order
noisy; boisterous; turbulent (era, etc.); troubled
to look out over; to survey (scene); to take an extensive view of
severe; strict; hard (to do); difficult; intense (e.g. cold); harsh (weather)
print; printing; (printed) copy; handout; flyer
to get torn; to tear; to rip; to be broken off (of negotiations, etc.); to break down; to collapse
civilian clothes; plain clothes; mufti; plainclothes police officer
cum (e.g. bedroom-cum-study); holding both roles (e.g. Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs); and; in addition; concurrently; at the same time
to look around; to survey
recitation (of a poem); chanting; composition (of a poem); composed poem; classical Chinese poetry form; stress of sound in noh song
to give an order; to place an order; to have made to order
black; black go stone; guilt; guilty person
basic tone; underlying tone; trend; keynote
century; era; of the century (e.g. fight of the century)
(approximate) time; around; suitable time (or condition); time of year; season
café; cafe; coffeehouse; hostess bar (serving western alcoholic beverages; Taisho and Showa period)
Western (film genre); Western music (North America); country and western music