to cool down; to get cold; to cool off (excitement, temper, etc.); to subside; to be cold (eyes, expression, etc.); to be composed
in drops; dripping; gently (sloping); sluggishly; endlessly; leisurely
to pay no attention to (while listening); to take no notice of; to ignore; to let go in one ear and out the other
ability to ignore bad things happening to one; power to not get upset or worked up (by ignoring something)
to be awarded (e.g. a prize); to be given an award; to be gifted or endowed (e.g. with a talent); to be blessed (e.g. with a child); to be initiated (e.g. into a secret)
juicy (i.e. having lots of juice or liquid); Okinawan rice gruel meal
to think about; to send one's heart out to; to give more than a passing thought to; to think of something far away; to think nostalgically upon (esp. one's hometown)
now that you mention it; come to think of it; that reminds me; on that subject; speaking of which
stinking; smelly; suspicious; fishy; clumsy; unskilled
population (of animals, etc.); population size; number of individuals
this (is) again; really; so; extremely
heaven-sent child (in answer to a Shinto or Buddhist prayer); child (e.g. of an era); product
to run at full speed; to run and run; to try one's hardest
cloud of dust (sand, etc.)
to approach; to draw near; to be imminent; to press (someone for something); to urge; to compel
gossip; corner of the mouth
(sense of) presence; realism; ambiance
abrupt; sudden; unexpected
to scream; to whine; to grumble; to complain
output (electrical, signal, etc.)
to be dazzled by; to be dizzied by; to be lost in (greed, lust, etc.); (arch.) to become dark
to become blunt; to grow dull; to become less capable; to weaken; to falter
to build up; to complete; to construct; to make up; to fabricate; to invent
eye measurement; measure with eye
sale; selling; selling point; gimmick; seller; vendor
lump; mass; group; crowd; embodiment (of an idea, quality, feeling etc.); personification
to emboss; to print out; to print; to work out (e.g. policy); to hammer out; to strike (a drum indicating the end of a performance)
to recover one's strength; to recover one's spirit; to revive; to be refreshed; to be invigorated; to be encouraged
to smash down; to beat in
according to plan; as planned; on target
to falter; to flinch (from); to recoil (from); to quail (at)
grooming oneself (esp. animals); mutual grooming (e.g. monkeys); social grooming; personal grooming
groan; moan; roar; growl; buzz; hum (e.g. motor)
to glare; to dazzle; to glitter
locking on (to a target, esp. by radar)
ferocious; brutal; atrocious; savage; barbarous
tensely; tightly; erectly; intuitively; instinctively; with a burst