story; tale; narrative; account; fable; legend
thesis; essay; treatise; paper; article
to write down; to note; to jot down; to remember
(medical) doctor; physician
butcher's shop; butcher; meat shop
devil; demon; Satan; the Devil; Māra; evil spirits or forces that hinder one's path to enlightenment
deep-seated grudge; hatred
plot; intrigue; scheme; conspiracy; agreement between two or more people to commit an unlawful act
to delineate; to draw; to express; to imagine
sublimation; sublimating (an emotion, impulse, etc.); channelling; diverting
near; close; close (in time); soon; close (relationship); friendly
one plot (of land); one block (i.e. one city block); one area; one brush stroke; one kanji stroke
to leave (behind); to leave (undone); to not finish; to save; to set aside; to leave (to someone, esp. after one's death)
extremely gruesome; lurid; violent; bloody; fierce
the most; the best; peerless; the greatest; first-rate
letter; missive; note; mail
play; recreation; play (theatre); performance; staging; praying
online shopping; e-commerce; mail order
soft; software; soft hat; felt hat; soft serve ice cream; softball
on the occasion of; circumstances; juncture
samurai on horseback; (medieval) knight
to draw; to paint; to depict; to describe; to picture in one's mind; to imagine
simulation; simulation (of a foul); diving; flopping
katakana; angular Japanese syllabary used primarily for loanwords
person; character; one's character; one's personality; able person; talented person
protagonist; main character; hero(ine) (of a story); head of household
to lurk; to be hidden; to be concealed; to lie dormant; to be latent
another (person); the other person; one more (person)
to make war (on); to wage war (against); to compete (against); to struggle (against adversities, etc.); to fight
to loiter; to putter; to prowl; to wander about; to roam about; to knock around
gradually (progress into a state); in sequence; in order; in turn
demon; devil; evil spirit; monster; goblin; apparition
to roll up; to enfold; to swallow up; to involve; to drag into
hypothesis; supposition; assumption
in spite of; nevertheless; although; despite; no matter the; regardless of
properly; accurately; exactly; neatly; tidily; orderly
clear; clearing (a bar, hurdle, etc.); overcoming; getting through; clearing (the ball); clearing (e.g. a checked box)
taste (in fashion, music, etc.); sense (e.g. of humour); flair