getting closer; drawing nearer; being not much different; being near (age, skill, etc.); becoming close (i.e. friendly); becoming intimate
to permit; to allow; to forgive; to pardon; to exempt (someone) from; to remit; to acknowledge
to fly about; to flutter about; to flit about; to fly past each other
indication; denotation; designation; instructions; directions
to fly; to soar; to jump; to leap; to spatter; to scatter; to hurry
prefix for forming ordinal numbers
ten; 10; ten years of age
class; level; stratum; layer; hierarchy
district; section; sector
division; section; compartment; block; plot; lot
ceiling; ceiling price; (price) ceiling
to continue; to last; to continue (without a break); to be unbroken; to occur again and again; to lead to; to connect to
triple; treble; threefold; three-ply; triplicate
wall; partition; barrier; obstacle; Chinese "Wall" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
round shape; circle; circular form
to interrupt; to obstruct (a view, someone's way, etc.); to block (light, wind, etc.); to intercept; to cut off
passage; pathway; roadway; avenue; aisle
counter for articles; counter for military units; individual
to spread out; to lay out; to take a position; to impose widely (e.g. over a city)
to project; to stick out; to stand out
gun; cannon; artillery; ordnance
speck; dot; point; only a little; particle; only one
sight (e.g. of a gun); aim; alignment
to rise to the surface; to come to the front; to emerge (e.g. from obscurity); to stand out (e.g. against a dark background)
three; three years of age
figure of a person; figures of people; shadow of a person
where; which; anyway; anyhow; sooner or later; eventually
overcoat; greatcoat; cloak; wrap; mantle
to wear; to be dressed in; to have on
to pull over one's eyes (e.g. hat); to wear pulled down over one's eyes
small build; small stature; petite; small pattern
body; group; party; gang; troupe; troop
to shine on; to illuminate; to compare (with); to refer to
figure; form; appearance; dress; state; condition
to lay bare; to expose; to reveal
precisely; exactly; plumb; damn; stupid; cursed
to disagree; to dispute; to fight (over)